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“Zoologist Frequently Asked Questions in various Zoologist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

128 Zoologist Questions And Answers

2⟩ Why do desert aminal look so pale?

The pale tones are part of a desert animals cooling system, for light colours reflect the sun’s heat and dark colour absorb them. This is used for camouflage also.


4⟩ Define what is a flying squirrel?

It is a squirrel which can fly having parachute-like membranes connected to each side of its fore and hind limps. It usually sleeps during the day time,


8⟩ Define what helps bat in flying?

while flying, the bat produces high frequency sound waves (about 1,00,000 hertz) from its mouth which are ultra sonic waves. This sound helps the bat in flying.


19⟩ Define what is an animal?

The word animal comes from Latin, meaning “breath” or “soul”. It includes mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, frogs, clams, lobsters, insects, worms, jelly fish etc..