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“Nephrologist based Frequently Asked Questions in various Nephrologist job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

69 Nephrologist Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is kidney failure?

Also known as renal failure, a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood.


2⟩ What is kidney disease?

A condition with a wide range of causes in which the kidneys are damaged and unable to fully remove waste and excess fluid from the body. Left untreated, kidney disease can progress to kidney failure.


4⟩ What is anemia (uh-NEE-mee-uh)?

The condition of having too few red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. If the blood is low on red blood cells, the body does not get enough oxygen. People with anemia may be tired and pale and may feel their heartbeat change. Anemia is common in people with chronic kidney disease or those on dialysis. (See also erythropoietin.)


5⟩ What is chronic kidney disease?

Slow and progressive loss of kidney function over several years, often resulting in permanent kidney failure. People with permanent kidney failure need dialysis or transplantation (see transplant) to replace the work of the kidneys.


7⟩ What is dialysis solution?

A cleansing liquid used in the two major forms of dialysis’hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Dialysis solution contains dextrose (a sugar) and other chemicals similar to those in the body. Dextrose draws wastes and extra fluid from the body into the dialysis solution.


8⟩ What is Glomerular (gloh-MEHR-yoo-ler) filtration rate (GFR)?

A calculation of how efficiently the kidneys are filtering wastes from the blood. A traditional GFR calculation requires an injection into the bloodstream of a fluid that is later measured in a 24-hour urine collection. A modified GFR calculation requires only that the creatinine in a blood sample be measured. Each laboratory has its own normal range for measurements. Generally, the normal range for men is 97 to 137 mL/min/1.73 m2 of body surface area. The normal range for women is 88 to 128 mL/min/1.73 m2.


10⟩ What is membrane?

A thin sheet or layer of tissue that lines a cavity or separates two parts of the body. A membrane can act as a filter, allowing some particles to pass from one part of the body to another while keeping others where they are. The artificial membrane in a dialyzer filters waste products from the blood.


11⟩ What is urea (yoo-REE-uh)?

A waste product found in the blood and caused by the normal breakdown of protein in the liver. Urea is normally removed from the blood by the kidneys and then excreted in the urine. Urea accumulates in the body of people with renal failure.


12⟩ What is urinary (YOOR-ih-NEHR-ee) tract?

The system that takes wastes from the blood and carries them out of the body in the form of urine. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, renal pelvises, ureters, bladder, and urethra.


14⟩ What is amyloidosis?

A disease characterized by an abnormal build up of proteins (called amyloids) in various organs in the body.


16⟩ What is diuretic?

A type of medicine that helps your body get rid of extra fluid. Having too much fluid in your body can raise your blood pressure. Diuretics are sometimes called “water pills


17⟩ Tell me what is graft?

In hemodialysis (see dialysis), a vascular access surgically created using a synthetic tube to connect an artery to a vein. In transplantation (see transplant), a graft is the transplanted organ or tissue.


18⟩ What is kidney?

One of two bean-shaped organs that filter wastes from the blood. The kidneys are located near the middle of the back. They create urine, which is delivered to the bladder through tubes called ureters.


19⟩ What is kt/V (kay-tee over vee)?

A measurement of dialysis dose. The measurement takes into account the efficiency of the dialyzer, the treatment time, and the total volume of urea in the body.


20⟩ What is kidney Transplant?

When a healthy kidney from one person is placed in someone else whose kidneys have failed. A kidney transplant can come from a living donor or from someone who has just died.