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“Microsoft Office Access Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that MS Access previously known as Microsoft Access, is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools. So learn Microsoft Access with Microsoft Office Access Interview Questions with Answers”

27 Microsoft Access Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain about managing data tasks?

Data can be managed by using the features of Import text wizard and export text wizard. Here you can save the operation for future use. First you should edit the specification name after clicking it you can make changes to the text box. Path can also be changed by clicking and modifying the changes in text box. Changes to the description of the file name can be made by making a change in the text box and then saving the changes to the path, specification name by pressing enter.


3⟩ What is the size limitation of an Access database?

Size limitation does not pertain to number of records in a table within a database. Forms, reports, macros, and modules also contribute to database size, but is rather minimal compared to tables containing records. It is recommended that if large amounts of data will be maintained or constantly deleted and new data imported, put your tables in another database and link the tables back into the main database. The utilities for database compression and repair will run much more quickly. In Access 2.0 databases the byte size limitation is 1 gigabyte. In general, use the 1gb rule and suggestions here to maintain performance of the database. See also "How Replication Increases Size of Database.".


4⟩ How do you add a developer to a trusted publishers list?

Whenever a developer is signing into the code project you will have three options they are disable the macro, enable the macro and explicitly trusting the publisher. You can trust the publisher by allowing from the control panel of the windows. Always have an option left to enable or disable the macros because sensitive information regarding your code can be leaked out within fraction of seconds.


5⟩ Name at least six file extensions of Microsoft Access?

Some of the file extensions present in MS Access are

► Access blank project template .adn

► Access database .accdb

► Access project .adp

► Access Workgroup .mdw

► Protected access database .accde

► Access workgroup .mdw


6⟩ State the criteria which a trusted publisher should meet before adding him?

The following criteria should be met by the publisher before adding him to the list.

► The code project should have a digital signature of the publisher

► A valid digital signature should be in place

► Valid digital signature should not be expired

► Digital certificate which comes with digital signature should meet industry standards and specifications.

► Developer who is holding and signing the code project should be a trusted publisher.


8⟩ Explain about the protection features present in MS Access?

If a programmer doesn’t wish to make changes to the document he can lock the document data and its code from further changes by changing the extension of the file system to .MDE. Changes can be made only to the file with an extension MDE. Tools are available in the market which can unlock and decompile the code but some changes to VBA or VB scripts are irreversible.


12⟩ What happens if the both source and destination are named the same?

The import operation present in MS Access does not overwrite or modify any of the existing tables or objects. If both the source and destination are the same it makes sure that numbers are appended to the name of the source file. For example a table having a name as info will be renamed as info1.


13⟩ How do you import data from another access database?

The process of importing data from another Access database follows these general steps they are.

► Preparing the document for import operation and make sure that extensions are not in .mde or .accde because in that extension you can import only tables.

► Source should be closed automatically when the process is completed

► Make sure that you have permission for read and write.


14⟩ When I assigned a primary key to my table in Microsoft Access, I was expecting my data to be sorted. Am I using the correct procedure?

Some developers occasionally rely on indexes to sort their data, but shouldn't. That's because an index is an internal Jet operation that relies on internal rules to speed sorting, which is not the same as actually performing the sort. Records are not stored differently or changed. The sort is not performed until an action is being taken against the data like a query. This is not the same as simply opening a table in its Datasheet View. Although an index often appears to sort data, those internal rules often conflict with normal sorting practices and can have unexpected results. Sorting can be accomplished through the use of a query where ascending or descending can be specified against any one of the fields chosen from the table.


15⟩ State some of the uses of MS Access?

MS Access provides a huge range of functions some of them are

► It is used by small business, departments of large corporations, and by amateurs to create applications on their desktop for data applications.

► Access is very useful for small web based database applications hosted on IIS and using ASP.NET pages.

► It can be used as a RAD for building prototype and Stand alone applications.

► Access can be used as a frontend while the backend can be a ODBC compliant product.


16⟩ Explain about the various features present in MS Access?

Microsoft access has huge benefits for a programmer and end user. Some of the benefits are

► Relative compatibility with SQL and VBA.

► Microsoft SQL server desktop engine is embedded into the Access suite along with Jetdata base engine which can further help you in programming.

► MS Access allows forms to contain data which is altered as changes are made to the underlying table.

► It has features which support the creation of all objects in the underlying server.


17⟩ Explain about creating a report tool by using the report tool and report wizard?

Report tool creates a report very fast because it will not ask you for much information for creating your report. It displays the entire field but it may not be the polished data source you are opting for.

Report wizard allows you to create a table by giving you options on what to appear and what not to appear. You can specify the relations, grouping and sorting between the tables.


18⟩ Explain about Microsoft access?

Microsoft access name has been changed to Microsoft office access. This software incorporates relational database management system which combines GUI (graphical user interface) with Microsoft Jet database engine. It can import and use data from Access, SQL, oracle, etc. This software is used to build application software.


19⟩ Explain the steps for this message could not delete from the specified tables?

This error is caused by delete query and when the unique property is set to no.

Following are the steps which should be taken to solve the problem.

1) Delete query should be opened and if it is not opening then press F4

2) Clicking the query properties underneath the query designer will give you options.

3) In that options you need to locate unique records property and should set it to yes. These options are present in query property sheet.


20⟩ Detail about how you can import a sharepoint list?

Importing a sharepoint list to an access database gives you a range of flexible convenient options first a copy is made into the access database after which you can specify the lists which you would like to copy. Also you have an option to copy an entire list or only a specific file. Also import operation creates a table in access which copies the entire fields and records specified into the Access.