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Three m en - Sam, Cam and Laurie - are married to Carrie, Billy and Tina, but not necessarily in the same order. Sam's wife and Billy's Husband play Carrie and Tina's husband at bridge. No wife partners her husband and Cam does not play bridge. Who is married to Cam?
If you take a marker & start from a corner on a cube, what is the maximumnumber of edges you can trace across if you never trace across the same edgetwice, never remove the marker from the cube, & never trace anywhere on thecube, except for the corners & edges?
A fast typist can type some matter in 2 hours and a slow typist can type the same in 3hours. If both type jointly, in how much time will they finish?
Let S be a Set of some positive integral numbers; with an average of 47; and containing the number 83. The numbers may or may not be distinct. However ; when the number 83 is removed ; the Avg drops to 46 .What is the largest number that can be possibly contained in that Set ?
Vipul was studying for his examinations and the lights went off. It was around 1:00 AM. He lighted two uniform candles of equal length but one thicker than the other. The thick candle is supposed to last six hours and the thin one two hours less. When he finally went to sleep, the thick candle was twice as long as the thin one. For how long did Vipul study in candle light?
You are standing next to a well, and you have two jugs. One jug has a content of 3litres and the other one has a content of 5 litres. How can you get just 4 litres of waterusing only these two jugs?
There is a safe with a 5 digit number as the key. The 4th digit is 4 greater than second digit, while 3rd digit is 3 less than 2nd digit. The 1st digit is thrice the last digit. There are 3 pairs whose sum is 11. Find the number.
I bought a car with a peculiar 5 digit numbered licence plate which on reversing could still be read. On reversing value is increased by 78633. Whats the original number if all digits were different?
What is the area of the triangle ABC with A(e,p) B(2e,3p) and C(3e,5p)? where p = PI (3.141592654)
Using two 2's and two 3's and using a maxim of three mathematical signs, symbols,can you have a result in between 14 and 15? Concatenation (clubbing of digits) allowed.
At 6'o a clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and last ticks is 30 seconds. How long does it tick at 12'o.
There were two men standing on a street. The one says to the other, "I have 3 daughters, the product of their ages is 36. What is the age of the OLDEST daughter?" The second guy says, "I need more information." So, the first guy says, "The sum of their ages is equal to the address of the house across the street." The second guy looks at the address and says, "I still need more information." So, the first guy says, "My oldest daughter wears a red dress."
Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cowsand 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it take for 20 cows to do the same?
There are 111 players participating in a singles tennis tournament. The player who is losing will be out of the tournament. For each and every match, One new ball is taken. Find the no. of balls required for the entire tournament.
Mark ate half of a pizza on Monday. He ate half of what was left on Tuesday and so on. He followed this pattern for one week. How much of the pizza would he have eaten during the week?
SlowRun Express runs between Bangalore and Mumbai, For the up as well as the downjourney, the train leaves the starting station at 10:00 PM everyday and reaches the destination at 11:30 PM after three days. Mr. Haani once travelled by SlowRun Express from Mumbai to Bangalore. How many SlowRun Express did he cross during his journey?
A mule and a donkey were carrying full sacks on their backs. The mule started complaining that his load was too heavy. The donkey said to him "Why are you complaining? If you gave me one of your sacks I'd have double what you have and if I give you one of my sacks we'd have an even amount."How many sacks was each of them carrying? Give the minimal possible answer.
At the end of the year 1998, Shepherd bought nine dozen goats. Henceforth, every year he had P% of goat at the beginning of the year and sold q% at the end of the year where p>0 and q>0.If the shepherd had nine dozen goat at end of the year 2002, after making the sales for the year, which of the following is true??a) p=qb) p>qc) p<qd) p=q/2
A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 per cent certain he has a pair of black socks?
In a party of 35 people there are twice as many women as children and twice as many children as men. How many of each are there?
On taking delivery of a consignment of eggs the market stall owner was furious to find that several were cracked. In fact, on counting them up in order to assess the damage he found that 72 were cracked, which was 12 per cent of the total consignment. How many eggs in total were in the consignment?
A card player holds 13 cards of four suits, of which seven are black and six are red. There are twice as many hearts as clubs and twice as many diamonds as hearts. How many spades does he hold?
Every station on the railway system sells tickets to every other station. Some new stations were added. 46 sets of additional sets of tickets were required. How many new stations have been added? How many stations were there originally?
A farmer told his labourer to pick 896,809 apples and pack them into as few boxes as possible, each having the same number of apples. How many boxes did he use?
Place two letters in each set of brackets so that they form a word when tacked onto the letters on the left and form another word when placed in front of the letters on the right. The letters placed in the brackets must produce an eight letter word when read downwards in pairs.HE (**) LYHO (**) ARAU (**) NKCO (**) CH
A billiard table is in the form of a rectangle with integral sides and just four pockets, one in each corner. A ball shoots out of one of the pockets at angles of 45° to the sides. Will it bounce around the table or finish up in one of the pockets?
Sheffield is 100 miles from Worcester. At 1 pm train A leaves Sheffield for Worcester and travels at a constant speed of 30mph. One hour later train B leaves Worcester for Sheffield and travels at a constant speed 40mph.Each train makes one stop only at a station ten miles form its starting-point and remains there for fifteen minutes. Which train is nearer to Sheffield when they meet?
Barbara visited her High School friend, Natasha after their 25th school reunion. “What a nice pair of children you have, are they twins?“, Barbara asked. “No my sister is older than I”, said Natasha’s son Philip. “The square of my age plus the cube of her age is 7148”.“The square of my age plus the cube of his age is 5274”, said Matilda. How old were they?
5 friends live in the same road A, B, C, D, E. The numbers of B, C, D when multiplied together equals 1260. The numbers B,C, D when added equal twice E’s number, and is even. A’s number is half as much again as E’s. The road numbers run from 2 to 222. What are the 5 house numbers?
Using the five letters below only, create a nine-letter word.LOPER
Which four letter word, when placed in the brackets, will complete a word on the left and start another word on the right?RAM (****) RIDGE
A contractor had employed 100 labourers for a flyover construction task. He did not allow any woman to work without her husband. Also, atleast half the men working came with their wives.He paid five rupees per day to each man, four ruppes to each woman and one rupee to each child. He gave out 200 rupees every evening. How many men, women and children were working with the constructor?
What are the next three numbers in the given series?1 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 ? ? ?
Find the last digit of summation of the series:199 + 299 + 399 + 499 + ……… + 9899 + 9999
A certain street has 1000 buildings. A sign-maker is contracted to number the houses from 1 to 1000. How many zeroes will he need?
Ekta got chocolates to give her friends on her Birthday. If she gives 3 chocolates to each friend, one friend will get only 2 chocolates. Also, if she gives 2 chocolates to each friends, she will left with 15 chocolates. How many chocolates Ekta got on her Birthday? and how many friends are there?
Five executives of a Cultural Committee hold a conference in Mumbai. Mr. A converses in English and Marathi. Mr. B converses in Hindi and English. Mr. C converses in Marathi and Hindi. Mr. D converses in Hindi and Gujarati. Mr. E, a native Marathi, can also converse in Gujarati. If a sixth executive is brought in, to be understood by the maximum number of the original five, he should be fluent in which 2 languages?
If today is Wednesday, what is one day before the day, after the day, three days after the day before yesterday?
Ben can never tell a lie, George can never tell the truth. One of them said, "The other one said he was George". Who said that?
A girl has a certain number of pets. All but two are dogs, all but two are cats and all but two are goats. How many pets does this girl have?
There is a family party consisting of two fathers, two mothers, two sons, one father-in law, one mother-in-law, one daughter-in-law, one grandfather, one grandmother and one grandson. What is the minimum number of persons required so that this is possible?
If A+B=C, D-C=A and E-B=C, then what does D+F stands for? Provide your answer in letter terms as well as in number terms.
