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“Non Technical frequently Asked Questions in various Non Technical job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Non Technical job interview”

16 Non Technical Questions And Answers

1⟩ what is iso 9001?

iso stands for international standards for organizaion. it

consists a chain of standards right from producing a

product/services to its point of consumptions,/users

including best of the all aspects related to envirionment

and servicing of its users or point of consumptions.

iso-9000, 9001,9002,14000 are the various standards come

under iso.

iso 9001 standard consist of producing a product/service

with adopting and providing continuous

improvement/innovative and services process to its point of



3⟩ Impact of us recession in India in regard to different sectors?

the recession which started from u.s had prpogated the

entire world and now the entire world is facing the problem

of global crisis. if india is to be considered we find that

india is not that much affected as other european

countries. to my view the most probable reason for this is

that india being an agricultural economy. but india will

face the heat of this economic recession very soon mainly

beacause a large share of gdp comes from service sector

which contributes 52% of the total gdp. the recession will

affect the countries outsourcing industry whereby it

provides it services to western countries. many reputed

companies have started layoffs for eg. wipro laid off about

1000 employees and is planning to lay off another 2000 who

are put under scanner. take the case of satyam compiters

who have given pink slips to about 4500 employees which

constitutes about 9% of its total strenth of 51000

employees. this reputed firms say that the layoffs are

performance based and those who cannot perform will perish.

but the matter of fact being that these people are paying

the price for economic recession


6⟩ What is difference between VAT & CST?

Under the CST Act, the tax is collected at one stage of

purchase or sale of goods. Therefore, the burden of the

full tax bond is borne by only one dealer, either the first

or the last dealer. However, under the VAT system, the tax

burden would be shared by all the dealers from first to

last. Then, such tax would be passed upon the final



7⟩ What is your greatest achievement till date?

I feel that the 18 Yrs service had in the Indian Air Force

must my my great achivement. Why becase, not avery one is

getting chance to serve for the Nation and People. Where as

here I had that golden oppurtunity. Despite many problems

faced at my home Front I have served with optimal job



10⟩ What is the difference between Supply Chain & Logistics?

Supply Chain: A supply chain is a system of organizations,

people, technology, activities, information and resources

involved in moving a product or service from supplier to


Logistics: Logistics is the management of the flow of

goods, information and other resources between the point of

origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the

requirements of consumers


11⟩ 1.Are the private insurance companies safe? 2.If any private insurance company all of suden close or meeting loss, What they should return the invest money to policy holders?3.What is defferance between govt insurance and private companies?4.Somebody saying ICICI produntial company met loss his property. The organization telling What we can do?share is down so you people will get very less amount? Is it true?

1) Yes Private company are safe . because all insurance

company are govern by the IRDA(Insurance regulation

developmnt authority )

2)If insurance compancy will be closed u will get all of ur

dues from the IRDA .

3) There is no big different between Private & Goverment

company .

4)No its not true at all



Though i am strong in the technical aspects,Managing those

technical things with the right resource is very

essential.. To view a thing or product in the other

angle ,i.e in the managerial aspects apart from technical

aspects.. We need MBA.