Project Manager

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“Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers will guide here now that a project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers can have the responsibility of the planning, execution, and closing of any project, typically relating to construction industry, architecture, computer networking, telecommunications or software development. Get preparation of Project Manager Job by this Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers guide”

26 Project Manager Questions And Answers

2⟩ How do you handle stress and pressure?

“I find that I work better under pressure, and I enjoy working in an environment that is challenging.” “I am the type of person that diffuses stress. I am used to working in a demanding environment with deadlines, and enjoy the challenges.”


3⟩ Tell me about your greatest weakness?

It is very important to give a strength that compensates for your weakness. Make your weakness into a positive. “I consider myself a 'big picture' person. I sometimes skip the small details. For this reason, I always have someone on my team that is very detail oriented.” Another good answer: “Sometimes, I get so excited and caught up in my work that I forget that my family life should be my number one priority.”


4⟩ What are your goals for the future?

“My long term goals are to find a company where I can grow, continue to learn, take on increasing responsibilities, and be a positive contributor”.


5⟩ Why are you considering leaving your present job?

Regardless of the reason, do not bad mouth your current employer. Negativism will always hurt you. Good answers include: “There is no room for growth at my current employer. I am looking for a company with long term growth opportunities”. “Due to a company restructuring, my entire department is relocating to Florida. I was give the option of moving, but do not wish to relocate”. “My current company is not doing well, and has been laying off employees. There is no job security there, and more layoffs are expected”.


6⟩ Have you ever had disappointments?

No job is without its disappointments. The disappointments can be anything, from an employee who left for personal reasons or the project that you did not bag because of the financials involved.

Make sure that you provide a quick and factual answer for this question.

These and other questions are randomly asked for the interview of the post of a project manager.

Make sure that you read about the job description well before you opt for a project manager interview.


7⟩ How do you assign tasks to the team?

By telling your team what to do, you at some level are telling them that what they’ve done has not been successful. That’s probably not what you mean. However, tell them why you want something, and ask for their help, and the underlying message is “you’ve done well in the past, so here’s something new.” Even when you put rules in place (governance rules, if you will), you can still educate as to the “why” and get more acceptance than you would otherwise. And, if you have the opportunity to get input, and adjust your rules with feedback, even better. Much better.


8⟩ What are the functions of Project Management Tool?

Following are some functions of Project Management tool

► Task management

► File storage

► Reporting functions

► Commenting and message boards

► Client access

► Subcontractor task assignment

► Time tracking


9⟩ What are your greatest achievements in your professional life?

Apart from the portfolio, everyone has some project or aspect of their jobs that they hold close to their heart. This is the time to inform the interviewer about what your favorite project was and why. Of course, you have to make sure that you do not go on a ramble and genuinely discuss some of your favorite projects.


10⟩ What are some of the projects that you handled in the previous job?

As an experienced professional, you are bound to have a portfolio, and this is the right time to share such a portfolio with the interviewer. Make sure that the portfolio you share is authentic and has all the work that you have done. Your previous portfolio will decide whether the interviewer will be interested you or not.


11⟩ Where have you worked before?

Rarely is an inexperienced person taken in as a project manager. Any project manager would have at least two or three years of experience either as an employee or as a project manager. Therefore, this is one of the basic questions asked. Make sure that you give a brief and concise answer to this question, without going too much into the details. Also, make sure that everything you say as an answer to this question is factual and true.


12⟩ Have you ever faced any disagreements in your previous job? How did you solve it out?

A project manager has to take into consideration several disagreements. They can be between employees, between the superior and the employees, or even the client and the employees. If you reply that you have never had any disagreements, the interviewer will wonder whether you were really a project manager for your skills or simply because you are a people pleaser.

Make sure that you come up with at least one incident where employees and superiors had differences in thought and you were instrumental in changing the scenario.


13⟩ How to judge technical skills of developer?