Find the smallest number such that if its rightmost digit is placed at its left end, the new number so formed is precisely 50% larger than the original number
There are 10 boxes containing 10 balls each. 9 boxes contain 10 balls of 10 kg each and one box contains 10 balls of 9 kg each. Tool is available for proper weighing. How can you find out the box containing 9 kg balls? You are allowed to weigh only once. You can remove balls from the boxes. All balls are of same size and color.
At University of Probability, there are 375 freshmen, 293 sophomores, 187 juniors, & 126 seniors. One student will randomly be chosen to receive an award. What percent chance is there that it will be a junior? Round to the nearest whole percent.
To move a Safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 inches in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the safe have moved forward when the rollers have made one revolution?
A class of 100 students. 24 of them are girls and 32 are not. Which base am I using?
Two planes take off at the same exact moment. They are flying across the Atlantic. One leaves New York and is flying to Paris at 500 miles per hour. The other leaves Paris and is flying to New York at only 450 miles per hour ( because of a strong head wind ). Which one will be closer to Paris when they meet?
Next number in the series is 1, 2, 4, 13, 31, 112, ?
In training for a competition, you find that swimming downstream (with the current) in a river, you can swim 2 miles in 40 minutes, & upstream (against the current), you can swim 2 miles in 60 minutes. How long would it take you to swim a mile in still water?
A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 100. Statement N says "Exactly N of the statements on this sheet are false. "How many statements are true?
What is the next number in the given series?10^3, 10^9, 10^27, 10^2, 0, 4, 8, 3, ? Note that 10^3 means 10 raised to the power of 3 i.e. 1000.
If the day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Monday, what is today?
12 members were present at a board meeting. Each member shook hands with all of the other members before & after the meeting.How many hand shakes were there?
What are the next two numbers in the given series? 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 7, 6, ?, ?
What two numbers comes next in this series?:1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 15, 30, 31, ? ?
Three men - Sam, Cam and Laurie - are married to Carrie, Billy and Tina, but not necessarily in the same order. Sam's wife and Billy's Husband play Carrie and Tina's husband at bridge. No wife partners her husband and Cam does not play bridge. Who is married to Cam?
The minute and the hour hand of a watch meet every 65 minutes.How much does the watch lose or gain time and by how much?
All of the students at a college are majoring in psychology, business, or both. 73% of the students are psychology majors, & 62% are business majors. If there are 200 students, how many of them are majoring in both psychology & business?
A positive integer that, when added to 1000 gives a sum which is greater than when multiplied by 1000. Find the positive integer.
3 blocks are chosen randomly on a chessboard. What is the probability that they are in the same diagonal?
A camp-fire was attended by 49 friends. After shaking hands, each of them sat on the round table and clinked their mug with the friends to his immediate left and immediate right. How many times did the mugs clink?
The secret agent X emailed some code to his head office. They are "RADAR, LEVEL, ROTOR, REDIVIDER, MOTOR". But four of these five words have something in common and one is fake. Can you tell which one is fake? Ignore the fact that four of the code-words are of the same length.
If 6 x 4 = 128 x 6 = 3211 x 8 = 66then 10 x 10 = ??
Pooja and Esha met each other after long time. In the course of their conversation, Pooja asked Esha her age. Esha replied, "If you reverse my age, you will get my husbund's age. He is of course older than me. Also, the difference between our age is 1/11th of the sum of our age. "Can you help out Pooja in finding Esha's age?
1/3 rd of the contents of a container evaporated on the 1st day. 3/4th of the remaining contents of the container evaporated on the second day. What part of the contents of the container is left at the end of the second day?
Of the 120 people in the room, 3/5 are women. If 2/3 of the people are married, what is the maximum number of women in the room who could be unmarried?
Jack and Jill are playing cards for a stake of $1 a game. At the end of the evening, Jack has won 3 games and Jill has won $3. How many games did they play?
What are next two numbers in the given series?2, 12, 360, 75600, ?, ?
What is the next number in the given series?0, 01, 01011, 0101101011011, ?
A man went into a fast food restaurant and ate a meal costing Rs. 105, giving the accountant a Rs. 500 note. He kept the change, came back a few minutes later and had some food packed for his girl friend. He gave the accountant a Rs. 100 note and received Rs. 20 in change. Later the bank told the accountant that both the Rs. 500 and the Rs. 100 notes were counterfeit. How much money did the restaurant lose? Ignore the profit of the food restaurant.
Find next two numbers in the series : 100, 365, 24, 60, ?, ?
The average scores of the class for exam are as follow: Average score of the boys = 90 Average score of the girls = 81 Average score of the class = 84 Find whether Class contains more Boys or Girls?
PRIMAL SERIES Decide what the next 5 figures in this series should be: 0110101000101000101000
There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each pole. A car takes 24 second to reach the 12th pole. How much will it take to reach the last pole.
A family photo contained: one grandfather, one grandmother; two fathers, two mothers; six children, four grandchildren; two brothers, two sisters; three sons, three daughters; one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, one daughter-in-law, one son-in-law 30 people you may think, but no, what is the least number of people here?
What are the next two in the series? st, nd, rd, th, th, ..., ..
Find the next two numbers in the series: 1, 8, 11, 18, 80, 81, _, _
There are 4 mugs placed upturned on the table. Each mug have the same number of marbles and a statement about the number of marbles in it. The statements are: Two or Three, One or Four, Three or One, One or Two. Only one of the statement is correct. How many marbles are there under each mug?
What are the next two numbers in this series? 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, _, _
A CAR has a value of 1 and a TRACTOR has a value of 2.What is the value of an AIRPLANE? Note that AIRPLANE costs more than CAR or TRACTOR.
There is a grid of 20 squares by 10 squares. How many different rectangles are possible? Note that square is a rectangle.
There is a number that is 5 times the sum of its digits. What is this number? Answer is not 0.
Find the next in the set: AZFR, LARU, AMAS, SBNS, KICI, ????
One side of the bottom layer of a triangular pyramid has 12 balls. How many are there in the whole pyramid? Note that the pyramid is equilateral and solid.
Consider a chessboard with a single Rook. A Rook can move any number of square sideways/forward, but not diagonally. What is the minimum number of moves the Rook needs to make, in order to pass over all the squares on the chessboard and return to the original position? Note: Take any square as a starting position for the Rook.
There are 10 cups placed on a table such that 3 are face up and 7 are bottom up. A move is defined as inverting a pair (compulsorily) of cups. What is the minimum number of moves required to make all the cups face the same way?
There are three bulbs on 19th floor and there are three switches X, Y and Z on the ground floor. Each switch belongs to one bulbs, not necessarily in order. You can switch on or off as many times you want but you can go on 19th floor only once. How will you find out which switch belongs to which bulb? Note that you are the only person over there. You can't go outside and can't use any tools.
The floor area of Milan's house is 1007 square feet. The space diagonal of the house s 59.75 feet. What will be the height of the house? Note that floor is rectangle in shape. Also, length and width are integer.
Subhash is 14 inches taller than Jatin. The difference between Subhash and Sanjeev is two inches less than between Sanjeev and Jatin. Subhash at 6'6" is the tallest. How tall are Sanjeev and Jatin?
Major Jasbir is forming five-person Special Task Group. The group must contain one leader, two bomb-experts and two soldiers. P, Q and R are possible bomb-experts. R, S and T are possible leaders. U, V and W are possible soldiers. Also, P and R prefers to work with each other in the same team. T prefers to work only if V works. How many different possible Groups, Major Jasbir can make?
You have just built a house. However, you may only take certain items into the house. You can take doors, but you aren't allowed any windows. You can't have, but you are allowed coffee. A book is okay, but no paper. Finally, you can take a puppy or kitten, but you can't take a dog or cat. Give one more thing that you can/can't take, and explain why.
A monkey starts climbing up a tree 20ft. tall. Each hour, it hops 3ft. and slips back 2ft. How much time would it take the monkey to reach the top?
