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“IBM RPG400 frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in IBM RPG400. So get preparation for the IBM RPG400 job interview”

20 IBM RPG400 Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is importance of MAPFLD IN OPNQRYF FILE?

Specifies the definition of query fields that are

mapped or derived from other fields. MAPFLD is generally

not needed if the field names specified on other parameters

are simple field names that exist in only one of the file,

member, and record format elements specified for the File

specifications (FILE) parameter.

Up to 50 mapped field definitions can be specified.


2⟩ How can we know running job is batch or interactive?

From a CL program you can do a RTVJOBA command, if the job

type value is 0 then batch job, if 1 then interactive job.

Can take a WRKSMBJOB and see the value in TYPe field. If

*INT then it is interactive, If *BCH,then batch job.


3⟩ Need a sql query retrieve all duplicate records in table?

let us assume we have some duplicate records in sample table

and we can identify duplicates with eid.

The the query looks like this.

Select * from sample

where eid=any

(select eid from sample having count(eid)>1 group by eid);

Note: This should be used SQl .. but i never tried in as400

when ever it is necessary means i use following sql

statement in as400 .......

select * from sample where eid=111

it displays all duplicate records related to 111



Record level Identifier gives the information about the

specific record format in the file. This can be used to

make sure that the record format of the file is same at

present as it was when the program was compiled.This will

protect the program from going into error due to changes

made to the record format after the compilation of the

program.The system tells the program, when it tries to open

the file, that a significant change occurred to the

definition of the file since the last time the program was



9⟩ If my rpg program has a date field, What extra care I have to take while compiling that RPG program?If the file is keyed and I have declared the file as well as Key list properly in my program. Still am getting an error message like "Chain/reade operation is not allowed" What may be the case?

format of variable, length of variable should be date and sep(-/).should be define

extra key "A"

May be you have define you file as output mode


12⟩ What is the difference between ITER and DO ? I know both are used to execute set of statements repeatedly, but what is the main difference?

There is no comparision between DO and ITER as DO statement

is an looping statement and ITER is an branching statement

like LEAVE.

When I use ITER with some condition inside a DO-ENDDO loop,

when that condition occouerd, ITER transfered the control

to ENDDO not out of the loop like LEAVE ie it just skip the

excecution of statements between ITER and ENDDO.

In one statement we can say that ITER in RPGLE is same as



16⟩ What is file identifier where we can use?

system will genaret the uniqe file identifier for every

file.system identifies file thourh that identifier.supose u

can call a file throuh an other program but u do any

change after that file identifier will change.u got error

on that time level check error cause u r file identifier

was changed.


17⟩ Explain MDT?

MDT is a internal indicator.It is used when we are using

SFLNXTCHG in SFL.MDT indicator default in on mode.

breifly when we are using readc for read changed

records.MDT is internally on for every record .If retreive

the record once MDT is going to be off.for that purpose we

used SFLNXTCHG keyword to seton.


18⟩ What are the types of identifiers?

Basically we know 3 type of identifier

1. is numeric which we denotes pic 9(2) like.

2. is alphabetic which we denotes pic A(2) like.

3. is alphanumeric identifier which we denotes pic x(2)like