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“Gynecologist Frequently Asked Questions in various Gynecologist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

53 Gynecologist Questions And Answers

3⟩ Tell us what qualities should a resident medical officer posses? Which ones do you have and which ones do you lack?

This is basically a variation of the strengths and weaknesses question.

But there is also a big hint stating you in the face. The position description, in particular the role statement and the selection criteria. So you can use these to your advantage.

You might start by saying something like:

“Well I understand from reading the position description that the key roles and capabilities are as such…”

This shows you have done your research and you are willing to align your opinions with the panels views of what a good resident medical officer is.

You can then go on to highlight the sort of qualities that an individual might need to meet these criteria and match them to your own.

So for example. Ability to work under pressure is often a selection criteria. So you could talk about this requires a quality of being calm in a crisis and being able to juggle a number of tasks.


5⟩ Do you know what Is Azathioprine?

Azathioprine takes a number of months to exert its anti-inflammatory effect and therefore has a limited role in the acute management of Crohn’s disease, though it can be started at the time of an acute flare of Crohn’s.


6⟩ Tell us can Medication Is Known To Cause Hypokalaemia?

The medication is most likely to be a selective 2-agonist such as salbutamol, which leads to a tremor, palpitations, headaches and hypokalaemia at high doses. Washing the mouth after administration of inhaled steroids is recommended, no matter what dose is given. Atrovent is the trade name for ipratropium bromide, which is more useful in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than in asthma, although it can be used in an acute asthma attack.


7⟩ Tell us what Medications Are Acceptable During Pregnancy?

The universal disclaimer on medications during pregnancy is no medication has been studied completely. No study could take into account all the variables of human development that pertain to the specific medication. That being said, avoid taking unnecessary medications. This is most important during the first eight weeks of the pregnancy. Certainly, there are chronically prescribed medications such as anti-depressants, anti-hypertensives and thyroid medication, to name a few, which can be very important to the mother’s well-being during pregnancy and will be continued. Sometimes, a medication will be changed to a safer alternative. Specific questions regarding medications can be handled at clinic appointments.


8⟩ Explain me is It Possible To Have A Polyp In The Uterus?

Polyps can form where there is glandular tissue, i.e. in the colon, nose or uterus. Endometrial polyps occur in the uterus and patients will have the symptom of heavy menstrual periods. These polyps can be resected with a simple procedure called hysteroscopy. With a small telescope inserted through the cervix and into the uterus, the polyp can be directly visualized and removed.


10⟩ Explain me a situation where you displayed teamwork?

Again. We are starting to repeat ourselves with this question and questions about communication, conflict and leadership.

Great examples here are situations where you noticed your colleague was struggling. Perhaps they had a bigger caseload than you. And you stepped in. Others might include helping to onboard a new doctor to the team.


13⟩ If I Am Patient Of Acid Reflux, How Can I Get Rid Off?

Fortunately, there are things that can be done to help with reflux. The most obvious answer is some of the many medications that are available to help reduce stomach acid. Some of the least expensive and most effective are even available over the counter, but should be used after discussing your symptoms with your doctor. There are some medications, such as ranitidine and other anti histamine medications (H2 blockers as they are sometimes called), that can be very effective for many people and have a very mild side effect profile.

They are most effective when taken as directed, and the efficacy does tend to decrease if they are not timed appropriately with regards to the meals. Other excellent medications are those that are known as proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, which can be even more effective. The over the counter doses are effective for most people, but in severe cases prescription strength doses can also be used. These medications also have relatively mild side effects, but should be discussed with your doctor. In addition to these medications, lifestyle changes should be tried before any medications.


14⟩ Please explain what Are The Testing Options Available For Assessing The Risk Of Down’s Syndrome?

Most people understand that Down’s syndrome is a group of problems caused by having an extra 21st chromosome (3 instead of 2). These children have numerous issues including mental retardation. The risk of having a baby with Down’s syndrome increases with maternal age.The risk at…

☛ Age 20 is 1/1,667

☛ Age 25 is 1/1,250

☛ Age 30 is 1/952

☛ Age 35 is 1/385

☛ Age 40 is 1/106

☛ Age 45 is 1/30

All women are offered screening options during pregnancy. All women 35 and over are considered to be high risk and are offered diagnostic services as well. I add this one caveat. Think about what you will do with information before you obtain it. Are you getting this information so that you may avoid having a Down’s baby with a potential abortion? Is it valuable to you to know the answer to this question before delivery, just to be prepared? Just because there is testing available doesn’t mean you have to do it


15⟩ Explain me is Irregular Bleeding Common When Starting A New Birth Control Pill?

Yes. It can take up to 3 months after switching to new a birth control pill before your menstrual period becomes regular. You should not discontinue your new pills for at least 3 months to see if they are going to begin working. Spotting between your cycle, nausea and occasional vomiting and headaches are all common when starting a new birth control method.


