MS Excel

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“MS Excel Interview Questions and Answers will guide us that Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. It has been a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms, especially since version 5 in 1993. Get MS Excel Job interview preparation with this MS Excel Interview Questions and Answer Guide”

120 MS Excel Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Freeze Panes and how do I do it?

1. Row - Select the row below where you want the split to appear

2. Column - Select the column to the right of where you want the split to appear

3. Go to the Menu Bar

4. Click Windows

and then click Freeze Panes


11⟩ Is there a way to apply the same formatting to every sheet in a workbook in Excel?

Yes. To do this, you will need to right click on one of the worksheet tabs and then choose Select All Sheets. After you do this any formatting that you apply or text you enter will show up on all the sheets in your workbook. In order to eliminate certain sheets from the changes, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the tab of the worksheet you want excluded from the others. You can also group sheets by holding the shift key and selecting the worksheet tab.


14⟩ How do I combine different chart types into my Excel spreadsheet?

To combine chart types, follow these steps:

1. If the Chart toolbar isn't already displayed, right-click any Toolbar and select Chart.

2. On the chart, click the series you want to change.

3. On the Chart toolbar, click the arrow next to the Chart Type button and then select the new chart type for the series (in our example, a line chart).


16⟩ All of a sudden, when I open the file, it asks if I want to "Enable or Disable a Macro". There are no macros in this workbook?

A macro has been added and then removed, leaving an empty module. Empty modules trigger the macro query, as does an actual macro.

1. Warning: As a precaution, you should make a backup copy of the file, before you remove any code.

2. Right click on any sheet tab and choose View Code, to open the Visual Basic Editor.

3. In the Project Explorer at the left of the screen, find the workbook. In the sample shown here, Book4 is the workbook name -- VBAProject (Book4)

4. Look for a Modules folder, and open it. (If there is no Modules folder, go to Step 6.)

5. For each module in the folder:

1. Right-click on the module name.

2. Choose Remove Module1 (the name of your module may be different)

3. Click No when asked if you want to Export.

6. Open the Microsoft Excel Objects folder.

7. For each worksheet, and for ThisWorkbook:

1. Double-click on the object name, to open its code module. In this sample, you'd double-click on Sheet1 (Sheet1)

2. On the keyboard, press Ctrl+A to select all the code (even if the code module looks empty)

3. Press the Delete key.

8. Look for a Forms folder, and open it.

9. Delete any UserForms that it contains.

10. Look for a Class Modules folder, and open it.

11. Delete any class modules that it conta

12. Close the Visual Basic Editor.

13. Save the changes to the workbook.


17⟩ My Stop Recording toolbar has disappeared. How do I get it back?

To reactivate the Stop Recording toolbar:

1. Choose Tools | Macro | Record New Macro

2. Click OK

3. Choose View | Toolbars | Stop Recording

4. Click the Stop Recording button (the blue square)

The next time you record a macro, the toolbar should automatically appear.