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“Advertising Media frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Advertising Media. So get preparation for the Advertising Media job interview”

16 Advertising Media Questions And Answers

7⟩ Explain advertising?

Advertising is the non-personal communication of information

usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about

products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through

the various media.


9⟩ What is grapevine?

Grapevine is an informal communication spread through a

rumor made by a person or a group of people. It spreads

very rapidly in a random way.


10⟩ Are you ready for T-Mobile G-Slate?

LG is all set to release a lion out of its groove on

America’s Largest 4G Network: LG Mobile Phones Announce

Their First 4G Android 3.0 Powered Tablet - T-Mobile G-Slate

With Google.

The T-Mobile G-Slate is first 4G tablets to optimizre

Android 3.0 & use the latest Android technology to its

advantage. Designed for the devices with larger screen

sizes, it addresses the unique aspects of tablet use.



yes one should have a passion for good creative writing and

a way of presentation start with small news channel or

papers as part time writers or join the company as sales

professional learn the necessary skills from people in the

organization and make your way in the department.and

remember journalism is and art and not a science all u need

is passion and a skill.


13⟩ What is Development Communication?

Use of communication technology, mass media and different

channels/media of communication for promotion of health,

social development/rural development issues is coined as

development communication.