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“TIBCO frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in EAI TIBCO. So get preparation for the TIBCO job interview”

15 EAI TIBCO Questions And Answers

3⟩ What is process name dynamic override?

An XPath formula specifying the name of the process

to call. Use this field to dynamically determine which

process to call when the process instance is running.

You can use the Process Name Dynamic Override field on the Configuration tab

to specify an XPath expression that determines which process to call. This is

useful for calling a different process depending upon the value of the XPath

expression. For example, you have an incoming HTTP request that contains an

attribute named orderAmount. For all incoming orders over $10,000, you wish to

call a process that includes activities in the Manual Work palette to obtain the

proper approvals. For orders under $10,000, you wish to call a process that

handles the order automatically. You can create the following expression that

resolves to the proper process name for each type of order:

if($IncomingOrder/orderAmount > 10000) then


else ’/MyProject/processOrder.process’

Use the full path and name of the process file as stored in the project directory.

When you use the Process Name Dynamic Override field, you must also specify a

process to call in the Process field. The input, output, and error definitions of the

specified process must be the same as any process that the expression in the

Process Name Dynamic Override field can evaluate to.


See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about

mapping and transforming input data.

The input for the activity is the following.

It may be helpful to create process definitions that act as programmatic interfaces

when using the Process Name Dynamic Override field.

In the example above, you may create a process named orderProcessOrApprove.

The only purpose of this process is for specifying the input, output, and error

schemas. Place this process in the Process field of the Call Process tab. Then,

create the manualApproval and processOrder process definitions as copies of the

orderProcessOrApprove process. The Call Process activity then has the correct

input, output, and error schemas for all processes that can be called.

If you use the Process Name Dynamic Override field, make sure you include all

potentially callable subprocesses when you create your Process Archive for

deployment. TIBCO Designer cannot determine which subprocesses are

potentially callable at design time, and therefore they cannot be automatically


4⟩ What is business key?

This string is appended to the AE

tracking info appInfo field. The AE

tracking info for messages published is a

concatenation of bw + <processName> +

<jobID> + <businessKey>.

Note: It is a good idea to have all

publishers in a process use the same

business key. Only the most recent

publisher’s business key is used in the

tracking info for the message.


5⟩ What is custom id?

This field can contain an XPath expression that

specifies a custom ID for the process instance. This ID

is displayed in the View Service dialog of TIBCO

Administrator, and it is also available in the

$_processContext process variable.


8⟩ What is the advantage of scripted deployment in Tibco? What is difference between scripted deployment and normal deployment?

Below are the scenerio I can expect:

1. When ever the TIBCO Administrator is down we have to

deploye a application from TRA -> Appmanage.

2. In case we have to deploye various applications using

same global parameters, we have to provide every time these

parameters in TIBCO administrator wile deployement.

So its better to get a best proctice to deploye application

from backend using the scripts. below are the advantages:

1. If Admin is down we are able to deploye application

2. We use a properties file (XML) which is having all the

variables which can be used by various similler

applications. So low workload.


9⟩ Once we have deployed the ear file in Tibco admin, In which location the data/service/properties will store?

If the installation folder of tibco will be in C directory

then once we have deployed the ear file ,the information

will be stored in the following location.

if domain name is mydomain and projectname is TestOne then

Log files :


TestOne.tra file :(it contains all properties) :


Service/Project :C:tibcotradomainmydomaindatafiles


12⟩ What is the Difference between JMS queue reciever and JMS queue requestor?

JMS Queue receiver is a starter activity. It starts a

process on the recipt of a message for the specified JMS

queue, it is listening to.

ON the other hand, JMS queue requestor is not a starter

activity, it is used to send a request to a JMS queue and

receives a response back from the JMS client. This activity

uses temporary destinations to ensure that reply messages

are received only by the process that sent the request.


13⟩ What is a spawn in call process?

Specifies whether to spawn a new machine process

for executing the called process. If this option is

checked, the parent process cannot access the called

process’ output. The called process is executed in a

separate process instance.


14⟩ Explain What is alias file in TIBCO?

TIBCO Designer allows to create alias to resources that can

be reused across projects.

Alias are used in 2 resources

1)AliasLibrary- Used to alias file system resources like

the jar files needed in the project.

2)Library builder- Used to alias shared resources like

Schemas, SSL Certs, BW processes needed during design time.


15⟩ Why we implement the TIBCO in our organisation or company?

see when we intract with any applications or dbs commnly we use protocols or connections.sometimes protocols also doesnt support to intract applications by rectifying all those things we need a middleware application. Tibco is the one of the middleware application

why we choose this?

becuase most midleware applications will follow server architecture but tibco follows bus architecture with special feature called tibco rv