Factory Manager

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“Factory Manager Frequently Asked Questions in various Factory Manager job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

35 Factory Manager Questions And Answers

1⟩ How to hold yourself as manager to the highest standards as Factory Manager?

We all know the kind of manager who constantly shouts or bitterly complains when mistakes are made but gives himself a 'pass' when he fails. Don't be this kind of manager. Ideally, be harder to on yourself than you are on your employees. This can have a trickle-down effect: Employees see the types of goals and standards you set for yourself and want to emulate you because they look up to you.


4⟩ How to setting factory goals?

Don't be the kind of person who never shoots for the moon. Staying measured in your goals doesn't mean that you should always play it conservative, never setting high goals. A manager who never punches above her weight can come across as lacking ambition. Even the conservative poker player knows they need to go 'all-in' from time to time.


5⟩ How to make factory employees or seniors feel good?

1) In a meeting with your boss, for example, mention something one of your workers did well. If your boss happens to mention to that worker that you said something good about them, they're likely to feel that you appreciate them and made the effort to put in a good word. That sort of compliment doesn't go unnoticed.

2) Privately laud what your employees do well. Tell them when you have a moment. Go into detail. A private chat, however short, can have a positive impact on morale, resulting in more self-motivation.


6⟩ How to tell factory employees that how much you appreciate them from time to time?

Just go out and say it. Ask them out for a cup of coffee and tell them what you appreciate about them.

✫ They're a hard worker

✫ They effectively motivate other people

✫ They're easy to coach

✫ They're disciplined or go the extra mile

✫ They always cheer you up, etc.

Don't mince words just tell them straight out. An employee who knows just how much they are appreciated will work harder, enjoy what they do more, and pass that psychic happiness along to other employees.


7⟩ What are the effects of your positive and negative feedbacks?

When you mix positive and negative feedback, both areas suffer. The positive becomes overshadowed by the negative, and the negative doesn't carry the full force of its potential impact. Of course, there may be situations where you'd want to communicate this, but on the whole it makes communication less effective.


8⟩ How to be a Good factory Manager?

There's a hierarchy of management in every large organization that keeps the whole operation running smoothly. A good manager is able to blend into the background, changing small things here and there to great effect. Being a good manager is about leading by example. It's one of the toughest jobs out there in part because you have to manage other people's expectations and also one of the least acknowledged. Despite this, there are several tricks of the trade that will help you successfully manage all your responsibility, in style and with verve.


9⟩ How to motivate factory employees?

Ask the employees how they're liking their job on a regular basis. Encourage them to be honest with you. Then take action based upon what they tell you.

Offer perks that your employees will value. If health is important to them, give them time to go to the gym and work out. If their family is important, respect the time they may need to send their kids off to school in the morning or pick them up in the afternoon.


11⟩ How to ask questions as factory manager in meeting?

Intelligent questions show that you can follow the flow of the conversation and clarify when necessary. Don't be afraid to ask questions because you're worried about appearing "stupid." Effective managers care about understanding what's important; they don't care about how they get there. Know, too, that others will probably have questions and may not ask. If you ask their question for them, you can act as a facilitator and build your team's engagement level. That's the true mark of a manager.


12⟩ What are the attributes of a good factory manager?

✫ Coach their staff and counsel those who need it

✫ Have staff who are commitment to them

✫ Seek response and feedback to all communications with staff

✫ Know how to resolve conflicts as they arise and handle negative behavior effectively

✫ Delegate wherever possible

✫ Actively like to develop, empower and motivate staff and manage under performers

✫ Take the lead

✫ Raise staff morale and are concerned for staff well-being

✫ Are conscious of the psychological contract

✫ Enjoy managing the boss

✫ Set clear and unambiguous objectives and discuss them with staff before setting them

✫ Performance manage staff and provide feedback on performance

✫ Engage in selection interviewing

✫ Manage teams

✫ Value everyone's contribution


13⟩ How can factory manager treat everyone equally?

The tendency is to give more positive recognition to the people who remind us of ourselves somehow and who actually like us, rather than to the people who make the biggest contributions to the organization. In the long run, it's people in the latter group who will make the most progress in achieving the organization's goals, so monitor your own behavior carefully and make sure you're not accidentally short-changing them, even if they give you the impression that your positive regard doesn't affect them. Some people shy away from positive feedback but appreciate it nonetheless.


15⟩ How to clarify as manager what you're hearing?

Instead of asking your co-worker "I'm sorry, can you repeat what you just said? I'm not sure I understood." say something like "So you're saying that we could drive up productivity by offering more meaningful incentives. What might that look like in the flesh?"


16⟩ What kind of work environment in factory is necessary?

When emotions are turbulent. Let people voice their emotions in a safe, controlled environment. Stifled emotions can turn into resentment, eroding your working relationship. Similarly, emotions that are not adequately dealt with can interfere with rational discussion, which should be the mainstay of your work environment.


19⟩ What kind of feed-backs can factory manager give, positive or negative?

Say you're giving your employee feedback in a performance review. You start off by mentioning how great the employee is to work with, and note one or two additional things they've excelled at. Then you launch into an extended itemization of their deficits "sales were down this quarter," "revenue slipped," etc.


20⟩ How factory manager take interest in his employee?

Being in-tune with your employees' lives outside the office can potentially alert you to times when that person needs extra consideration from you, for instance if he or she requires sudden time off for a family funeral. If you can be accommodating about upheavals in the personal lives of your workers, they'll feel good about rewarding you with loyalty.