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“IBM Information Management System (IMS) is a joint hierarchical database and information management system with extensive transaction processing capabilities.”

39 IMS DB Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain IMS Software Environment?

IMS Software Environment consists of the below five main components:


► DL/I

► DL/I Control Blocks


► Application Programs


2⟩ What is DL/I?

DL/I is a command-level language to manipulate IMS databases. DL/I forms a bridge between application program and IMS database. It is used in batch and online programs to access data stored in IMS databases.

Every access to an IMS database is through DL/I. The DL/I interface must be called to update or read a IMS database. DL/I allows both sequential and random processing of a database.


5⟩ What are the objectives of DBMS in IMS?

► Increases data independence

► Reduces data redundancy

► Provides data communication facilities

► Reduces data maintenance

► Provides data integrity and security

► Provides indexing capabilities


6⟩ What is DBMS in IMS?

A Database Management System is used to define and maintain the structure of the database.


7⟩ What is IMS (DB/DC)?

IMS (Information Management System) is IBM’s hierarchical database management system. It has mainly two components: IMS DB and IMS DC (also know as IMS TM)

IMS DB - IMS/Database Manager as the name implies manages the IMS databases. It is used for physical storage creation and management and data retrieval.

IMS DC / IMS TM - IMS/Data Communications or IMS/Transaction Manager handles online transaction processing system.


8⟩ What is an IMS Database?

A Database is a collection of related data items organized in a way that can be processed by application programs.


20⟩ What is meant by BMP mode?

It is of two types:

Transaction oriented

► Can read and write to online message queues.

► Can process online files and databases.

Batch oriented

► Can only read message queues.

► Access online databases in Batch mode