Learn PHP: Database

Topics: All about Database'

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What is MySQL?
What is Queries?
In how many ways we can retrieve the data in the result set of MySQL using PHP?
How can we create a database using PHP and MySQL?
How can we a connection to MySql Database?
How can closing a connection ?
How to create a table in MySQL?
How can we Insert Data Into a Database Table?
What is syntax of PHP MySQL Select?
What is the maximum length of a table name, a database name, or a field name in MySQL?
How many values can the SET function of MySQL take? 
How can we find the number of rows in a table using MySQL?
How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?
How many ways we can we find the current date using MySQL?
Give the syntax of GRANT commands?
What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR data types?
How can we encrypt and decrypt a data present in a mysql table using mysql?
What is the functionality of MD5 function in PHP?
How can I load data from a text file into a table?
How can we know the number of days between two given dates using MySQL? 
How can we change the name of a column of a table?
How can we change the data type of a column of a table?
What is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in SQL?
What are the differences between mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_object(), mysql_fetch_row()?
What are the differences between mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_object(), mysql_fetch_row()?
How can I retrieve values from one database server and store them in other database server using PHP? 
Explain mysql_error()?
Explain mysql_errno()?
How can we take a backup of a MySQL table and how can we restore it. ?
How can we optimize or increase the speed of a MySQL select query?
What are the other commands to know the structure of table using MySQL commands except explain command?
How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?
What is the difference between Primary Key and Unique key?
How can we know the number of days between two given dates using MySQL?
How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP?
What are the MySQL database files stored in system ?
In how many ways we can retrieve the data in the result set of MySQL using PHP?
What is the function mysql_pconnect() usefull for?
How the result set of Mysql be handled in PHP?
Which function gives us the number of affected entries by a query?
How do I escape data before storing it into the database?
Is it possible to protect special characters in a query string?
What is the effect of large number of data stored in a database on a website ?
How can we repair a MySQL table?
How To Insert Data into a Table?
How To Insert Rows Based on SELECT Statements?
How To Update an Existing Rows in a Table?
How To Delete an Existing Rows in a Table?
Write a select query that will be displayed the duplicated site name and how many times it is duplicated?
What are the differences between DROP a table and TRUNCATE a table? 
How can we change the data type of a column of a table? 
How to create mysql users?.
what is the difference between sql and mysql
What Do You Need to Connect PHP to MySQL?
How To Connect to MySQL from a PHP Script?
How To Create a Database?
How To Select an Exiting Database?
How To Run a SQL Statement?
How To Create a Table?
How To Insert Data into a Table?
How To Insert Rows Based on SELECT Statements?
What Is a Result Set Object?
How To Query Tables and Loop through the Returning Rows?
How To Update Existing Rows in a Table?
How To Delete Existing Rows in a Table?
How To Quote Text Values in SQL Statements?
How To Quote Date and Time Values in SQL Statements?
How To Perform Key Word Search in Tables?
How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly?
How To Set the ID Column as Auto-Incremented?
How To Get the Last ID Assigned by MySQL?