Family Lawyer

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“Family Lawyer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Family Lawyer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

90 Family Lawyer Questions And Answers

2⟩ Tell me how will property and debt be divided in my case?

Massachusetts is an “equitable distribution” state, which means that property and debts are fairly divided between the parties. There are several important statutes that discuss equitable division, the most important being M.G.L. c. 208, Section 34.


7⟩ Tell us what areas of law do you practice?

Some Massachusetts lawyers practice in more than one area of law. While this does not mean they are not effective advocates, it is very difficult to have a complete knowledge base of more than one area of law. Be careful of a divorce lawyer that practices in multiple areas of law, such as personal injury, estate planning, and so forth.


15⟩ Explain me what is your hourly rate and your staff’s hourly rates?

Different attorneys charge different hourly rates, depending on their level of experience. All attorneys also charge for their staff’s time to work on your case. Get an honest assessment of the attorney’s billing practices. Also ask whether the attorney sends bills to you. Our firm, for example, sends two itemized bills every month so our clients always know exactly what is going on and what we’ve done on their case.


16⟩ Tell me how can you contribute to our firm?

I can contribute because I am a fast worker, and accurate. Any and all work that is needed to be done will be done by or before the deadline needed. I can help with any other department or employee if they need a hand with their workload. Since I am a fast learner, once I know what I am doing I will ask little amount of questions.


18⟩ Top 10 Family Lawyer Job Interview Questions

☛ 1. Do you specialize in divorces, or are divorces just a part of your practice? How long have you been practicing family law? How many family law cases have you handled? Are you a "certified family law specialist?"

☛ 2. What is your strategy for my case? How long will it take to resolve my case?

☛ 3. How long do you take to return phone calls? How do I get a hold of you if there is an emergency? What do you consider to be an emergency?

☛ 4. Will anyone else in your office be working on my case? What experience do they have? Can I meet them?

☛ 5. How will you charge me? What is your hourly rate? Do you charge for the time I spend with other lawyers, with paralegals, and/or with secretaries? If so, at what rate? What is your retainer up front?

☛ 6. What costs (other than your own) do you expect will be involved (for example, for private investigators, forensic accountants, physicians, and/or psychologists), and how will you charge me for them?

☛ 7. What's your estimate of the total cost of this divorce? (Do not be alarmed that most divorce attorneys will resist answering this question as the cost of the divorce depends greatly upon the level of conflict in your case. However, the way attorneys answer this question may help you size them up. An honest attorney will often answer that it is difficult to estimate the costs in advance. An attorney that gives you an unrealistically low amount may just be trying to get your business).

☛ 8. Do you allow me to negotiate directly with my spouse? How can I keep the cost of my divorce down? Are there tasks that I can do myself to cut down on the amount you will charge me?

☛ 9. Based on what you know about my case, how would you predict a judge would rule on it?

☛ 10. What can you do to help me understand the tax effect of the decisions I will have to make?