Working Capital Management

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“Working Capital Management frequently Asked Questions in various Working Capital Management job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

43 Working Capital Management Questions And Answers

1⟩ What are Methods of Borrowings?

It introduced the concept of working capital gap which the excess of current assets over current liabilities other than bank borrowing. They also suggested three progressive methods to decide the maximum limits according to which banks should provide the finance.


2⟩ What are Credit Information Systems?

Credit Information Systems : The committee recommended the submission of a quarterly reporting system based on actual ass well as estimations, so that the requirements of working capital may be estimated on the basis of production needs.


3⟩ What is Norms?

Norms : The committee suggested 15 industries excluding engineering industries. These norms were suggested in following forms:

a. For Raw materials: Consumption in months

b. For Work in Progress: Cost of production in months

c. For Finished Goods: Cost of Sales in months

d. For Receivables: Sales in months


4⟩ What is Style of Lending?

Is suggested that the cash credit limit should be bifurcated into two components i.e. Minimum level of borrowing required throughout the year should be financed by way of a term loan and the demand cash credit to take care for fluctuating requirements.


5⟩ What is Mortgage?

Mortgage is a mode of security in which the legal interest in a specific immovable property is transferred as security for the payment of debt. The party who transfers the interest is called mortgager and party in whose favour the interest is so transferred is called mortgagee. The borrower possesses the property while the bank gets full legal title, subject to borrower’s right, to repay to debt.


6⟩ Tell me what were the main issues studied by Tandon committee to exercise control over working capital?

The observation and recommendations made by Tandon committee were:

1) Norms : The committee suggested 15 industries excluding engineering industries. These norms were suggested in following forms:

a. For Raw materials: Consumption in months

b. For Work in Progress: Cost of production in months

c. For Finished Goods: Cost of Sales in months

d. For Receivables: Sales in months

2) Methods of Borrowings : It introduced the concept of working capital gap which the excess of current assets over current liabilities other than bank borrowing. They also suggested three progressive methods to decide the maximum limits according to which banks should provide the finance.

3) Style of Lending : Is suggested that the cash credit limit should be bifurcated into two components i.e. Minimum level of borrowing required throughout the year should be financed by way of a term loan and the demand cash credit to take care for fluctuating requirements.

4) Credit Information Systems : The committee recommended the submission of a quarterly reporting system based on actual ass well as estimations, so that the requirements of working capital may be estimated on the basis of production needs.

5) Follow up, Supervision and Control : The committee suggested that there should be a proper system of supervision and control.

6) Norms for Capital Structure: The committee did not suggest any right norm for debt equity ratio, the committee opined that if the trend of debt equity ratio is worse than the medians, the banker should persuade the borrowers to strengthen the equity base as early as possible.


7⟩ What is Pledge?

Pledge is a mode of security in which bank extends the assistance to the company against the security of movable property. But the possession of the goods is with the bank and the goods pledged are in the custody of the bank. Thus, it becomes the duty of the bank to take care of the goods in the custody. In case the company is unable to repay the amount of assistance, the bank has the right to sell the goods pledged to realize the outstanding amount.


8⟩ What is Lien?

Lien is a mode of security in which the bank retains the goods belonging to the company until the debt due to the bank is paid. Lien is of two types: Particular Lien and General Lien. Normally, Bank enjoys general Lien.


9⟩ What is Hypothecation?

Hypothecation is a mode of security in which bank extends the assistance to the company against the security of movable property. Neither the property nor the possession of the goods hypothecated is transferred to the bank. If the company fails to repay the amount of assistance, in such case the bank has the right to sell the goods hypothecated to realize the outstanding amount of assistance granted by it to the company. A consumer entering into a mortgage agreement is an example of Hypothecation.


11⟩ Explain Norms for Capital Structure?

The committee did not suggest any right norm for debt equity ratio, the committee opined that if the trend of debt equity ratio is worse than the medians, the banker should persuade the borrowers to strengthen the equity base as early as possible.


13⟩ Explain what forms of security does a bank need to provide security to a company?

