Physician Assistant

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“Physician Assistant frequently Asked Questions in various Physician Assistant job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

46 Physician Assistant Questions And Answers

1⟩ Who is Physician Assistant

A Physician Assistant or Physician Associate is a healthcare professional who is licensed to practice medicine as part of a team with physicians.


2⟩ Tell me why did you not choose a career in research?

I do enjoy aspects of the research process, including discovering a new approach of solution to a problem, but I am drawn to a career that involves the direct patient contact. In my experience as a technician I have found that I thoroughly enjoy the interactions that I have with the patients and their families. I think there is a lot to be learned and gained from the time spent at the bedside and therefore feel that I would be suited by a primary care career.


3⟩ Do you handle blood and gore?

Coming from an emergency room I have more than a few experiences with blood and gore. I handle it well and if anything blood and gore increases my concentration. It causes me to have a sense of urgency, that isn't to say that i become hectic in the presence of blood but more methodical and deliberate in my actions.


6⟩ Tell me how did you manage your time among school, work, and other activities?

The strive for balance, I have learned, must be met with support. Juggling school, work and having a young family requires the support of my community of friends and family. We have made the decision to move closer to family to attend physician assistant school for that reason. It's a matter of letting go of perfection and doing your best. I realize that I need to ask for help when I need it and not wait until I'm stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed to admit that I am not SuperWoman. I love being a multi-tasker, I like wearing lots of hats. But in order to do all that well, I have to set up and utilize a strong support system. I feel blessed to have the support in my life that I do.


7⟩ Brief me about yourself?

I am a hardworking and passionate recent graduate from Michigan State University working as a PT aide at a Spinal and Orthopedic Rehabilitation center. I grew up skiing and ski raced as a kid, and in my spare time I love to enjoy the outdoors. I consider myself to be very personable and I knew that healthcare was profession for me when I was able to help patients as a nurse assistant and I gained satisfaction from their appreciation.


8⟩ A medical practice, acts like a business, Tell me do you have any business experience?

I have much experience with customer service. I worked as a cook at a Pizza Hut in college.I taught high school for 12 years and smiled at unhappy parents and tried to get them to partner with me to help their child succeed After I left teaching I worked as Lead pharmacy tech at Rite Aid and as an in-patient pharmacy tech at CHM. Both jobs required following orders quickly and accurately even if doctors, nurses, or patients barked at you.


9⟩ Are you using this as a stepping stone to your M.D.?

No. I am choosing a career as a physician assistant because I have a love for medicine that I would like to be able to convey to my patients. I do not want to become an MD because I would like to eventually start a family and would like to keep my home life and work life seperate.


10⟩ Tell me what would your last employer say about you?

I think my last employer would say that I am patient. I was a TA for a physiology class and held my own office hours for students to come in and ask questions. Sometimes it took many different explanations for a student to understand the concept, and I did not become frustrated when one of them (or some of them) did not understand.


11⟩ Tell me what do you have to offer our school?

I believe I offer a lot to this school. Primarily, I am interested, engaged, and eager to learn everything I can about this profession and medicine. I also offer a wealth of experience with both acute and long term care as well as patients from young to old, which I feel is very valuable. Finally, I feel as though I offer the skills such as teamwork and time management that make a person successful both in the classroom and in workplace environments.


13⟩ What is your work ethic?

Being a Division 1 college athlete has taught me a great deal about work ethic and I find mine to be exceptional. There have been multible times during workouts and games that I have felt like there was no way I could give anymore but have always found a way to push through. Also, traveling to all of our games and missing two to three days of classes a week during season when we are on the road has really taught me good work ethic. With all the distractions that come with traveling on a bus with 15 other girls, I have always worked hard to get my school work done and still maintain above average grades all due to my work ethic.


14⟩ What kind of people you work with best?

I work best with a diverse group of people that all contribute something special to a practice. I like to work with a highly motivated group of friendly individuals.


16⟩ Describe a day without stress?

I wake up early in the morning and walk outside with my dog and relax with my family at home or on vacation. I would also have one of my favorite books to read at my leisure. In the evening, my family and I would put together a traditional Filipino meal and eat together at the table.


18⟩ Tell me if you have any sales experience?

Aren't we all natural born sellers? When making friends, when seeking a job, when finding a mate, we must actually sell ourselves, be pusuasive, assist others in seeing who you really are and what capabilities, values and solutions you can bring to the table. So yes, I have had sales experience. As a PA I will become a better sales person, invited into the most honorable role of being trusted and providing suitable options and answers.