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“Spouse K3 USA frequently Asked Questions in various Spouse Visa K3 USA Interviews by interviewer. The set of Spouse K3 USA interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of Spouse K3 USA interview”

16 Spouse Visa K3 USA Questions And Answers

14⟩ Procedure for Court Marriage in New Delhi!

Example Below is Sikh Boy with Christian Foreigner Girl but

stands true for others also

So here it is the only correct steps to get married in


Fool Proof.

The example below is Sikh Boy marrying a Christian

Foreigner, where the things are

I am sure all your questions are answered here. If you

still think you have questions then read this again.

If any officer is asking you to get something more than

this then ask him to give you a documented list, because

there is nothing more than this list.

Don’t pay any Bribe.

A lot of Information about Law and Legal Stuff is available

online. Please search online.

We will start with the process / procedure information and

later talk about what documents are required at what stage.

1. Find a Gurudwara for Anand Karaj “Sikh Marriage


a. Application Form to filled and submitted in

Gurudwara for ceremony. Granthi will give you the date as

per your convenience and availability. With new

guidelines ‘Anand Karaj’ Ceremony should take place before

12 Noon.

b. You will need at least 2 witnesses.

c. If parents of either girl or boy are present for

ceremony, which means they agree to your marriage then,

this step 1 is easy.

If your parents are not present then, it is not easy to

find a Gurudwara for Anand Karaj.

Who said Life is easy?

But believe me, you will find one. You just have to keep

on looking. Don’t give up.

d. You will also need to Affidavit Notary stating that

Girl is marrying you under no pressure. You should also

mention that her parents location.

e. While this is ongoing lets go to step 2.

2. Affidavits or Certificates to prove that you are


a. You need Affidavits or Certificates stating the

marital status as single.

b. Normally Affidavits are fine, but you might

certificates from your government to prove you are single.

This becomes very important for foreigners to have for

registering their marriages in their own embassy.

c. All the certificates should be translated in

English by sworn translator in the country of Origin.

d. While Step 1 and Step 2 are happening parallel,

let’s go to step 3.

3. Find a Gazetted Officer who will sign all your


a. It is very important to start looking for the

gazetted Officer right away, because you need all your

documents to be signed by Gazetted Officer. Without this

you will not be able to register your marriage in court.

b. While Step 1, 2 and 3 are happening parallel, let’s

go to step 4.

4. Christian Girl’s Conversion to Sikh religion

a. Affidavit - You need to have affidavit stating the

girl would like to get baptized to Sikhism and change her

name to “Kaur”.

b. You can go to Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Connaught

Place on Sunday Morning. I think management of gurudwara

organize conversions ceremony 3 times a week. Please

confirm the time.

c. You will need 5 K’ – Kesh, Kanga, Keschera, Kirpan,


d. The ceremony is approximately for 2 hours.

e. Post Ceremony you will get Baptized Certificate and

the new name with ‘Kaur’ on it.

f. The certificate is in Punjabi, you should get it

translated in to English and/or Hindi by a Sworn/under oath


5. Change of Name - Add ‘Kaur’

a. Now that you have name change and have

added ‘Kaur’, it’s important to make it as an official


b. For this you will have to publish new name in both

English and Hindi Major Newspaper.

c. The cost will be anything between 600 - 1500,

depending on the newspaper you choose.

d. Brand of Newspaper does not matter.

e. This can take 3 days. Once the newspaper is out,

please buy 10 copies each of Hindi and English newspaper

for future reference.

6. Anand Karaj “Sikh Marriage Ceremony”

a. Affidavit - Girl is marrying the boy under no


b. Baptized Certificate

c. 5 K’s

d. Witness with PAN Card (must) and DL/Passport/Voter-


e. Newspapers with Name Change

f. Affidavits stating that both parties are Single and

not married

g. Marriage Invitation Card: You can get 10 Printed

for like 500 INR

h. Any other Affidavit that Gurudwara Management wants

Anand Karaj Ceremony will take about 2 hours or so.

Once you are married you will be given marriage certificate

from Gurudwara.

Please note Suffix of "SINGH" and "KAUR" is a must with the

name of Bride-Groom and Bride.

Steps 1 to 6 are easy steps as compared to what you will

have to face after.

Steps 7 onwards are the Govt. office (Sarkaari Daftar) /

Official steps which make you run here and there. Don’t

lose your patience.

7. “NOC” from the Concerned Embassy

a. You need NOC from the Embassy that they don’t have

any exception. Please give a written request so that it can

be tracked. This is not easy you might have to literally

cry and blame Indian Government for asking such things.

b. Embassy will ask for your marital status (Refer

point 2) before issuing such certificates.

Normally Municipal / hospitals issue such marital status


c. Some Embassies / Consulate General don’t issue such

certificates. In this case, ask them in writing stating

that ‘Embassy will not issue such certificates’ and also

the reason.

8. Registration of Marriage in Court

This is the toughest part of your journey. 

India Govt. office (Sarkaari Daftar) will give you pain. So

be ready to visit the Registration Office at least 2 times.

a. Verify all your documents as per the list on the

registration form

b. Visit the registration office of your zone

(permanent/present address) and see how things are going on

there. Some Marriage registration offices are better than

the others.

c. You have to only visualize things, I would suggest

going in disguise and keeping low profile. The guys are

very smart there. They will know what you are there for, as

they only see new faces.

d. A lot of touts will also be there. Not sure if you

should meet them or not. Touts know all the officials,

which could worsen your case.

REMEMBER: People go to touts only if there is a problem.

e. Bribe is very common.

f. You can book the date for your marriage

registration online.

The website link is

9. Final List of Documents – Gazetted Officer Verified

By now you should have following documents

1. Affidavits or Certificates to prove that you both

are Single

2. Conversion Certificate from Gurudwara

3. Change in Name Affidavit and Newspaper

4. Anand Karaj “Sikh Marriage Ceremony” Marriage


5. Marriage Invitation Card

6. “NOC” from the Concerned Embassy

7. Marriage Photograph

8. Marriage Registration Application Form Filled with


9. Eye Witness of your Anand Karaj with PAN no

If you are unable to find any Gazetted Officer you should

then go to touts but of other zone.

They might ask you like 5K but it is possible with less

than 1K.

Do ask for the ID and the Cell Phone no.

Gazetted Officer is not required to present in the court of


10. Extreme Case Scenarios

a. Verification with No Police Case Record

b. Verification that both husband and wife are living

at the said present address

c. Calling Gazetted Officer in front of Marriage

Registration Officer

11. There is no letter sent to home for getting

approval of parents. This is now by LAW.


1. All the Affidavits from Notary should have following

• Full Name (First, Middle, Last)

• Passport No #

• Fathers Name

• Mothers Name

• Temporary Residence Address

• Permanent Residence Address

2. Affidavit cost is 50 INR only

a. Rs 10 Stamp Paper is fine