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“Physiotherapy frequently Asked Questions in various Physiotherapy job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Physiotherapy job interview”

23 Physiotherapy Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain muscles and their functions in the human body?

Muscles are what we usually call flesh. They have the power

of contraction and consequently of expansion also. When a

muscle contracts, it becomes shorter and thicker like a

piece of India- rubber- its two ends coming neater each

other. Source of supply of energy to the muscle is the

combustion of the glucose supply to the muscle to the muscle

by blood and oxygen it carries with it

There ate two types of muscles

(a) Voluntary, and

(b) Involuntary.

(a)Voluntary:- Voluntary muscles are those with we can

contract whenever we wish it which we move at will. These

ate joined to the bones at either end by chords. When a

muscle of this kind contracts, it pulls one of the bones

towards the other. Since a muscle cannot ?push? , an

opposing muscle brings the bent bone in the straight position.

(b)Involuntary muscles :- Involuntary muscles are not

connected with any bones and we have no control over them.

The heart, the blood ?vessels, hair follicles the interior

of the eye, alimentary canal, bladder and uterus, the

respiratory organs inside the body al these are covered by

these muscles. They do their work not under the command of

man: hence they are involuntary muscles.


3⟩ What are the examples of isometric exercises?

Put both hands together behide back head and push both

hands forward at the same time when pushing head backward.

This exercise increases strength at upper back muscle. Very

usuful exercise for people who have problem at cervical



5⟩ How does the respiratory system in man work?

A man can live without food for a few days, but without air

he cannot live even for five minutes. The moment he is born

he begins to breathe will continue to breath till he is

alive. During the process of breathing he draws some are

into his body and expels some. If this supply if air is cut

off, he is suffocated and dies.

The air we breathe in is taken

into the lungs through the wind pipe. The lunge are situated

in the chest-one in each side of the body. The air we breath

in contains oxygen to the extent of one-fifth of the volume

of air. The oxygen is dissolved in the blood and is carried

to all parts of the body. The oxygen combines with the

tissues and sets free the energy contained in them. The

combination of oxygen with a substance is known as the

process of oxidation, combustion or burning is going on in

the human body every moment of the life of a man-whether he

is awake or asleep. Heat is, of course, generated, but there

is no fire.

The whole system of

respiration can be summarized as follows :

(1) Pure blood received from the lungs is pumped by the

heart into the large arteries.

(2) Veins bring impure blood from various parts of the body

and pour it into the heart.

(3) The heart pumps it out into the lungs for purification.

Thus a cycle is formed and the process is automatic. Lungs

are the most important part of this system, because it is

they that purify the impure blood and discharge waste

products like carbon dioxide. The other parts of the

respiratory system are :

(a) the nose.

(b) The upper part of the wind-pipe which is modified into

the voice box known as larynx.

(c) The wind-pipe.

(d) The lungs.


6⟩ Why do we need to breathe?

All the cells in your body require oxygen. Without it, they

couldn't move, build, reproduce, and turn food into energy.

In fact, without oxygen, they and you would die! How do you

get oxygen? From breathing in air which your blood

circulates to all parts of the body.


7⟩ How do you breathe?

You breathe with the help of your diaphragm and other

muscles in your chest and abdomen. These muscles literally

change the space and pressure inside your body to

accomodate breathing. When your diaphragm pulls down, it

not only leaves more space for the lungs to expand but also

lowers the internal air pressure. Outside, where the air

pressure is greater, you suck in air in an inhale. The air

then expands your lungs like a pair of balloons. When your

diaphragm relaxes, the cavity inside your body gets smaller

again. Your muscles squeeze your rib cage and your lungs

begin to collapse as the air is pushed up and out your body

in an exhale.


8⟩ So, it all starts at the nose?

Yup. About 20 times a minute, you breathe in. When you do,

you inhale air and pass it through your nasal passages

where the air is filtered, heated, moistened and enters the

back of the throat. Interestingly enough, it's the

esophagus or foodpipe which is located at the back of the

throat and the windpipe for air which is located at the

front. When we eat, a flap -- the epiglottis -- flops down

to cover the windpipe so that food doesn't go down the


So -- back to breathing -- the air has a long journey to

get to your lungs. It flows down through the windpipe, past

the voice box or vocal cords, to where the lowermost ribs

meet the center of your chest. There, your windpipe divides

into two tubes which lead to the two lungs which fill most

of your ribcage. Inside each of your sponge-like lungs,

tubes, called bronchi, branch into even smaller tubes much

like the branches of a tree. At the end of these tubes are

millions of tiny bubbles or sacs called aleoli. Spread out

flat, all the air sacs in the lungs of an adult would cover

an area about the third of a tennis court.


9⟩ What do these sacs do?

They help perform an incredible magic act. Your air sacs

bring new oxygen from air you've breathed to your

bloodstream. They exchange it for waste products, like

carbon dioxide, which the cells in your body have made and

can't use.


10⟩ How does this exchange work?

With the help of the red blood cells in your bloodstream.

Your red blood cells are like box cars on train tracks.

They show up at the sacs at just the right time, ready to

trade in old carbon dioxide that your body's cells have

made for some new oxygen you've just breathed in. In the

process, these red blood cells turn from purple to that

beautiful red color as they start carrying the oxygen to

all the cells in your body.