A person travels in a car with uniform speed. He observes the milestone, which has 2 digits. After one hour he observes another milestone with same digits reversed. After another hour he observes another milestone with same 2 digits separated by 0. Find the speed of the car?
A lady was out for shopping. She spent half of her money in buying A and gave 1 dollar to bagger. further she spent half of her remaining money and gave 2 dollar to charity. further she spent half of remaining money n gave 3 dollar to some children. now she has left with 1 dollar. how much she had in the beginning?
Three different types of objects in a bucket. How many times does one need to select object from the bucket to get atleast 3 objects of the same type?
How many times are the hands of a clock at right angel in a day? a. 22 b. 44 c. 24 d. 48
A light bulb is hanging in the first floor of the room. There are three switches in the ground floor room. One of these switches belongs to that light bulb. The light bulb is not lit and the switches are in off state. There is only one chance to visit the room. How can it be determined which of these switch is connected to the light bulb.
Miss Anne has eleven kids in her class. She has a bowl containing eleven apples. Now Miss Anne want to divide the eleven apples to the kids, in such a way that a apple should remain in her bowl. How can Miss Anne do it?
Dr. Will wants to operate for three different persons who were wounded. But he had only two surgical gloves. There is not any blood contact between the three persons. How can Dr. Will operate for the three people with two pair of surgical gloves?
Dr. Johnson and Dr. Smith wants to operate for two persons together. But they have only three pairs of gloves. There is not any blood contact between the two persons. How can two surgeons use the three pairs of gloves?
Two fathers took their sons to a fruit stall. Each man and son bought an apple, But when they returned home, they had only 3 apples. They did not eat, lost, or thrown. How could this be possible?
Michael have ten pairs of black socks, eight pairs of white socks and seven pairs of green socks. Everything is mixed in a draw. As there is no light he were not able to identify the color of the socks. How many of the socks did he want to take to match one pair.
Anne, Olivia and Jenita are daughters of Mr.Jack, Mr.Brown and Mr.Ran. Four of these people are playing badminton doubles. Mr.Rans daughter and Mr.Jack are partners. Annes father and Mr.Browns daughter are also partners. There are not any father-daughter combinations. Who is Anne's father?
John, Jenita, Maria and Julie went to a shop. Each picked a colorful ball of a different favorite color. The colors are Yellow, Violet, Green and Red. John and Maria both do not like violet. The person who likes red is a girl. Jenita likes green, but it is not her favorite color. Jenitas favorite color is either green or yellow, although she can have only one favorite color. John likes red, but it is not his favorite color.
There are three boxes in a table. One of the box contains Gold and the other two are empty. A printed message contains in each box. One of the message is true and the other two are lies. The first box says "The Gold is not here". The Second box says "The Gold is not here". The Third box says "The Gold is in the Second box". Which box has the Gold?
A peasant is convicted in China. He gets the death penalty. The judge allows him to say a last sentence in order to determine the way the penalty will be carried out. If the peasant lies, he will be hanged, if he speaks the truth he will be beheaded. The peasant speaks a last sentence and to everybody surprise some minutes later he is set free because the judge cannot determine his penalty. What did the peasant said?
There are 10 barrels containing gold coins. In that, 9 barrels contains 1 gram gold coins and the other barrel contains 2 gram coins. Every coin looks to be same without any difference. As the barrels weigh more, so it cannot be lifted or moved from its place. There is a weighing machine which is allowed to weigh only once. How to find that which of the barrels contain 2 gram coins.
Midas has boxes in three sizes: large, medium, and small. He puts 11 large boxes on a table. He leaves some of these boxes empty, and in all the other boxes he puts 8 medium boxes. He leaves some of these medium boxes empty, and in all the other medium boxes he puts 8 (empty) small boxes. Now, 102 of all the boxes on the table are empty. How many boxes has Midas used in total?
A bottle fully contains honey. The honey bottle weighed 1.5kg. Then the bottle was weighed with half of the honey, it was 900 grams. Now guess what would be the weight of the bottle?
Jack sells apples in the market. First day he sells 1234 apples. Second day he sells 1456 apples. On the third day, he sells 134 less than the second day. How many apples are sold in three days?
Jennifer arranged for a party and had a basket full of strawberries. She ate 5 strawberries before the party and gave a friend 3. Eight girls came to the party. First girl took one strawberry, second one took three strawberries, third took five strawberries and so on. The basket was empty after the last person took hers. How many strawberries did Jennifer had?
Tina have some parrots and some cages for it. If she put 4 parrots into each cage then she will have one cage left. If she put 3 parrots into each cage then she will have one parrot left over. How many parrots and cages does she have?
You have a basket containing ten apples. You have ten friends, who each desire an apple. You give each of your friends one apple. After a few minutes each of your friends has one apple each, yet there is an apple remaining in the basket. How?
A frog is at the bottom of the well which is 20 meters deep. Everyday the frog jumps 5 meters upwards and fall 4 meters down. How many days it will take for the frog to reach the top?
You have three bags, each containing two marbles. Bag A contains two white marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles, and Bag C contains one white marble and one black marble. You pick a random bag and take out one marble. It is a white marble. What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white?
Jeff, Martin, Benoit and Rock played basketball and scored different points as 24, 10, 6 and 28. Jeff scored 4 times as many points as Rock. Martin scored more points than Benoit and Rock.
Sequence of numbers 1 11 21 1211 111221 What will be the next one in the above sequence?
How many steps are required to break an m x n bar of chocolate into 1 x 1 pieces? You can break an existing piece of chocolate horizontally or vertically. You cannot break two or more pieces at once (so no cutting through stacks).
Jim, Jeanne, Louis and Anne wants to cross the bridge at night. They have only one torch light with them. Only two can cross the bridge at a time. They need torch light to cross the bridge. Each of them walks at a different speed. Jim needs 1 minute, Jeanne needs 2 minutes, Louis needs 5 minutes and Anne needs 10 minutes. A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower person. How these people can cross the bridge within 17 minutes?
A man is caught on the King's property. He is brought before the King to be punished. The King says, "You must give me a statement. If it is true, you will killed by lions. If it is false, you will be killed by trampling of wild buffalo." But in the end, the King has to let the man go. What was the man's statement?
In the middle of an otherwise empty field there lies a man wearing a pack. He is dead. There are no other clues visible. How did he die?
Man works on the 10th floor and always takes the elevator down to ground level at the end of the day. Yet every morning he only takes the elevator to the 7th floor and walks up the stairs to the 10th floor, even when is in a hurry. Why?
There are 8 identical balls. In that one of the ball is overweight. There are only two chances to weigh in the weighing machine. How to find the overweight ball?
A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. But the bartender takes out a gun and aims it at the man's head. The man says "Thank You" and walks out. Why?
There are 27 identical balls. In that one of the balls is overweight. There are only three chances to weigh in the weighing machine. How to find the overweight ball?
A Man carries his son into the hospital because his son has a nail in his foot. The Surgeon then walks in and says "I cannot operate on this boy … he is my son".What is going on here?
A farmer wants to cross a river and take with him a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. There is a boat that can fit himself plus either the wolf, the goat, or the cabbage. If the wolf and the goat are alone on one shore, the wolf will eat the goat. If the goat and the cabbage are alone on the shore, the goat will eat the cabbage. How can the farmer bring the wolf, the goat, and the cabbage across the river?
Four adventurers (Alex, Brook, Chris and Dusty) need to cross a river in a small canoe. The canoe can only carry 100kg. Alex weighs 90kg, Brook weighs 80kg, Chris weighs 60kg and Dusty weighs 40 kg, and they have 20kg of supplies. How do they get across?
Four people are traveling to different places on different types of transport. Their names are: Rachel, John, Mr. Jones and Cindy. They either went on train, car, plane or ship. * Mr. Jones hates flying* Cindy has to rent her vehicle* John gets seasick
I have three special four-sided dice. They have one letter on each side. When I roll them together I get three random letters which I try t rearrange into a word. In my eight goes so far I have made the words: CAT, SON, POD, RIG, PEG, TAP, DIN, APE What are the letters on each dice?
