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“IBM Netcool/Omnibus frequently Asked Questions in various Netcool/Omnibus job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

15 Netcool/Omnibus Questions And Answers

1⟩ How to import and export utility in Netcool?

• Import and export Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer configurations to deploy duplicate Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus systems in your network.

• Extract a subset of configuration items from Tivoli Netcool / OMNIbus Object Servers and import them into other ObjectServers.

• Save Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer configuration data for backup purposes.


2⟩ What is Gateways in Netcool/Omnibus?

• Gateways are the intermediaries between the object server and the third party application such as databases for the exchange of events.

• Gateways can also be used to replicate events and to maintain the backup of object server.


3⟩ Explain the process of automation in Object Server?

Automation can be done in object server which facilitates the user to detect changes in the object server and we generate responses to these changes. This help the admin that he will get to know about the changes done in the object server without taking any action.


4⟩ What is Probes in Netcool/Omnibus?

• Probe is a java written code which works as a agent it connect to the source where there is possibility of generating an event.

• It detects it, collects it and forward the data to object server as events where it is displayed in event list.

• Probes are event source specific.

• Rules for the event detection and collection are define in the rules file.

• The event collected are updated in the table alerts.status.


7⟩ Explain the steps to start the view builder?

• From the event list, click View Builder on the toolbar, or select Edit ? Edit View.

• From the UNIX Conductor, click View Builder on the button bar, or double-click a saved view (.elv) file in the personal library.

• From the Event List Configuration window, click the New or Edit button.


8⟩ How to start the Event list in Netcool/Omnibus?

• For Unix:

o From the Conductor window, click Event List in the button bar.

o From a command prompt, enter: $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_event &

• For Windows

o From the Conductor menu, select Event List.

o From the Windows Start menu, select Programs ? Netcool Suite ? Event List.

o From a command prompt, enter: %NCHOME%omnibusdesktopNCOEvent.exe


9⟩ How to access Conductor in Netcool/Omnibus?

• For UNIX: From a command prompt, type: $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco &

• For Windows: From the Windows Start menu, click Netcool Conductor.

• Type your user name.

• Type your password

• The ObjectServer name defaults to NCOMS

• Click Ok.


10⟩ Explain the steps to view event list?

• Columns to include in the event list and the order in which they should be displayed

• Alternative titles or aliases for the columns

• Column formatting, including column widths, and alignment of the column headers and data

• Whether certain columns should remain in view at all times when scrolling horizontally across the event list

• Sort orders and the sort priority of the columns

• Whether to restrict the number of rows that are displayed in the event list


11⟩ What is the process of Deduplication in Object Server?

• Single server can generate the alert repeatedly until the problem is not resolved related to that alert.

• So deduplication is used by object server in Netcool/Omnibus.

• This process makes sure to avoid the multiple entries generated in the Event List.

• Therefore repeated events are collected, identified and updated as a single event.

• This process reduces the size of data as well.


13⟩ What is Object Server?

• The ObjectServer is the in-memory database server at the core of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.

• Event information is forwarded to the ObjectServer from external programs such as probes and gateways.

• This information is stored and managed in database tables, and displayed in the event list.


14⟩ What is Netcool/Omnibus?

• Ans. Netcool is a SLM tool which is used to monitor the real time networks, flow of data from one tool to another.

• It provides the consolidated view of the events generated on one screen collected from another tool

• Netcool can gather various informations like server down alerts, CPU utilization high alerts, memory alerts, disk space, mount point full related alerts etc. etc.