11⟩ But what happens to the carbon dioxide?

It goes through the lungs, back up your windpipe and out

with every exhale. It's a remarkable feat, this chemical

exchange and breathing in and out. You don't have to tell

your lungs to keep working. Your brain does it

automatically for you.


Your lungs contain almost 1500 miles of airways and over

300 million alveoli.

Every minute you breathe in 13 pints of air.

Plants are our partners in breathing. We breathe in air,

use the oxygen in it, and release carbon dioxide. Plants

take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Thank goodness!

People tend to get more colds in the winter because we're

indoors more often and in close proximity to other people.

When people sneeze, cough and even breathe -- germs go



12⟩ What is The Nostril?

Present inside the nose and above the mouth it is regionated anteroposteriorly into vestibule, respiratory channel and olfactory organs. A cartilaginous nasal septum divides the vestibule into two lateral halves. The respiratory channel passes through scroll-like turbinal bones and passes by olfactory region into pharynx through a pair of posterior nare. It performs (i) filtration, (ii) air-conditioning and (iii) warming.


13⟩ What is Pharynx?

Pharynx is a common passage for air and food. The pharynx is divisible into naso-pharynx, oropharynx and laryngeal pharynx.


14⟩ What is The Larynx and Vocal Cords?

It is the anterior enlarged part of the wind pipe, made of cartilage i.e. thyroid, cricoids. Arytenoids, etc. the enlarged thyroid cartilage is called Adam’s apple. A cartilaginous muscular flap, the epiglottis is attached to the top of the thyroid cartilage. It can close the glottis while swallowing food. Vocal cords are stretched between thyroid and arytenoids cartilages. Vibrations of vocal cords produce sound. Rima glottidis is the opening between the cords.


15⟩ What is Trachea?

The wind pipe, trachea is 10-12cm long and 2.5 compound in diameter. Entering into thoracic cavity trachea divides into the right and left bronchi. The trachea is supported by C-shaped cartilages.


16⟩ What is Bronchi?

Each bronchus enters the lungs of its side. The right bronchus gives up four branches while the left has two.Inside each lung these branches go on ramifying till a bronchial tree is formed. The terminal bronchioles open into a space called vestibule which gives rise to one to three respiratory bronchioles. The wall of respiratory bronchioles form thin walled sac-like alveoli.


17⟩ What is Lungs?

Lungs are the principal organs of respiration.Ty lie in thoracic cavity. Right lung is 3-lobed and left lung two-lobed. The cone shaped space between two lungs is called mediastinum. Each lung is covered by a two-layered membrane. Its outer membrane is called parietal pleura and inner visceral pleura. The space between these two membranes is called pleural cavity which is filed with a serous fluid. This fluid lubricates the lungs and protects them from friction.


18⟩ What is Write a short note on the human skin. Describe its functions?

Skin plays an important part in a man?s life. It makes his

appearance attractive. He gets a distinctive appearance

because of his skin. There are race conflicts because of the

colour of the skin.

There covering if the human body. Is known

as the skin. Two layers of akin cover the body. The lower

layer known as dermis is made up of fibrous tissues having

blood vessels , glands, hair follicles, sweat glands, etc.

It is very essential that the skin is kept clean. Dust and

dirt collect on the skin and become mixed with salts and

the scales of the outer skin. They thus from fertile soil

for the growth of germs.


19⟩ The most important functions of the skin are?

(1) To regulate body temperature. The skin which is exposed

to the cooling action of the air outside, plays an important

part in regulating the loss of heat and maintaining uniform

temperature of body. This is dine by the mechanism if

dilation and contraction of superficial blood vessels and by

the evaporation of water from the body surface. In fact

this function if the skin can be compared to that of the

radiator of a car

(2)To act as a sense organ. Pain heat, pressure, cold,

touch, etc.. are all felt by the skin and conveyed to the brain

(3)To protect internal organs against external injury and

infection. Many an injury is limited to the skin. But for

skin, our bones would be cracking too often. In fact this

function of the skin can be compared to that of the radiator

of a car.

(4)To eliminate waste products through sweat glands

(5)To protect the body form harmful rays of the sun by means

of pigments of the outer skin


20⟩ Describe the functions of joints and human skeleton?

The place of attachment between two or more bones is known

as a joint. All the joints of the body are capable of

movement except for the joints of the bones of cranium,

which houses the brain.

There are various kinds of movable

joints depending upon the movements they perform. Thus the

knee joint is like a hinge, which allows the lower keg to

move up or down, but not sideways. Following are different

kinds of joints

1. Hinge-joint

2. Pivot-joint

3. Ball and socket joint

4. Gliding joint

(1)Hinge- joint :-This allows the movement of the part of

body in one direction ?up or sown but not sideways. Example

of this joint are knee-joint, elbow-joint, movement of the

lower jaw.

(2)Pivot joint :-As the name suggests, this kind of joint

permits pivotal movement of the parts of body this joined.

Movement of the skull is an example. A man can turn his head

from one side to the other by rotating the skull, which is

joined to the backbone at its top in such a way that a

pivotal movements is possible