There are five gears connected in a row, the first one is connected to the second one, the second one is connected to the third one, and so on. If the first gear is rotating clockwise what direction is the fifth gear turning?
A boy and a girl are talking. "I am a boy" - said the child with black hair." I am a girl" - said the child with white hair. At least one of them lied. Who is the boy and who is the girl?
There are three people (Alex, Brook and Cody), one of whom is a knight, one a knave, and one a spy. The knight always tells the truth, the knave always lies, and the spy can either lie or tell the truth. Alex says: "Cody is a knave. "Brook says: "Alex is a knight. "Cody says: "I am the spy. "Who is the knight, who the knave, and who the spy?
Two fathers took their sons fishing. Each man and son caught one fish, but when they returned to camp there were only 3 fish. How could this be? (None of the fish were eaten, lost, or thrown back.)
At the Pet Show recently I noticed that all except two of the entries were cats, all except two were dogs, and all except two were fish. How many of each animal were at the Pet Show?
A man on a park bench is looking at a small portrait. You ask him, "Who is that in the picture?" The man says, "Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man's father, is my father's son." Can you tell what person is in the picture?
You want to send a secret message to your friend Alex in the mail. But Sam, who you don't trust, has access to all your mail. So you put your message in a box with a lock. But you are not allowed to send a key! How can you get your message through securely?
At a restaurant downtown, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and Mr. White meet for lunch. Under their coats they are wearing either a red, blue, or white shirt. Mr. Blue says, "Hey, did you notice we are all wearing different colored shirts from our names?" The man wearing the white shirt says, "Wow, Mr. Blue, that's right! "Can you tell who is wearing what color shirt?
There are five gears connected in a row, the first one is connected to the second one, the second one is connected to the third one, and so on. How much faster would the last gear be if the second gear was twice the size of the first gear, and all the other gears were the same size as the first gear?
In a boarding school there are fifteen schoolgirls who always take their daily walks in groups of three. How can it be arranged so that each schoolgirl walks in a group with two different companions every day for a week (7 days)?
At a restaurant, how could you choose one out of three desserts with equal probability with the help of a coin? Bonus: What if the coin is biased and the bias is unknown?
Given only one of each letter in the alphabet, what are the smallest and largest numbers that you could write down?
Mrs Mess was buying a set of garden furniture. The bill was seventy dollars. She gave the attendant what she thought were two $50 notes, (actually two $100 notes).The attendant was sleepy and didn't notice either, so he gave Mrs Mess what he thought were three $10 notes (actually three $50 notes).Who ended up better off than they should?
The story is told of the enterprising young farmer who crossed a sheep with a frog. Before long he had a sign outside the farm: "Woolly Jumpers For Sale". I digress. Let's have some order round here! Write out the numbers from 1 to 20 in words: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Now put them in ALPHABETICAL order. Which number stays where it is?
"What day do you go back to school, Horace?" asked his grandmother one day. "Well," Horace replied, "Nine days ago, the day before yesterday was three weeks before the second day of term. "If Horace had this conversation on a Sunday, what day of the week did he start school?
Party Time! Several people of different ages brought things for the party: Charlie, who's 12, brought the POTATO CRISPS. Wayne brought the FIZZY LEMONADE (he's 13). Helen (11) brought the PAPER PLATES, and her brother Peter (9) brought the PAPER CUPS. Sheila is the same age as Charlie: she brought the PARTY POPPERS. Young Horace brought the PEANUTS: how old is he? Have a great party!
By moving one of the following digits, make the equation correct. 62 - 63 = 1
You have a fox, a chicken and a sack of grain. You must cross a river with only one of them at a time. If you leave the fox with the chicken he will eat it; if you leave the chicken with the grain he will eat it. How can you get all three across safely?
You have 12 black socks and 12 white socks mixed up in a drawer. You're up very early and it's too dark to tell them apart. What's the smallest number of socks you need to take out (blindly) to be sure of having a matching pair?
What is special about the following sequence of numbers? 8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0
Three travelers register at a hotel and are told that their rooms will cost $10 each so they pay $30. Later the clerk realizes that he made a mistake and should have only charged them $25. He gives a bellboy $5 to return to them but the bellboy is dishonest and gives them each only $1, keeping $2 for himself. So the men actually spent $27 and the bellboy kept $2. What happened to the other dollar of the original $30?
You are the bus driver. At your first stop, you pick up 29 people. On your second stop, 18 of those 29 people get off, and at the same time 10 new passengers arrive. At your next stop, 3 of those 10 passengers get off, and 13 new passengers come on. On your fourth stop 4 of the remaining 10 passengers get off, 6 of those new 13 passengers get off as well, then 17 new passengers get on. What is the color of the bus driver's eyes?
A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof. Which side is the egg going to roll off on?
Why is it very common to have a 9 minute snooze interval on alarm clocks, why not 10 instead?
An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to the city. What does the wise man say?
An 18-wheeler is crossing a 4 kilometer bridge that can only support 10,000 kilograms and that's exactly how much the rig weighs. Halfway across the bridge a 30 gram sparrow lands on the cab, but the bridge doesn't collapse. Why not?
A completely black dog was strolling down Main street during a total blackout affecting the entire town. Not a single streetlight had been on for hours. As the dog crosses the center of the road a Buick Skylark with 2 broken headlights speeds towards it, but manages to swerve out of the way just in time. How could the driver see the dog to swerve in time?
In a small cabin in the woods, two men lay dead. The cabin itself is not burned, but the forest all around is burned to cinders. How did the men die?
Ida puts her coffee into the microwave, as she does every morning, for exactly 2 minutes. When the microwave goes off, she opens the door, but then closes the door again and sets the microwave for 2 more seconds. What good would 2 more seconds be?
Beulah died in the Appalachians while Craig died at sea. Everyone was much happier with Craig's death. Why?
I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one canary per cage, I have one bird too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and canaries do I have?
Here is a series of numbers. What is the next number in the sequence? 11121121111122131221113112221
What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?
If you had a ton of feathers and a ton of stones which would be heavier?
Tom's mother has three children. One is named April, one is named May. What is the third one named?
Two women apply for a job. They are identical and have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, "Are you twins?" to which they honestly reply, "No". How is this possible?
If a bottle and a cork cost a dollar and a nickel, and the bottle costs a dollar more than the cork, how much does the cork cost?
A boat has a ladder that has six rungs. Each rung is one foot apart. The bottom rung is one foot from the water. The tide rises at 12 inches every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in one hour.When the tide is at its highest, how many rungs are under water?
You have a lighter and two fuses that take exactly one hour to burn, but they don't burn at a steady rate. For example, one fuse could take 59 minutes to burn the first inch and then burn the rest of the fuse in the last minute.How would you use these two fuses to measure 45 minutes?
A man is looking at a picture of a man on the wall and states: Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is the man in the picture in relation to the man looking at the picture?
A prisoner is told "If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you." What can he say to save himself?
How many people can read hex if only you and dead people can read hex?
A man is traveling with a fox and two chickens, if he leaves the fox alone with the chickens the fox will eat the chickens. He comes to a river and needs to cross it, he finds a small boat that can carry only him and one animal, how does he get himself, the fox and two chickens across the river safely?
A man and his son had a terrible car accident and were rushed to the hospital. The man died on the way, but the son was still barely alive. When they arrived, an old gray surgeon was called in to operate. Upon seeing the young boy, the surgeon said, "I can't operate - this is my son."How is this possible?
You're riding a horse. To the right of you is a cliff and in front of you is an elephant moving at the same pace and you can't overtake it. To the left of you is a hippo running at the same speed and a lion is chasing you. How do you get to safety? Show the answer » Link
You have four chains. Each chain has three links in it. Although it is difficult to cut the links, you wish to make a single loop with all 12 links. What is the fewest number of cuts you must make to accomplish this task?