16⟩ Do you know what Is The Most Effective Form Of Birth Control?

There are many birth control methods on the market today that are highly effective. The primary methods of birth control available include

Barrier Methods - Generally speaking, barrier methods do not prevent pregnancy as effectively as hormonal methods or IUD's, and they must be used EVERY TIME that you have sex. Barrier methods Include condoms, sponges, and diaphragms.

Hormonal Methods - Statistically very good at preventing pregnancy. Hormonal methods include birth control pills, shots (Depo-Provera), and the vaginal ring.

Intrauterine Devices (IUD's) - IUD's are inserted into your uterus, work for 5-10 years at a time, and are a generally safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy. The Mirena IUD contains a hormone that can help with heavy periods and cramping.

Natural Family Planning - Also referred to as "fertility awareness," Natural Family Planning can be effective provided that you and your sexual partner are extremely careful, and are especially mindful of what times of the month are best to engage in sexual activity. Women practicing natural family planning are strongly encouraged to keep good records so as to know when they are fertile; and for times when you ARE fertile, you will need to abstain from sex, or use a barrier method.

With all of this in mind, it's important to remember that all women are different, and that the best way to find out what method is best for you is by consulting with a licensed OB GYN.


17⟩ Tell us you are covering the obstetrics and gynaecology wards one evening and a 35 year old female patient who had a caesarian section 2 days ago is now presenting with severe shortness of breath and chest pain. What is your approach?

You can insert here any typical clinical scenario which might happen on the ward where the resident medical officer is called to review. Chest pain and other types of escalating pain are favourite scenarios. Usually the scenario is in two parts. The initial question which is in the form of the information you might be given when a member of nursing staff calls you.

The next bit is the examination findings. Generally the examination findings are either of a patient who is deteriorating or already in need of an emergency response.

So the key aspects of responding to these questions are not to give a textbook answer to the clinical problem. But to frame it in terms of your role as a very junior member of staff. You need to spell it out to the panel. You need to let them know that:

☛ You would prioritise the call – Go Straight Away.

☛ You would ask for vital signs over the phone.

☛ You would ask the nurse to call an emergency response. If the vitals warranted it.

☛ You would ask the nurse to stay with you to help.

☛ You would have in the back of your mind a question about “What could be the worst case scenario here?” for example a pulmonary embolus.

☛ You would take a quick history and examine the patient.

☛ You would have a low threshold for calling a senior colleague and/or an emergency response.


18⟩ Suppose patient Feeling Randomly Sick With Headaches. What Could It Be?

Persistent headaches are not something that can be ignored, as this could be your body trying to send you a signal that there is something wrong. Often, the history and description of the headache can be quite helpful as you attempt to determine what is the cause of your headaches so that you can know how to get better. If your headaches are associated with certain movements, activities, foods, or other triggers, than this can serve as a clue to you and your doctor to help you feel better.

If, on the other hand, your symptoms are somewhat predictable and come on in the same way, then it is also possible to use this information to diagnose the type of headache, which then gets you closer to getting some help with your pain and other symptoms. Migraines are classically associated with light sensitivity, nausea and vomiting, and intractable and incapacitating pain. People with migraines may have a family history of them, and they may have an aura, or symptoms that routinely come before the headache and let them know it is coming.


19⟩ If Patient Having Chronic Neck Pain For 4 Days. Medication And Rmt Massage Have Done Nothing, Pain Is 10/10 Now. What Could It Be?

It is not normal for pain to become so severe and fail to respond in any way to conservative therapy, and so your doctor should discuss this with you in more detail to make sure that there is nothing serious that is causing your symptoms. Neck and muscle spasms can be common in some people with a history of c spine injury or trauma, and can be severe and debilitating. They should not be a new onset symptom for most people, however, unless you have had some precipitating event.

Massage and things to help the muscles relax is often a great idea to help with some of the mild aches and pains that we can have from time to time, and the fact that you had no improvement is worrisome. Your doctor may entertain other possible explanations for this pain in addition to trauma and misuse injuries. He or she may decide it is important to get some imaging and complete a physical exam looking for things that might be amiss. Shooting pain can be a concern for nerve injury.


20⟩ Explain me should I Continue To Have A Pelvic Exam Each Year If I Have Had A Hysterectomy?

Women should have a yearly physical exam by a physician which includes a pelvic exam and breast exam beginning in their late teens and early twenties. All women should have their cholesterol checked every 3 to 5 years. A yearly mammogram is essential after age 40. Women over 50 need a screening colonoscopy every 5 years. There are different opinions concerning whether women should have a pap smear every year after hysterectomy. You should discuss your individual medical history with your doctor before deciding whether you should continue to get a pap smear after hysterectomy