A bank needs following forms of security to provide security to a company:

1) Hypothecation

2) Pledge

3) Lien

4) Mortgage

a.) Hypothecation is a mode of security in which bank extends the assistance to the company against the security of movable property. Neither the property nor the possession of the goods hypothecated is transferred to the bank. If the company fails to repay the amount of assistance, in such case the bank has the right to sell the goods hypothecated to realize the outstanding amount of assistance granted by it to the company. A consumer entering into a mortgage agreement is an example of Hypothecation.

b.) Pledge is a mode of security in which bank extends the assistance to the company against the security of movable property. But the possession of the goods is with the bank and the goods pledged are in the custody of the bank. Thus, it becomes the duty of the bank to take care of the goods in the custody. In case the company is unable to repay the amount of assistance, the bank has the right to sell the goods pledged to realize the outstanding amount.

c.) Lien is a mode of security in which the bank retains the goods belonging to the company until the debt due to the bank is paid. Lien is of two types: Particular Lien and General Lien. Normally, Bank enjoys general Lien.

d.) Mortgage is a mode of security in which the legal interest in a specific immovable property is transferred as security for the payment of debt. The party who transfers the interest is called mortgager and party in whose favour the interest is so transferred is called mortgagee. The borrower possesses the property while the bank gets full legal title, subject to borrower’s right, to repay to debt.


14⟩ Explain the advantages of a LC to an importer?

Advantages of Letter of Credit to an Importer:

1) Importer is guaranteed to receive timely delivery of goods.

2) It makes structuring an advantageous payment schedule easy.

3) Expediting customs clearance and ultimate delivery as the documents are received quickly.

4) It gives an assurance to the importer that the payment will only be made to the exporter upon presentation of documents

evidencing the shipment of goods.

5) It reduces the risk of non-performance of the exporter.


15⟩ Explain what were the main issues studied by Tandon committee to exercise control over working capital?

The main issues studied by Tandon committee to exercise control over working capital were:

1) Can the norms be evolved for current assets and for debt equity ratio to ensure minimum dependence on bank finance?

2) How the quantum of bank advances may be determined?

3) Can the present manner and style of lending be improved?

4) Can an adequate planning, assessment and information system by evolved to ensure a disciplined flow of credit to meet genuine production needs and its proper supervision?


17⟩ What are the different types of LC?

Different types of Letter of Credit:

1) Revocable Letter of Credit

2) Irrevocable Letter of Credit

3) Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit

4) Transferable Letter of Credit

5) Revolving Letter of Credit

6) Credit available by installments

7) Back to Back Letter of Credit

8) Anticipatory Credit or Red Clause

9) Green Clause Letter of Credit

10) Deferred Payment Letter of Credit

11) Standby Letter of Credit


18⟩ Explain what are the advantages of a LC to an exporter?

Advantages of Letter of Credit to an Exporter:

1) Exporter is guaranteed payment upon presentation of specified documents.

2) It eliminates the risk of dealing with an unknown importer in a different country.

3) It becomes easier for the exporter to secure pre order financing.

4) Importer cannot refuse payment by raising a complaint about the goods.


19⟩ Tell me what are bank guarantees? How do they work?

Bank Guarantee is a non fund based lending given by the bank to ensure that the liabilities of a debtor will be met. This facility enables the customer to acquire goods, buy equipment and thereby expand business activity. This process can be explained with the help of an example. Suppose X and Y are two companies both unknown to each other, in which X wants to purchase some material from Y Company. As the company Y does not know the company X and is concerned whether company Y will make the payment or not. Bank Z of Company X opens the bank guarantee in favour of company Y Bank Z in which it undertakes to make the payment to Company Y, if the company fails to make payment to company Y. In this way, interests of company Y are protected as it is assured to get the payment either from company X or from its Bank Z. As such, it becomes non fund based lending for Bank Z as it does not commit any outflow of funds. Bank Guarantee transactions will be applicable in case of credit transactions.


20⟩ What are the different parties involved in a LC?

Following are the parties involved in a letter of credit :

1) Importer

2) Issuing Bank, Bank of Importer

3) Advising Bank, which is in Exporter’s country, which notifies the exporter about opening of letter of credit.

4) Confirming Bank, confirms the letter of credit in case the exporter is not satisfied about the security offered by the importer.

5) Exporter, who is the beneficiary

6) Negotiating Bank, whom the exporter submits the documents.