Walking down the street one day, I met a woman strolling with her daughter. "What a lovely child," I remarked. "In fact, I have two children," she replied. What is the probability that both of her children are girls?
Three closed boxes have either white marbles, black marbles or both, and they are labeled white, black and both. However, you're told that each of the labels are wrong. You may reach into one of the boxes and pull out only one marble. Which box should you remove a marble from to determine the contents of all three boxes?
You are given eight coins and told that one of them is counterfeit. The counterfeit one is slightly heavier than the other seven. Otherwise, the coins look identical. Using a simple balance scale, how can you determine which coin is counterfeit using the scale only twice?
What number comes next? 2, 2, 4, 12, 48, ___
You are a prisoner sentenced to death. The Emperor offers you a chance to live by playing a simple game. He gives you 50 black marbles, 50 white marbles and 2 empty bowls and instructs you to divide the 100 marbles into the two bowls. You can divide them however you want as long as all the marbles are in the bowls. You will be blindfolded and the bowls and marbles will be thoroughly mixed. You will then choose a single marble from one of the bowls. If the marble is white, you live. Black and you will be put to death. How do you divide the marbles up so that you have the greatest probability of choosing a white marble?
What is the next number in this series?1, 2, 6, 42, 1806?
If:2 3 = 107 2 = 636 5 = 668 4 = 969 7 = ??
What do the following numerals represent?11111121113122223222
You must buy 100 chickens for exactly $100, and purchase at least one chicken from each store. The first store charges 5 cents/chicken, the second charges $1/chicken and the third charges $5/chicken. How many chickens should you buy from each store?
What is special about the following number sequence? 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 6, 10, 3, 2, 0
Which two numbers are missing and where do they go in the sequence? 8, 11, 5, 14, 1, 7, 6, 10, 13, 3, 12, 2
What 4-digit number abcd satisfies this equation? 4 * abcd = dcba
Bill buys three items at the store for exactly $100. The second item costs half as much as the first item, and the third item is half as much as the second. How much did each one cost?
A man was killed on Sunday morning. His wife found the body and called the police. The police arrived and questioned the chef, maid, butler, and gardener. Their alibis were: Chef - making breakfast Maid - getting mail Butler - setting table Gardener - watering plants The police immediately arrested the criminal. Who was it and how did they know?
This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching
A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
Name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday.
A plane crashed on the border or US and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?
There are six glasses in a row. The first three are full of water, and the next three are empty. By moving only one glass how can you make them alternate between full and empty?
What four weights can be used to balance from 1 to 30 pounds?
Given these equations, what is the answer to the last one? 5 3 2 = 1510129 2 4 = 1836628 6 3 = 4824665 4 5 = 2025047 2 5 = ?
44 33 555 555 666 9 666 777 555 3 What is the message in this code?
Two men are standing on one side of a bridge and two women are approaching them. One of the men says, "Here comes my wife and daughter" to which the second man replies, "Here comes my wife and daughter". If they have not married the same woman and the women aren't pregnant, how is this true?
Rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one word.
Two fathers and two sons go fishing together in the same boat. They all catch a fish but the total catch for the day is 3 fish. How is this possible?
A green glass door admits only certain objects. Apples and balls are allowed, but pears and bats aren't. What determines whether an item can enter?
B,C,D,E,G,P What is the next letter in the sequence?
A mile-long train is moving at sixty miles an hour when it reaches a mile-long tunnel. How long does it take the entire train to pass through the tunnel?
First, think of the color of clouds. Next think of the color of snow. Last, think of the color of the moon. Now, what do cows drink?
Rhonda will go see ballet but not the opera. Her favorite number is eight and she doesn't like nine. She likes salmon but not trout. She hates Mondays and likes Wednesdays. Does she use a comb or a brush?
On a regular 12-hour digital clock how many times would the same three digits in a row be displayed (e.g. 1:11, 11:12, 12:22) in one day?
A man says his dog can jump over his house. No one believes him but he is right. How is that possible?
A plane with 50 passengers crashes and everyone is killed, but there were only 49 bodies. How is this possible?
5 cats can catch 5 mice in 5 minutes. How many cats does it take to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?
A man saw a snake crossing the road and swerved to crush it with his tires. All the street lights were off as well as the car's headlights. There were no other lights on along the road. How did the man see the snake?
A six-digit number represented by ABCDEF (each letter represents a different number) can be multiplied by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and yet no new digits appear in the result. As a matter of fact, all the digits are rotated. What is the number?
Five pigeons are sitting on a fence. The farmer comes out and shoots one. How many are left?
There's a green ranch house on a green street with green walls, tables and chairs. What color is the staircase?
What do these represent?24 = HiaD26 = LotA7 = DotW9 = LoaC 12 = SotZ88 = PK
A man leaves home, turns left, goes straight, turns left again, goes straight and turns left once more then returns home and there's another man with a mask on. What's going on?
How do you pronounce Ghoti?
A man is leaving on a business trip and stops by his office on the way to the airport. The night watchman stops him and says, "Sir, don't take that flight. I had a dream last night that your plane would crash and everyone would die!" The business man cancels his trip and sure enough, the plane crashes, killing all the passengers. The man gives his watchman a $10,000 reward for saving his life, then fires him. Why?
What is the only anagram of Springiest?
If you were to spell out the numbers, how far would you have to go before encountering the letter 'A'?
How can you alter the following equation by a single stroke to make it correct?5 + 5 + 5 = 550
How do you get from cold to warm in four steps, changing only one letter at a time?
You are in a room with no windows, doors or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape? (Not a typical brain teaser)
A sharpshooter hangs up his hat, turns around and walks 50 meters, then turns around and shoots his gun, putting a hole right through his hat. How did he do it?
What do the following words have in common?current, by, dew, faze, loan, ate
How do you turn 2 into 5?
A circular island with a diameter of 30 feet has a 30 foot tree stands at the center. A man cuts the tree down with his chainsaw, making the cut a foot up from the ground. The tree comes crashing down and hits the water but doesn't splash. Why not?
What word or expression does this represent?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ
What is the missing number?2 3 4 15 123 4 5 28 204 5 6 45 305 6 7 66 426 7 8 ?? 56
Two children were playing checkers and each played five games. Both children won the same number of games yet there were no ties. How is this possible?
Mike, Jimmy, Nader, Kevin, and Larry were the top five finishers in the regional 500-mile race. They drove yellow, orange, green, red and blue cars but not necessarily in that order. Neither Kevin nor Larry drove the green car. Kevin finished faster than Mike and Larry. The blue car finished earlier than Larry's and Nader's car. The yellow car finished faster than the green car and the orange car. Mike's and Larry's car finished ahead of the orange car. Jimmy's car finished before the blue and the yellow car. Who drove what color car and what place did each driver finish?
How can you put 21 pigs in 4 pigpens and still have an odd number of pigs in each pen?
A snail creeps 10 feet up a wall during the daytime, then falls asleep. It wakes up the next morning and discovers it slipped down 6 feet. If this happens each day, how many days will it take to reach the top of a 22 foot wall?
While driving his car a man slams on the brakes when he sees, in the middle of the street, a diamond studded door, a gold door and a silver door. Which door does he open first?
What 3 digit number has a tens digit that is 5 more than the ones digit and a hundreds digit that is 8 less than the tens digit?
What is N? 6, 9, 27, 54, N, 2241
ack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person? A) Yes B) No C) Cannot be determined
Ronald has a rare opportunity to meet the President of the United States. During his visit the president gives him a gift but tells Ronald he is never to sell it unless he sees the president again. Ronald consents, but the president dies later that year. Years later a man offers to buy the President's gift for $1000. Ronald agrees and exchanges the gift for 20 crisp $50 bills. Did he keep his promise?
Two scruffy dogs were walking down the street. The first dog turned to the other and said, "Do you realize that if one of your fleas jumped onto me we would have the same number of fleas?" The second replied, "Yes, but if one of your fleas jumped onto me I would have five times as many fleas as you." How many fleas are on each dog to begin with
You are in the woods with owls and wolves. There are 22 eyes and 32 legs. How many owls and wolves are there?
