MS Office

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“MS Office Interview Questions and Answers will guide us that Microsoft Office is an office suite of inter-related desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, introduced by Microsoft in 1989. Initially a marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Get job interview preparation for MS Office with this Interview Questions with Answers Guide”

72 MS Office Questions And Answers

1⟩ How do I tell the Office Assistant to go away?

1. Click on the Office Assistant, then click on Options.

2. Clear the Use Office Assistant check box.

You can also customize the behavior of the Office Assistant by checking or clearing the checkboxes on the Options tab. If you want to learn how to customize the Office Assistant, but it's not currently visible, choose Show the Office Assistant from the Help menu.


2⟩ How can I change settings, turn features off or on, and alter the way Word behaves?

Most of these settings are on the Tools menu. The Options command will display a screen that contains several tabs where you can make all sorts of changes that affect Word's behavior. The Customize command allows you to change Word's menus and toolbars. The View menu has some options for changing the appearance of the Word screen.


3⟩ How do I get Word to stop helping me type?

There are several places to look to turn off Word's various automatic features:

1. Choose AutoCorrect (or AutoCorrect Options) from the Tools menu, then click on the AutoCorrect tab.

2. Clear the check boxes for the AutoCorrect items that you want to disable.

3. Do the same for the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

4. On the AutoText tab, clear the Show AutoComplete tip check box.

5. Choose Options from the Tools menu, then click on the tabs and clear any check boxes for features that you want to disable. For example:

* Edit tab (Tabs and backspace set left indent).

* Spelling & Grammar tab (Check spelling as you type and Check grammar as you type). When these features are on, spelling and grammar that Word does not recognize are underlined with wavy red and green lines.


4⟩ Can I add or remove buttons from the toolbars in MS Office?

Yes! To add a button to a toolbar:

1. Choose Toolbars from the View menu.

2. Select Customize.

3. Click on the Commands tab.

4. Select an item under Categories.

5. Select an item from the list of Commands.

6. Drag the command to a toolbar. An "I" beam will appear to help you install the button. By default, the new button has only a text label.

7. Right-click on the new Toolbar item.

8. Select Default Style (the button will become a plain square).

9. Right click on the new Toolbar item again.

10. Choose Change Button Image, then select a button image.

11. Close the Customize dialog box.

To remove a button:

1. Choose Toolbars from the View menu.

2. Select Customize.

3. Drag the button you want to remove off of the toolbar.


8⟩ How do I move the toolbars in MS Office?

1. Click on the left edge of the toolbar (the mouse pointer will turn into a four-headed pointer).

2. Drag the toolbar to any edge for a toolbar or anywhere else on the screen for a floating palette.


9⟩ How can I find out what the buttons on the toolbars do?

Choose What's This? from the Help menu. The mouse pointer will turn into a pointer with a "?" symbol. Click on any button (or any other element or object on the screen) and Word will give you some information. Also, Shift+F1 will turn on the What's This? feature.


11⟩ What is going on with the document windows when I have more than one file open?

New documents open in a separate window (in previous versions of Word, a new document took over the Word window). You can switch from one document to another by choosing a document from the list on the Window menu or by clicking the document's button on the Windows Taskbar. To view all open Word documents at the same time, choose Arrange All from the Window menu. You can also switch documents (or applications) by pressing Alt+Tab. To see more rows of buttons on the Windows Taskbar: Position the pointer on the inside edge of the Taskbar (the pointer becomes a two-headed arrow when it is in the correct position), then click and drag its border toward the center of the screen.

There are some other options on the Shortcut tab. You can specify the folder Word points to when it starts (this setting can also be changed another way (see How do I change the default folder for Open and Save?). You can program a shortcut key sequence (click in the Shortcut key box and press the key combination you want to use). In addition, you can set the window size Word uses by default (maximized, minimized, or normal) and you can choose a different Word icon (click the Change Icon button).


12⟩ What are Word XP/2003 Task Panes?

The Word XP/2003 task panes appear on the right side of the screen, along with the document you are working on. The options on the task pane may change, depending on commands you have chosen. For example, some Word 2000 commands that displayed in dialog boxes now display in a task pane. If you don't want to use the task pane, you can hide it by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the task pane. To turn it back on, select Task Pane from the View menu.


