1⟩ Politics without religion is like a dead body, who said it?
Politics and Religion without fuss, like children's blood.
Jackals that the jackals would despise. Was the dead body
naked or dressed for a journey.
“APPS Group II Political Science frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in APPS Group II Political Science. So get preparation for the APPS Group II Political Science job interview”
Politics and Religion without fuss, like children's blood.
Jackals that the jackals would despise. Was the dead body
naked or dressed for a journey.
Thomas Adrin
Stuart A. Rice
The basic pay of a Sub-Inspector in india is Rs. 5500/- in
most of the states and central forces. But in some states
like CPIM ruled West Bengal it is still Rs. 4500/-. Now add
HRA as 15%, D.A. 42%, Medical Allowance Rs. 100/-, Ration
Alloawance Rs. 650/-.
If joined as Dy SP then the basic pay is Rs. 8000/-.
president driver salary is rs .20000
Wendell Phillips
all that we expect from a job is good career growth, better work culture, handsome pay with bundle of facilites for us n faimily...the same time u can expect a career for u
mahatma gandhi
There is a commitee of 11 people for the Indian
constitution , among them Dr. Bem Rao Ambedkar is the one
of the commitee member . This what most of the people who
dont know in India