To judge a technical ability of programmer ask about his past technical work, ask some general tech questions and If you can, try to give him/her a little challenge where he/she can prove some of the skills he/she have enumerated on his/her CV and that he/she will need for the job. In a further interview you may ask him/her how he/she solved some problems. If it is the case, ask him/her how he/she did certain aspects of items listed in his/her portfolio.


14⟩ How to tell the team about his past work performance?

Provide positive Feedback First

Make sure that you first focus on achievements – just the good news. One of the factors that make working together so difficult is our habit of focusing on issues and problems to the exclusion of achievements and successes. In such an environment people feel undervalued and unmotivated and a feeling of Why bother? Shapes the culture.

Review Failures

Next take time to review failures, asking the team to make a full list of disappointments. Let them know that this exercise has nothing to do with pointing fingers and everything to do with creating a realistic picture of the current status of the team and the business.

Take the Lessons

Finally ask each team member to consider what can be learned from what happened. Discuss the potential lessons and align on the top three guidelines that would make the most difference to your success. Keep these alive throughout the year by regular review and public display with news of the difference the lessons are making to performance.


16⟩ Describe the most complex project you have managed from start to finish?

Provide a comprehensive answer remembering to explain the project as you would to a client and not to somebody who has been involved in the project.

The more complex a project the more formal processes and techniques are needed to effectively manage the work. Explain the purpose, value and implementation of the most critical aspects of the project including managing the project work plan, the project schedule, the project risks, the project issues and closing the project.

Be enthusiastic about your accomplishments and specify how your experience will benefit the company. Point out where you made a difference on the project in terms of expenditure, quality, efficiency, customer satisfaction and business and organizational success.


17⟩ What project management software you use to manage your project?

Yes This is a common Project management interview Question asked to every project manager.

Generally project manager use Basecamp. Another software is activecollab. This is can be installed on your own server.

These tools provide ability to set up unlimited numbers of projects, assign members to the projects, set tasks, set milestones, add pages, add tickets, upload documents to the project, have discussions within the project and set numerous access levels for management, staff and clients.


18⟩ AS a Project Manager How to add value to your project?

I am telling you few ideas in my mind that as a project manager how you can add value to project & real customer.

Feel the real need of customers. Don’t act as a sales person. Work as consultant. Which can add much more value to them and hence people will trust you and that trust will help you to grow your business.

Prepare a presentation of their relevance in simple way and with few words. Provide the satisfied references.

Another concern: As a project manager How to justify the time & human resource cost to other persons with different skills like Sales Manager? So Idea is divide all tasks in micro tasks and try to explain all these in detail. Try that he becomes a part of the team and able to realize the facts.

Dropping price doesn’t make any sense. Because if you do it, you have to do it again & again to sell your product. Instead of that increase your product quality.


19⟩ Continuous feature delivery benefits in Agile Software development?

To get the customer feedback early. Iterations allow you to manage risk sooner—you do not have to build the whole product to find out if you can meet a particular specification.

Another benefit of continuous feature delivery is that for some products, software being a good example, incremental releases can provide early benefits. Rather than wait 12 or 18 months for new software features, incremental delivery can provide quarterly or even more frequent ones. Incremental releases can favorably alter ROI calculations because they allow product managers to address opportunities that would be lost in 18 months. However, even though some products can be developed iteratively using simulations or prototypes, they are very difficult to release incrementally. As the battle over Web browsers showed in the late 1990s, customers often can't assimilate new product releases every three to four months.


20⟩ How you can deliver the product fast to costumers?

Simple solution is Keep away your team from non-value adding tasks

Customers need working product not documentation. Project managers need to relieve the project team from as much compliance work as possible, even if that means taking on the tasks themselves. So that the development team can concentrate on the real work.

Agile frameworks do need minimal documentation and a mechanism to convey knowledge about project success and failure to others in the organization. The answer isn't eliminating either documentation or process, but approaching both from a simplified, lean, barely sufficient, just-enough perspective.