A man owed his friend $63 and repaid him the exact amount in cash without using coins or $1 bills (no online transfers, checks, credit cards or any other tricks) and without requiring change. How did he do it?
Fill in the blanks with the same 4 letters to make 5 different words. A ____ old woman on ____ bent, picked up her ____ and away she went. “____ my son” she was heard to say, “what shall we do to ____ today?”
Two boys weighing 50 pounds each and their older brother weighing 100 pounds wish to cross a river. Their boat will only hold 100 pounds. How can they all cross the river in the boat?
Perform this calculation in your head, mentally adding the numbers as quickly as you can. Start with 1000 and add 40. Now add 1000. Add 30 to that, then add another 1000. Now add 20 to that result. Add another 1000 and finally, add 10 to that. What is the total?
When can ten plus ten equal ten, yet ten minus ten equal twenty?
Read this sentence. Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years. How many times does the letter F appear?
A clock loses exactly ten minutes every hour. If the clock is set correctly at noon, what is the correct time when the clock reads 3:00pm?
Eat flush to my nose tree times for they buy dead by too. What is the answer?
What number belongs at the beginning of this sequence? ?, 3, 2, 3, 9, 2, 4, 8, 4, 3, 7, 6
A man is running across a field at night clutching something in his arms as several other men pursue him. He looks back and sees they're getting closer. In a final burst of effort his pursuers catch up and bring him crashing to the ground. His pursuers stand over him but do not touch him or take what he was carrying. Why not? Who was the running man?
Two cowboys live next door to each other and both have a corral for their cows in the back. One day they meet at the back of their homes, standing next to a wall dividing their corrals. The first cowboy gets to thinking and asks his neighbor for a cow so he can double his herd. The other cowboys replies, "That's fine by me partner, cuz then we'll have the same number of cows?" How many cows does each cowboy own?
Given the numbers 1, 6, 7 and 9, find an equation that equals 24. You may only use each digit once.
A taxi driver runs through four red lights, two stop signs and goes through a house. A police officer witnesses this but doesn't do anything. Why not?
O, S, C, Y, S, B, T, D, ? What is the next letter in the sequence?
If a plane sits on a conveyer belt whose speed matches that of the plane in the opposite direction, can the plane take off?
Go back. You must strive to find a way to stay alive. What is 4+no.5?
What letter comes next? O T T F F S S
Without changing the order of these numbers, how can they equal 100? 3 5 6 2 54 5
Ralph goes to the hardware store to buy something for his house. He asks the clerk how much one will cost and the clerk looks it up and tells him it will be $3. He asks about buying twelve and is told it will be $6. Two hundred will cost $9. What is Ralph buying?
What 6-letter word has the same pair of letters in spots 1 and 5, a different pair in spots 2 and 6 and contains a 'u' in between?
Alfred and Bill are clerks at the local grocery store. Alfred can stock a shelf in 20 minutes, but Bill is new and takes 30 minutes. How long would it take for them to stock a shelf together?
A red-house is made of red bricks, has a red wooden door and a red roof. A yellow-house is made of yellow bricks, has a yellow wooden door and a yellow roof. What is a green-house made of?
Your are given the numbers 777, 888 and 999. Using the numbers once and adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing, how can you make 999?
Three rooms contain, 1) Gold coins, 2) Currency notes and 3) Cotton bags. If all three rooms catch fire, which room will the ambulance pour water on first?
A boat full of people goes under a bridge and when it comes out the other side not a single person is on it. How can this be?
On a dark, stormy Halloween night, four kids named Luke, John, Sarah and Bob walk into a haunted house during a blackout. Only one can escape. They take a staircase to the second floor, a trapdoor on the left, then go up the ladder to the right, followed by a 28-foot slide to the basement through the mouth of a Giant Panda. In one corner of the murky cellar is a chainsaw, a dagger, a rope with a noose and an electric chair. Written on the wall in blood are the words, "Only one will survive - choose your death!" Bob takes the rope, Sarah picks up the dagger, John chooses the chainsaw and Luke uses the chair. Who survives?
SO, ND, JF, MA, __, __ What are the next two pairs of letters?
He was the perfect gentleman even though his nephew couldn't see it. Who was he?
On a game show there are three closed doors - one hides a car and the other two conceal a goat. The contestant selects a door, which remains closed, and the host, knowing where the car is hidden, reveals a goat behind one of the remaining two doors. The contestant is then given the option to switch doors or stay with the one they originally selected. What should the contestant do to have the best chance of winning the car?
What word can be written forward, backward or upside down while still remaining the same word?
How can you cross out four letters from the word LIVING to leave six remaining?
When Randolph asked Hilda how old she was, Hilda replied that in two years she would be twice as old as she was five years ago. How old is Hilda?
The 17 items in your shopping cart weigh 8 pounds. But when your daughter puts in a ball, poster board and yo-yo the shopping cart weighs less. How is that possible?
Jim and Wanda both have some apples. If Jim gives Wanda an apple, they will both have the same number of apples. However, if Wanda gives Jim an apple, Jim will have twice as many as Wanda. How many apples do Jim and Wanda each have?
A mother of three children had six apples. She gave two to each and yet 4 remained. How was this possible?
Two days ago Lilly was 7 years old. Next year she will turn 10. How can this be?
If two hours ago it was as long after one o'clock in the afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning, what time is it right now?
A man gets off the bus looking for an address and approaches a couple walking in the same direction for directions. The woman says they're going that way and take him. Along the way the man asks if they're related. The woman grins and says, "We're not strangers. This man's mother is my mother's mother-in-law." The man is confused but doesn't say anything. When he gets back home he tells his wife about the conversation and she can't figure it out either. They decide to ask their lawyer and he eventually works it out with pen and paper. How are the couple related?
From a basket of mangoes when counted in twos there was one extra, counted in threes there were two extra, counted in fours there were three extra, counted in fives there were four extra, counted in sixes there were five extra, but counted in sevens there were no extras. At least how many mangoes were there in the basket?
A dad told his son he would give him $5 for every correct answer on his math test. His son replied that he would pay $8 for every incorrect answer. There were 26 questions on the test and no money was exchanged. Why?
A dad offered to pay his son $5 for every correct answer on his math test. His son said he would pay his Dad $8 for every incorrect answer. There were 26 questions on the test and no money was exchanged. How?
011 235 813 213 ??? What comes next?
How do you get 24 from 9, 6, 11 and 3 using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
A man without eyes saw plums on a tree, He didn't take plums nor plums did he leave. How can this be?
Phil asks his friend Stan when his birthday is. Stan replies that he was 32 the day before yesterday and next year he'll be 35. When is his birthday and how is this possible?
What is half of 8? (Hint: It's not 4)
What is the longest word in the English dictionary?
If you and a friend have the same amount of apples, how many does she need to give you in order to have 10 more apples than her?
How can you write a date in 5 letters without using any numbers?
How many of each animal did Moses take on the ark?
What do the following words have in common? far, blow, bacon, lather, fasting, wariness, pacemaker
How is 7 different from the rest of the numbers from 1-10?
Using all the digits from 1 to 7, what two numbers have the largest product? For example, 1234 x 567 = 699678 but you can do much better than that.
Three ants are walking in the same direction. The first ant has two ants behind him, the second ant has one in front and one behind, but the third ant has one in front and one behind too. How is this possible?
How can the numbers 6, 1, 7 and 9 be arranged to make 24?
You are a spy and need to send an item to a contact in another country without letting anyone else have access to it. All unlocked items will be opened in transit. How can you send this item securely?
There are six men carrying a box holding six cats and each cat has 6 kittens. How many legs are there in total?