13⟩ The toolbars and the menus in my old version of Word looked different. What happened?

The Standard and Formatting toolbars can share one row in later versions of Word, or they can be displayed on two rows, as in the older versions. Also, the menus can show a basic set of commands, with the recently used commands shown first, or you can show all commands.

1. Choose Customize from the Tools menu.

2. Click on the Options tab.

3. Use the check boxes to make your selections.


14⟩ How do I turn off the automatic URLs in MS Office?

1. Choose AutoCorrect (or AutoCorrect Options) from the Tools menu.

2. Click on the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

3. Under Replace As You Type, clear the Internet and network paths with hyperlink check box.

If you didn't turn off AutoCorrect before you started typing and now you have a document full of hyperlinks that you don't want, you can turn them off, either one at a time, or all at once. To turn a link off, right-click on the link, select Hyperlink from the pop-up menu, and then select Remove Hyperlink. To remove all links from the document, choose Select All from the Edit menu or press Ctrl+A, and then press Ctrl+6 to remove all hyperlinks.


15⟩ How do I change the default folder for Open and Save?

1. Choose Options from the Tools menu.

2. Click on the File Locations tab.

3. Click on Documents under File Types.

4. Click on the Modify button.

5. Use the Look in list to locate the folder you want to use from now on.

6. Click on the folder name, then click on OK to select that location.

7. Click on OK.


16⟩ Can I add or remove items from the menus in MS Office?

Sure. To remove menu items:

1. Choose Toolbars from the View menu.

2. Select Customize.

3. Once the Customize dialog box is open you can drag unwanted items off of any of the menus.

To add a command to a menu:

1. Click on the Commands tab.

2. Select a Category, then drag the command you want onto any of the menus.

To restore a menu to its original setup, follow the steps above, but right-click on the menu you want to restore and select Reset.


17⟩ Can I make my own toolbars in MS Office?

Yes! To make your own toolbar:

1. Choose Toolbars from the View menu.

2. Select Customize.

3. Click on the Toolbars tab, then click on the New button.

4. Give the toolbar a name.

You can also choose to make this toolbar available to the Normal template (all documents) or the current document only. A small toolbar palette will appear on the screen. Click on the Commands tab, select a Category, then drag the commands you want onto your new toolbar.


18⟩ How do I change the default font for things like page numbers, headers, footers, footnotes, and endnotes?

These are all styles (see What are styles?). You can change the attributes of any style for the current document or for all documents based on the current template (see What are Templates?). If the current template is the Normal template and you select the Add to template option below, all of your ordinary new documents will reflect the style changes that you make.

Word 2000:

1. Choose Style from the Format menu.

2. In the List box, click All styles.

3. In the Styles box, click name of the style you want to change (the style names are fairly intuitive).

4. Click the Modify button.

5. Click Format, and then select the attribute of the style you want to modify (Font, Paragraph, etc.).

6. Make the desired changes.

7. Click OK.

8. Click the Add to template checkbox, if you want the modified style to be added to the template. If you don't check this box, the modified style will affect only the document you are working on.

9. Click OK.

Word XP/2003:

1. Choose Styles and Formatting from the Format menu.

2. In the task pane on the right side of the screen, choose All styles from the Show: list.

3. Right-click name of the style you want to change (the style names are fairly intuitive), then select Modify.

4. Click Format, and then select the attribute of the style you want to modify (Font, Paragraph, etc.).

5. Make the desired changes.

6. Click OK.

7. Click the Add to template checkbox, if you want the modified style to be added to the template. If you don't check this box, the modified style will affect only the document you are working on.

8. Click OK.


19⟩ What is the Normal Template in MS Office?

The Normal template is the default template that is used when you start Microsoft Word or click the New Blank Document button. Some Word commands include an option to modify the Normal template. If you modify the Normal template, all new documents you create will include those modifications. The Normal template file ( is stored in the Template folder (contained in the folder where you have installed Microsoft Office). If you delete the Normal template file, Word will create a new Normal template file with the standard document settings the next time it starts. For more information on Word Templates.


20⟩ How do I change the default margins in MS Office?

1. Choose Page Setup from the File menu.

2. Click on the Margins tab.

3. Set the margins the way you want them, then click on Default. Word will inform you that this change will affect all documents based on the Normal template.