Insurance Auditor

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“Insurance Auditor Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Auditor job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

60 Insurance Auditor Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us what you should do after the internal audit?

After the internal audit,

☛ Hold an auditors meeting with auditees involved with the audit, discuss the non-conformances and what part is missed

☛ Issue the audit report in a timely manner

☛ Encourage auditees to take corrective actions again flaws

☛ Help and guide those responsible for completing the corrective actions with setting reasonable deadlines

☛ Take the feed-back of the auditees and how your audit team were perceived


2⟩ Tell us what is required to perform an internal audit?

To perform an internal audit all of the financial records shall be given by the treasurer for the audit, including the check-book register, bank statement, deposit slip, cancelled checks, treasurer’s reports, expense vouchers or warrants with bill receipts, the annual treasurer’s report etc.


4⟩ Please explain what is your role within the month-end close process?

Being able to articulate your functionality and responsibility and specifics related to how you go about the end-of-the-month close at your current or most recent firm is a very important piece,”. “That said, be able to sum up every bullet point on your resume, mentioning highlights and focusing on accomplishments.


5⟩ Tell me how do you minimize the risk for errors in your work?

As an accountant, you are held to a high standard and the margin for error is tiny. Small mistakes can lead to large financial issues.

“Respond to this question by describing any times you’ve caught errors before submitting work,. Emphasize the importance of checking your work and establishing checks and balances within a team.”


7⟩ Explain me how do you see your career progressing after 3-4 years in Internal Audit?

This question according to me is again about striking the right balance. If a ‘rotation scheme’ is in place, candidates should show clear ambition, whilst demonstrating an open-mindedness to different career directions.” He further explains, “If you typecast yourself into one narrow career path, there’s a chance you’re talking yourself out of the job if the company is any less than 100% sure they can deliver on your ambitions.”


8⟩ Tell me The Basic Principles Of An Internal Audit Control System?

The basic principles of financial internal control are explained below:Financial and accounting operations must be separated that is the handling of cash and the recording of the movement thereof should be done by different persons. Responsibility for the performance of the job must be clearly stated so that there may be no room for doubt or confusion subsequently.

Too much confidence should not be pinned in one individual. Nearly all frauds have been committed by trusted officials or employees. It is interesting to note that frauds have occurred owing to their being trusted. Relation principle relating to transfer of an employee from one job to another should be the inflexible guiding rule. This is an effective safeguard against collusion and is recognized as an important canon of sound organization.

Mechanization of the work wherever feasible and practicable should be resorted to, mechanical devices such as cash register, recording time clocks, calculation machines should be introduced. A system of control accounts should elegantly be fitted in the book keeping system.

The work should be so arranged that work done by one employee should be properly checked by independent employee. Such continuous and constant checking goods moral control and the errors and the frauds cannot go undetected.


9⟩ Tell me can you describe a time when you took the lead on implementation or were proactive?

Recruiters want accountants and auditors who have the foresight to address any potential issues that may arise before the situation blows up and becomes reactionary.

“When you’re asked accounting questions, focus on any recommendations you’ve made to higher-ups, and processes or procedures that you implemented,”. “Think about how you’ve done your job in a proactive sense rather than a reactionary sense.

Especially controllers and CFO-level candidates must be prepared to answer, ‘Have you implemented any processes or procedures?’ and talk them through that,


10⟩ Tell me are you comfortable being a witness in the event criminal prosecution occurs?

I would definitely be comfortable serving as a witness. I have done it a few times before, and on all occasions, I have been able to do that while not allowing other cases fall to the wayside. I communicate with law enforcement thoroughly so that I know exactly how much time will be expected of me in court, and then I coordinate with my boss about getting time off. There are always additional cases for me to review, so if need be, I would be willing to work during an evening or on a weekend to ensure everything gets finished promptly.


11⟩ Tell me Non Statutory Audit?

This is the audit not specially required by law this scope of the audit will be outline by the contract between the auditor and the clients.


12⟩ Explain me some examples of cultural adaptability?

Edwards explains that the best way to answer this question is by showing, not telling. “Our clients are often looking for people who will travel frequently, across different time zones, and encounter many different cultural approaches both inside and outside of their business dealings, If you can show that you know what that entails, it helps the interviewer feel more relaxed about putting you in that challenging environment. Any examples of visiting family and friends abroad, studying in a different country and thus experiencing their culture or adapting yourself to new ways of working will show the interviewer that this isn't going to shock you.”


13⟩ Tell me what is Caro 2004?

CARO means company audit report order 2004.It describes the matter on witch Statutory Auditors has to report in their Audit Report.


14⟩ Tell me why internal audit is necessary?

Internal Audit is necessary to

☛ Enhance the size and complexity of businesses

☛ Increase the compliance requirements

☛ Focus on risk management and internal controls to manage them

☛ Unconventional business models

☛ Stringent norms implemented by regulators to protect investors

☛ Intensive use of information technology

☛ Increasingly competitive environment


15⟩ Explain the steps before an audit processes?

☛ Ensure the authority of the audit team is established- it will enhance the co-operation from the auditees

☛ Decide which areas of the company will be audited and the frequency of the audits. Prepare as yearly audit schedule and distribute

☛ Determine the purpose of the audit whether it complies with government regulations, quality standards, internal procedures and systems

☛ Organize a meeting with the auditors to discuss plan, scope and purpose of the audit

☛ Read the documents you are auditing against.


16⟩ Tell me what is your experience with developing business metrics?

Keep your response brief, like you would for “Tell me about yourself,” but outline important experience you’ve had in this area.

By keeping your response brief, it can open up the conversation to be more like a dialogue about the employer’s business metrics rather than a Q&A


17⟩ Tell us do you have experience doing/handling X, Y and Z?

Remember to avoid the word “no” – instead, say you’re enthused to have the opportunity to learn X, Y and Z.

There is nothing that you can’t do, director of the corporate finance and accounting practice at Michael Page. When asked about walking through your resume, recite accomplishments that tie into the job description.

“Make notes at the top of your page or notebook as to your strengths [that are relevant] for the position. You’re better off to say ‘My experience is limited in XYZ but I do know ABC.’ Don’t give them a reason not to hire you.


18⟩ Explain me have you been able to detect insurance fraud in the past?

It has only come up a couple times in my experience, but there have been instances where I discovered fraud in a claim. Once, someone filed an insurance claim because their car had been stolen. After working with law enforcement, we discovered the vehicle was only a few miles away. Apparently, the car owner was just trying to get some quick cash and thought this was the easiest way to get it. Criminal charges were ultimately placed against them.


19⟩ Tell us what Are The Reasons For Getting Audited?

It is requested by Audit committee or the Company's; shareholders. The main objective of modern Audit is to help the MGMT to achieve its various objectives by bringing a systematic approaches and evaluating the risks.