Licensed Practical Nurse

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“Practical Nurse Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Licensed Practical Nurse. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

64 Licensed Practical Nurse Questions And Answers

1⟩ How would you handle a patient who constantly complains about pain as practical nurse?

★ I would confer with the attending doctor to make sure that the patient's pain was being managed in the most effective way.

★ I would reassure the patient that everything possible was being done to alleviate their discomfort.

★ I would listen sympathetically to their complaint, reassure them that their concerns were being heard and that we were doing everything possible to help them.


3⟩ What are your pet peeves?

If something is bothering me, I step back, analyze "why" and find a good solution. If you asked my teenage daughter she would tell you my pet peeve is the volume of her music and the mess in her room.


4⟩ What is your professional development plan?

Organizations look for employees who are plugged into the latest trends impacting their field and eager to keep pace with changes in technology and best practices. They also recognize that no employee is perfect and look for evidence of self-awareness and a willingness to address any weaknesses.


5⟩ Would you rather be liked or respected as a nurse?

In most work roles, being respected should be given greater emphasis, since it is typically linked more closely to competence and productivity. However, a significant factor to consider is the nature of your relationship with your colleagues.


7⟩ Why should I take a risk by hiring you as a nurse?

The best way to answer this type of question is to emphasize how well this particular position fits your interests. Review each element of the job description and note the responsibilities that are most interesting to you. Think of parallel roles you have had in the past and be ready to describe how fulfilling any of those activities have been for you.


8⟩ How do you evaluate success in nursing?

In your answer, you should be cognizant of the type of job you are applying for. Whereas a large corporation might place all their emphasis on the bottom line, a non-profit would measure success not in money but in social impact.


13⟩ What do you find most rewarding about being a nurse?

★ The most rewarding thing for me as a nurse is seeing the joy when a family first holds their baby.

★ Interacting with the patients and their families is what I find most rewarding.

★ I find helping patients through recovery after surgery, which is often one of their greatest challenges, to be most rewarding.


14⟩ Would you describe yourself as organized as in nursing field?

Absolutely. I like to have a check list and make sure that each item gets the attention it needs. Sometimes a little too much so. I make sure that everything is neat and in order. I am a very organized and thorough person, which I think contributes to my success as a nurse. I use several online and desktop tools to stay organized. I like to carefully plan my daily, weekly and long term work project. That helps me stay organized.


15⟩ Are you a self motivator as a nurse?

Absolutely, I can always find something productive that needs doing. I am very motivated to do a good job at what I take on and I like to stay busy. I am a self motivator and I take great pride in my job as a nurse.


16⟩ What would you do if your replacement did not arrive as a nurse?

★ I would wait until she arrived or until someone else was called in.

★ I would notify the supervisor and offer to stay until my replacement arrived.

★ Try calling her to see if she were on the way or if she needed help making arrangements for someone to take her shift.


17⟩ How would you handle a patient who complains about everything?

I would first be sure that the patient had no valid complaints and then just be patient and reassure them that we were doing our very best for them. I understand that some patients will complain about everything, just because they are unhappy about what brought them to our care. I just reassure them that everything possible is being done to make them comfortable.


18⟩ What do you do to keep current with medical findings and practices as licensed practical nurse?

★ I offer my patients the very best care and advocacy I can.

★ I believe that I offer my patients comfort and confidence that they are being well cared for.

★ I feel that my patients know that I am there to provide comfort and understanding that I will listen to their concerns and that I will act as their advocate if necessary.


19⟩ What is your greatest strength as a nurse?

The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for. Be prepared to answer by making a list of the qualifications mentioned in the job posting. Then, make a list of your skills that match those listed. This list can include education or training, soft skills, hard skills or past work experiences.