EAI SeeBeyond

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“SeeBeyond frequently Asked Questions in various EAI SeeBeyond job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of SeeBeyond job interview”

13 EAI SeeBeyond Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is marshaling and serialization?

Marshalling is like serialization, except marshalling also

records codebases. Marshalling is different from

serialization in that marshalling treats remote objects

specially. (

To "serialize" an object means to convert its state into a

byte stream in such a way that the byte stream can be

converted back into a copy of the object.


2⟩ What is correlation ID? and what is Transaction?

In a multilayered implementation, the correlation id helps

in relating the transaction in various layers. Each layer

may have its own unique transaction id but all will have

one common Correlation id so as to be able to track a

transaction end to end.


3⟩ What is the format of WSDL file?

Types – a container for data type definitions using some

type system

Message – an abstract, typed definition of the data being


Operation – an abstract description of an action supported

by the service

Port Type – an abstract set of operations supported by one

or more endpoints

Binding – a concrete protocol and data format specification

for a particular port type

Port – a single endpoint defined as a combination of a

binding and a network address

Service – a collection of related endpoints


4⟩ Explain the concept of Webservices. What are all the differenent types of tool that you have worked apart from eGAte?

Using WSDL you can enable a BP as a webservice and publish

it to UDDI registry. The WSDL is

WebServicesDefinitionLanguage document describes a web

service using these major elements.

Element Defines

======= =======

<portType> The operations performed by the


<message> The messages used by the web service

<types> The data types used by the web


<binding> The communication protocols used by

the web service


5⟩ What is a collaboration?

Includes message routing and transformation logic.

Business rules can be written in Java or XSLT.

Code is stored in repository


9⟩ What is the difference between ICAN and Jcaps?

1.Sun java Application server is included in eGate


2.Sun java system JMS server in included in egate

Integrator some log files now using the Java API rather

than using the log4j API .

3.Separate UDDI installer and server .

4.Enterprise manager is now independent from the repository.

5.Deploy the EAR file to a running domain by using

Enterprise Designer, Enterprise Manager, or a command-line


6.Each domain contains an integration server and a message


7.Some log files now use the Java Logging API, rather than

the log4j API.


12⟩ How to check whether particulare componnents is up and running fine or not in SRE and JCAPS?

We can view both SRE and JCAPS components under the one

eManager like http://localhost:15000

You can open your eManager  “URL”

You see the left pane of the Explorer and click the first

component like “View available systems”

And click that it will show "SRE registry" and you can add

that registry depend on UN, PWD, host name and port number.

Once finish added SRE registry, you must save them and

refresh it.

Now you are able to see all SRE and JCAPS components under

one eManager and also you can able to see up and running

fine or not respective components.


13⟩ What is queue and what is topic?

There are two types of JMS Messaging systems. They are

1. Point to Point Messaging

2. Publish Subscribe Messaging

Queue: A queue is a temperory storage of a message used

when working with Point 2 Point Messaging

Topic: A topic is also a temperory storage of a message

used when working with Publish Subscribe Messaging

In Queues, they are connected directly to another queue to

transfer the messages.

In Topics, the subscribers need to subscribe to the topics

to pick up the messages published by the publishers.