Learn Database: Mysql

Topics: All about Mysql'

Browse all answers:

What is MySQL?
What is SERIAL data type in MySQL? 
What?s the default port for MySQL Server? 
What does "tee" command do in MySQL? 
Explain about database design? 
What happens when the column is set to AUTO INCREMENT and you reach the maximum value for that table? 
How to connect mysql from jsp(Java Server Page)?
Explain the difference between MyISAM Static and MyISAM Dynamic 
How will retrieve nth level categories from one query in mysql ? 
Which version of MySQL supports Subquery? 
What does myisamchk do? 
Can you save your connection settings to a conf file? 
How to display nth highest record in a table for example?How to display 4th highest (salary) record from customer table?
what is difference between candidate key and primary key 
How do you use Outer Join in MySQL 
What are some good ideas regarding user security in MySQL? 
Explain the difference between mysql and mysqli interfaces in PHP? 
What is the Oracle rowid counterpart in MySQL? 
How do you change a password for an existing user via mysqladmin? 
Explain the difference between BOOL, TINYINT and BIT. 
State some security recommendations while using MYSQL? 
When is a declare statement needed ? 
Explain about MYSQL and its features? 
How to see the database architecture in MySQL?? 
How do you start and stop MySQL on Windows? 
Why use the MySQL Database Server?
What are the column comparisons operators?
How do you return the a hundred books starting from 25th?
What are ENUMs used for in MySQL?
What are the advantages of Mysql comparing with oracle?
How To Create a New View in MySQL? 
What Is "mysqladmin" in MySQL? 
What are the advantages of mysql comparing with oracle? 
How to create MYSQL new users? 
How do you control the max size of a HEAP table?
What happens if a table has one column defined as TIMESTAMP? 
How To Drop an Existing View in MySQL 
Explain some of the uses of MYSQL? 
What are HEAP tables in MySQL? 
What packages (if any) has Oracle provided for use by developers? 
What happens when we don?t use Console option? 
Explain federated tables 
How do you start MySQL on Linux? 
Explain about HEAP table? 
How MySQL is different from SQL? 
How do you configure mysql on linux 
Explain about MyISAM table? 
Explain about the time stamp field? 
Explain about primary keys? 
What are CSV tables? 
Explain about a security flaw which is present while creating a username? 
Explain about creating database? 
How many drivers in MYSQL? 
How To Create a Table Index in MySQL? 
What are the limitations of mysql in Comparison of Oracle? 
State some of the disadvantages present in MYSQL? 
How To Present a Past Time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds? 
What are the advantages of Mysql comparing with oracle?
What is the difference between CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH?
How do you change a password for an existing user via mysqladmin?
If the value in the column is repeatable, how do you find out the unique values?
How do you get the current version of mysql?
Is Mysql query has LETTERCASE?
How To Use Regular Expression in Pattern Match Conditions? 
How Do You Know If Your MySQL Server Is Alive? 
How To Drop an Existing Table in MySQL? 
How To Present a Past Time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds? 
What Is "mysqldump"? 
How Many SQL DML Commands Are Supported by "mysql"? 
How To Present a Past Time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds? 
State some of the disadvantages present in MYSQL? 
What are the limitations of mysql in Comparison of Oracle? 
How To Create a Table Index in MySQL? 
How To Drop an Existing Index in MySQL? 
How To Use Regular Expression in Pattern Match Conditions? 
What Is mSQL? 
What Is Primary Key? 
What Is ISAM? 
What Is MyISAM? 
What Is InnoDB? 
Differentiate the LIKE and REGEXP operators? 
What are the String types are available for a column?
What is the difference between BLOB AND TEXT?
Explain what Is MySQL? 
How To Start MySQL Server? 
How To Shutdown MySQL Server? 
What Tools Available for Managing MySQL Server? 
How To Check Server Status with "mysqladmin"? 
How To Shut Down the Server with "mysqladmin"? 
How To Use "mysql" to Run SQL Statements? 
How To Show All Tables with "mysql"? 
How To Analyze Tables with "mysqlcheck"? 
What Is "mysqlimport"? 
What Are the "mysql" Command Line Arguments? 
How Many SQL DDL Commands Are Supported by "mysql"? 
What Are the Non-Standard SQL Commands Supported by "mysql"? 
How To Get Help Information from the Server? 
How To Run "mysql" Commands from a Batch File? 
How To Return Query Output in HTML Format? 
How Many Groups of Data Types? 
What Are String Data Types? 
What Are Numeric Data Types? 
How To Escape Special Characters in SQL statements?
How To Include Numeric Values in SQL statements? 
How To Enter Characters as HEX Numbers? 
How To Enter Numeric Values as HEX Numbers? 
How Many Ways to Get the Current Time? 
How To Extract a Unit Value from a Date and Time?
What Are Date and Time Functions in MySQL? 
What Are DDL Statements in MySQL? 
What Happens If You No CREATE Privilege in a Database? 
How To Get a List of All Tables in a Database? 
What Are Date and Time Data Types in MySQL? 
How To Use CASE Expression? 
How To Use LIKE Conditions? 
How To Use IN Conditions? 
How To Calculate the Difference between Two Dates? 
How To Decrement Dates by 1 in MySQL? 
How To Include Numeric Values in SQL statements? 
How To Enter Characters as HEX Numbers? 
How To Enter Binary Numbers in SQL Statements? 
How To Enter Boolean Values in SQL Statements? 
What is the difference between BLOB AND TEXT?
How we get Sum of column?
How do you get current user in mysql?
How would you change a table to InnoDB?
How do you concatenate strings in MySQL?
How does MySQL reduce TCO?
What additional benefits does MySQL provide?
What are the Performance and Scalability characteristics of MySQL?
How Reliable is MySQL?
Is MySQL easy to Administer?
What are the key Relational Database features that MySQL provides?
What Platforms does MySQL support?
What industry standards and 3rd party tools does MySQL Support?
How does MySQL support ISV/VARs who want to distribute MySQL as part of their solution?
What is the Installed Base of MySQL?
Where can I find Customer References for MySQL?
How does database object security work with MySQL and the DB2 for i storage engine?
How do I access my existing DB2 tables/files via MySQL?
How to delete or update records of multiple tables in one go?
How do you get the month from a timestamp?
What do % and _ mean inside LIKE statement?
If you specify the data type as DECIMAL (5,2), what’s the range of values that can go in this table?
How do you get the current date in Mysql?