1⟩ Who is Holistic/Integrative Care Specialist?
Provides free massage, healing touch, music and other holistic therapy to ease pain, and to comfort and support children and parents. To request holistic/integrative care services, talk to your nurse.
“Baby Doctor related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Baby Doctor. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”
Provides free massage, healing touch, music and other holistic therapy to ease pain, and to comfort and support children and parents. To request holistic/integrative care services, talk to your nurse.
Supports patients and families and attends to their diverse spiritual needs and practices. If you have specific religious needs or requests, please ask for assistance.
The person who cares for your child.
Helps evaluate children with respiratory problems. Manages your child’s ventilator or oxygen needs.
The physician in charge of your child’s care in the PICU, also supervises the team of residents and fellows.
A registered nurse (RN) who has completed an advanced training program in a medical specialty.
Machine used to help your child breathe; attached to ET tube (endotracheal tube).
A physician training and practicing under the supervision of fellows and attendings.
A tube placed in a vein; used to administer fluids.
It may be comforting to know if your doctor has children the same gender.
A member of your child’s care team who helps to make sure your child is receiving enough nutrients to help them heal and grow.
Special IV placed into a large vein in the arm or leg; used to administer medications and / or draw blood.
Procedure to place breathing tube into your child’s airway.
Procedure to remove breathing tube from your child's airway.
A tube placed surgically into your child’s airway through the neck. May be temporary or permanent depending on the needs of your child.
If you go with a doctor in a solo practice, find out who covers when he's away. If he's part of a group practice, ask about the background of the other doctors. Some practices have pediatric nurse practitioners. They are fully trained nurses often with an MA and specialized training. Physician assistants are not nurses. They have college degrees and two years of physician assistant training.
Measurement of temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.
Temporary tube inserted through your child's nose and into stomach (gastric) or intestines (jejunal); used to administer food and / or medications.
A tube placed in the bladder to constantly drain urine.
A member of the care team who is an expert regarding your child’s medications.