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“J2EE Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE is a widely used platform for server programming in the Java programming language. The Java platform (Enterprise Edition) differs from the Java Standard Edition Platform (Java SE) in that it adds libraries which provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, so learn J2EE with the help of this J2EE Interview Questions with Answers guide”

112 J2EE Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is application client?

A first-tier J2EE client component that executes in its own Java virtual machine. Application clients have access to some J2EE platform APIs.


2⟩ What is container?

An entity that provides life-cycle management, security, deployment, and runtime services to J2EE components. Each type of container (EJB, Web, JSP, servlet, applet, and application client) also provides component-specific services.


6⟩ What does web module contain?

The web module contains:

--JSP files,

--class files for servlets,

--GIF and HTML files, and

--a Web deployment descriptor.

Web modules are packaged as JAR files with a .war (Web ARchive) extension.


7⟩ What is the difference between Session bean and Entity bean?one?

The Session bean and Entity bean are two main parts of EJB container.

Session Bean

--represents a workflow on behalf of a client

--one-to-one logical mapping to a client.

--created and destroyed by a client

--not permanent objects

--lives its EJB container(generally) does not survive system shut down

--two types: stateless and stateful beans

Entity Bean

--represents persistent data and behavior of this data

--can be shared among multiple clients

--persists across multiple invocations

--findable permanent objects

--outlives its EJB container, survives system shutdown

--two types: container managed persistence(CMP) and bean managed persistence(BMP)


9⟩ What is content?

In an XML document, the part that occurs after the prolog, including the root element and everything it contains.


10⟩ What is the J2EE module?

A J2EE module consists of one or more J2EE components for the same container type and one component deployment descriptor of that type.


12⟩ What is DDP?

Document-driven programming. The use of XML to define applications.


13⟩ What is CTS?

Compatibility test suite. A suite of compatibility tests for verifying that a J2EE product complies with the J2EE platform specification.


16⟩ What is deployer?

A person who installs J2EE modules and applications into an operational environment.


17⟩ What is destination?

A JMS administered object that encapsulates the identity of a JMS queue or topic. See point-to-point messaging system, publish/subscribe messaging system.


19⟩ What is Document Object Model?

An API for accessing and manipulating XML documents as tree structures. DOM provides platform-neutral, language-neutral interfaces that enables programs and scripts to dynamically access and modify content and structure in XML documents.