What does this represent? chimadena
A man wants to get into a night club where the bouncers test each person before they can enter. The man waits and watches. A woman walks up to the bouncers and the bouncers say 6. The woman replies with 3 and goes in. A small man walks up and they say 12. The man replies 6 and is admitted. The first guy thinks he's figured it out and walks up. They say 4 and the man replies with 2, but they don't let him in. What should he have said?
Tanya is older than Eric. Cliff is older than Tanya. Eric is older than Cliff. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is A.true B.false C.uncertain
Create a number using only the digits 4,4,3,3,2,2,1 and 1. So i can only be eight digits. You have to make sure the ones are separated by one digit, the twos are separated by two digits the threes are separated with three digits and the fours are separated by four digits
If you throw me from the window, I will leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but in the door, and You'll see someone giving life! What am I?
In front of you, there are 9 coins. They all look absolutely identical, but one of the coins is fake. However, you know that the fake coin is lighter than the rest, and in front of you is a balance scale. What is the least number of weightings you can use to find the counterfeit coin?
What does this message say? G T Y O R J O T E O U I A B G T Hint : Count the letters and try splitting the letters up into groups.
A man and his son are in a car accident. The father dies on the scene, but the child is rushed to the hospital. When he arrives the surgeon says, "I can't operate on this boy, he is my son! " How can this be true?
A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trousers, lumper, gloves andbalaclava. He is walking down a black street with all the street lamps off. A black car is coming towards him with its light off but somehow manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man?
A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone else at the party who drank the punch subsequently died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?
A man walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says 'Thank you' and walks out.
There is a man who lives on the top floor of a very tall building. Everyday he gets the elevator down to the ground floor to leave the building to go to work. Upon returning from work though, he can only travel half way up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way unless it's raining! Why?
Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?
A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?
Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?
What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?
Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?
In British Columbia you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg is white” or “The yolk of the egg are white?”
A farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in another. How many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field?
My grandson is about as many days as my son in weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years ?
There is a certain crime, that if it is attempted, is punishable, but if it is committed, is not punishable. What is the crime?
A donkey behind another donkey I'm behind that second donkey But there is a whole nation behind me It is a murder you can describe in a word.
On my way to St. Ives I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives. How many were going to St. Ives?
A donkey travels the exact same distance daily. Strangely 2 of his legs travels 40 kilometers and the remaining two travels 41 kilometers. Obviously 2 donkey legs cannot be a 1km ahead of the other 2.The donkey is perfectly normal. So how come this be true ?
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
In Sahara desert , 3 men found a big 24L Jar is full of water. Since there is shortage of water so they decided to distribute the water among themselves such that they all have equal amounts of it. But they only have a 13L, a 5L and an 11 liter Jar. How do they do it?
Ankit Garg holidaying abroad fell off a yacht into deep water. He could not swim and he was not wearing anything to keep him afloat. It took 30 minutes for the people on the yacht to realize someone was missing. The missing man was rescued two hours later. Why didn't he drown?
What happened when wheel was invented?
4 fathers, 2 grand-fathers and 4 sons went to watch the movie. What is the minimum number of the tickets they need to buy ?
If two painters can complete two rooms in two hours, how many painters would it take to do 18 rooms in 6 hours?
Sean caught a prize fish last weekend. He was going to measure it but realized that his ruler was not long enough. He was able to measure the head and discovered that it was 9cm long, he then measured the tail and found that it was the length of the head plus half the length of the body. If the body was the length of the head plus the tail, what is the total length of the fish?
If it takes 2 garage mechanics 3 hours to repair 6 cars, how many mechanics would it take to repair 22 cars in 5 hours?
Gill’s puppy was growing fast. In the first five days since she got it it had eaten 100 dog biscuits. If each day it had eaten 6 more than the previous day, how many biscuits had it eaten on the first day?
Edward spent $21 on drinks for a party. If the bottle of vodka he purchased was twice the price of the case of beer, and the lemonade was half the price of the beer, how much did Edward spend on the beer?
Simon, Steve and Stewart are all apple farmers who pool their crop each year to make cider. For this year’s harvest, Steve supplied three times as many apples as Stewart, and Simon supplied twice as many apples as Steve. If the total number of apples supplied is 900 tonnes, how many did each of them contribute?
If the price off a dress was cut by 20% for a sale, by what percentage off the sale price must it be increased by to resell it at the original price?
There is a number which is very peculiar. This number is three times the sum of its digits. Can you find the number ?
There is a number which is greater than the aggregate of its third, tenth and the twelfth parts by 58. Can you find the number?
It was a beautiful sunny morning. The air was fresh and a mild wind was blowing against my wind screen. I was driving from Bangalore to Brindavan Gardens. It took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the journey. After lunch I returned to Bangalore. I drove for 90 minutes. How do you explain it?
It is a small town railway station and there are 25 stations on that line. At each of the 25 stations the passengers can get tickets for any of the other 24 stations. How many different kinds of tickets do you think the booking clerk has to keep?
A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 per cent certain he has a pair of black socks?
A box contains 12 marbles of three different colours green, yellow and blue-4 each, If you were to close your eyes and pick them at random, how many marbles must you take out to be sure that there are at least two of one colour among the marbles picked out?
The egg vendor calls on his first customer and sells half his eggs and half an egg. To the second customer he sells half of what he had left and half an egg, and to the third customer he sells half of what he had then left and half an egg. By the way he did not break any eggs. In the end three eggs were remaining. How many did he start out with?
I have collected 253 strawberries which I want to put into punnets for handing out to my neighbours. All punnets must contain the same number of strawberries and I wish to use as few punnets as possible. How many of my neighbours received a punnet of strawberries, and how many strawberries did each punnet contain?
There is a number, the second digit of which is smaller than its first digit by 4, and if the number was divided by the digit’s sum, the quotient would be 7. Can you find the number?
A B C D E F G H What letter is two to the right of the letter which is four to the left of the letter which is immediately to the right of the letter four to the right of the letter C?
A train travelling at a speed of 50 mph enters a tunnel that is 1.75 miles long. The length of the train is 3/8 miles. How long does it take for all the train to pass through the tunnel, from the moment the front enters to the moment the rear emerges?
What is the longest word in the English language that can be produced from the ten letters below? No letter may be used more than once. H T E R C I K F A O
In a game of eight players lasting for 90 minutes, four reserves alternate equally with each player. This means that all players, including the reserves, are on the pitch for exactly the same length of time. For how long is each player on the pitch?
may, rid, bar, sea, ???, den, row, led What word is missing? can, pan, pot, hem, leg
If five men can build a house in 16 days, how long will it take just two men to build the same house, assuming all men work at the same rate?
Out of 100 women surveyed leaving Harrods, 83 had a white bag, 77 had black shoes, 62 carried an umbrella and 95 wore a ring. What is the minimum number of women who must have had all four items?
A car travels the first half of a motorway journey at an average speed of 40 mph, and the second half of the journey at an average speed of 60 mph. What is the average speed for the entire journey?
At the end of the day one market stall had 16 apples and 48 oranges left. Another market stall had 36 apples and 24 oranges left. What is the difference between the percentages of apples left in the two market stalls?
A chicken farmer also has some cows for a total of 30 animals, and the animals have 74 legs in all. How many chickens does the farmer have?
Think of a number. Add 7 to it. Subtract 2. Subtract your original number. Multiply by 4.Subtract 2.
The government pays farmers a specific fee for each row of four trees that they plant. An enterprising, but dishonest farmer found a way of planting five rows of four trees using only ten trees. How did he do it?
Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided.
If you take a marker & start from a corner on a cube, what is the maximum number of edges you can trace across if you never trace across the same edge twice, never remove the marker from the cube, & never trace anywhere on the cube, except for the corners & edges?
One of Mr. Bajaj, his wife, their son and Mr. Bajaj's mother is an Engineer and another is a Doctor. If the Doctor is a male, then the Engineer is a male. If the Engineer is younger than the Doctor, then the Engineer and the Doctor are not blood relatives. If the Engineer is a female, then she and the Doctor are blood relatives. Can you tell who is the Doctor and the Engineer?
The other way to solve this problem is by writing a computer program that systematically tries all possibilities1/3rd of the contents of a container evaporated on the 1st day. 3/4th of the remaining contents of the container evaporated on the second day. What part of the contents of the container is left at the end of the second day?
My sister has six red stamps and three blue ones. In her collection, seven stamps are from Mexico and six stamps are from France. One stamp is purple and it is not from Mexico or France. Two of her Mexican stamps are red and one is blue. Two of her French stamps are blue and three are red. How many stamps does she have?
At an eBay auction, a woman's ring and a filigree jewelry box with a hand-painted ceramic top are on sale for $200.00 Dollars. The jewelry box is valued at $190.00 Dollars more than the ring. How much is the ring worth?
There are 10 sets of 10 coins. You know how much the coins should weigh. You know all the coins in one set of ten are exactly a hundredth of an ounce off, making the entire set of ten coins a tenth of an ounce off. You also know that all the other coins weight the correct amount. You are allowed to use an extremely accurate digital weighing machine only once. How do you determine which set of 10 coins is faulty?
There are twenty coins sitting on the table, ten are currently heads and tens are currently tails. You are sitting at the table with a blindfold and gloves on. You are able to feel where the coins are, but are unable to see or feel if they heads or tails. You must create two sets of coins. Each set must have the same number of heads and tails as the other group. You can only move or flip the coins, you are unable to determine their current state. How do you create two even groups of coins with the same number of heads and tails in each group?
You have a three gallon and a five gallon measuring device. You wish to measure out four gallons.
You are mixing cement and the recipe calls for five gallons of water. You have a garden hose giving you all the water you need. The problem is that you only have a four gallon bucket and a seven gallon bucket and nether has graduation marks. Find a method to measure five gallons.
You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is completely random and each string is different. How do you measure 45 minutes?
Two friends decide to get together; so they start riding bikes towards each other. They plan to meet halfway. Each is riding at 6 MPH. They live 36 miles apart. One of them has a pet carrier pigeon and it starts flying the instant the friends start traveling. The pigeon flies back and forth at 18 MPH between the 2 friends until the friends meet. How many miles does the pigeon travel?
There are three boxes. One is labeled "APPLES" another is labeled "ORANGES". The last one is labeled "APPLES AND ORANGES". You know that each is labeled incorrectly. You may ask me to pick one fruit from one box which you choose. How can you label the boxes correctly?
A mother is 21 years older than her child. In exactly 6 years from now, the mother will be exactly 5 times as old as the child. Where's the father?
A frog is at the bottom of a 30 meter well. Each day he summons enough energy for one 3 meter leap up the well. Exhausted, he then hangs there for the rest of the day. At night, while he is asleep, he slips 2 meters backwards. How many days does it take him to escape from the well? Note: Assume after the first leap that his hind legs are exactly three meters up the well. His hind legs must clear the well for him to escape.
You can paddle your canoe seven miles per hour through any placid lake. The stream flows at three miles per hour. The moment you start to paddle up stream a fisherman looses one of his bobbers in the water fourteen miles up stream of you. How many hours does it take for you and the bobber to meet?
Cathy has six pairs of black socks and six pairs of white socks in her drawer. In complete darkness, and without looking, how many socks must she take from the drawer in order to be sure to get a pair that match?
Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
Two children, who were all tangled up in their reckoning of the days of the week, paused on their way to school to straighten matters out. "When the day after tomorrow is yesterday," said Priscilla, "then 'today' will be as far from Sunday as that day was which was 'today' when the day before yesterday was tomorrow! "On which day of the week did this puzzling prattle occur?
A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?
The captain of a ship was telling this interesting story: "We traveled the sea far and wide. At one time, two of my sailors were standing on opposite sides of the ship. One was looking west and the other one east. And at the same time, they could see each other clearly. "How can that be possible?
A ladder hangs over the side of a ship anchored in a port. The bottom rung touches the water. The distance between rungs is 20 cm and the length of the ladder is 180 cm. The tide is rising at the rate of 15 cm each hour.When will the water reach the seventh rung from the top?
What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?
Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they're not twins. How can this be?
A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law. How come?
There are people and strange monkeys on this island, and you can not tell who is who. They speak either only the truth or only lies. Who are the following two guys? A: B is a lying monkey. I am human. B: A is telling the truth.
Three tourists have an argument regarding the way they should go. Hans says that Emanuel lies. Emanuel claims that Hans and Philip speak the same, only doesn't know whether truth or lie. So who is lying for sure?
The day before yesterday I was 25 and the next year I will be 28. This is true only one day in a year. What day is my birthday?
A drawer contains 10 black and 10 brown socks that are all mixed up. What is the fewest number of socks you can take from the drawer without looking and be sure to get a pair of the same color?
Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each caught exactly one fish and yet there were only three fish caught. Why?
A prisoner was given a chance to be blindfolded and pick one ball from two bowls that would contain a total of 50 white and 50 black balls. Choosing white meant freedom, black meant death. He asked if he could divide the balls between the bowls before he was blindfolded and his request was granted. What is the best way to divide the balls between the bowls?
There was a robbery in which a lot of goods were stolen. The robber(s) left in a truck. It is known that : (1) Nobody else could have been involved other than A, B and C. (2) C never commits a crime without A's participation. (3) B does not know how to drive. So, is A innocent or guilty?
Suppose there is this little town with a finite numer of people: (1) No two inhabitants have exactly the same number of hairs. (2) No inhabitant has exactly 409 hairs. (3) There are more inhabitants than there are hairs on the head of any inhabitant. So, what is the largest possible number of inhabitants in that little town?
A giraffe is 200cm high plus half its height. What height is the giraffe?
Three donkeys live nearby; two in Clover Field & one in High Field. The smaller donkey of Dondo & Chancer is the darker brown of the donkeys in Clover Field. The lighter brown of Chancer & Sage is the smaller donkey in Clover Field. The larger donkey of Dondo & Sage is the lighter brown donkey in Clover Field. Which donkey resides in High Field?
If 11/3 sheep eat 11/3 kg grass in 11/3 days, how much will 8 sheep eat in 12 days?
Last Friday 4 people visited the local open-all-hours supermarket. Bill at 5 O'Clock. Jay at 7 O'Clock. Kate at 8 O'Clock. Jess at 11 O'Clock. One person shopped between Bill & Jay. Bill did not shop before both Kate & Jess. Kate did not shop between Jay & Jess. Who was the last to go shopping?
Which country is hidden in the paragraph below?Aliens landed in downtown Chicago last night. Most locals stepped outside to see the space-ship's massive wingspan. Amazingly, seven people failed to see the sight before them, as they took shelter from the great light that shone from upon high.
In the following line, cross out nine letters such that the remaining letters spell a well known animal. ENILNEEPLETHTAENRST
Three people check into a hotel. They pay £30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager suddenly remembers that the room rate is £25 and gives £5 to the bellboy to return to the people. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that £5 would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets £2 and gives £1 to each person. Now each person paid £10 and got back £1. So they paid £9 each, totaling £27. The bellboy has £2, totaling £29. Where is the missing £1?
if you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
Can you name four days which start with the letter "T"?
A group of boys bought cloth and rope to make a tent. The length of the rope is 250 feet. They want to cut it into pieces of 1 foot length. How many cuts are required to cut the rope into 250 pieces? a) 250 b) 1 c) 249 d) 100
A chocolate maker has to make 25 pieces each of length 3cm from a square shaped bar of length 75cm. If he takes 5 seconds to cut a single piece, then the time(seconds) taken to make 25 pieces is: a) 125 b) 120 c) 115 d) 110
A girl bought a linen cloth of length 256m. She decided to cut the cloth into pieces of 4m length from quarter part. From remaining part of the cloth she would be making 3m length pieces. The time taken to make a single cut is 3 seconds. Then the total time taken by her to finish her job will be: a) 1 minute b) 2 minutes c) 3 minutes d) 4 minutes