.NET crystal reports

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“.NET crystal reports job interview questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best .NET crystal reports answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the interview race. Learn Dot NET crystal reports and get preparation for the job of .NET crystal reports”

7 .NET Crystal Reports Questions And Answers

1⟩ How to access crystal reports in .NET?

When crystal reports are integrated with .NET, data can be accessed using ODBC drivers, ADO drivers, database files like excel, xml etc. Accessing data from data sources like ODBC drivers is called as the pull technology. In pull method, a built in wizard is used to select source to pull data from and the tables and fields are then selected to use in the report. In push method data set is created at run time and passed to the report.


2⟩ Explain the various components in crystal reports?

When .NET application uses crystal reports, the following components are required:

Report files: .rpt or report files needs to be distributed which can either be compiled into the application (Embedded) or independently (non embedded) from the application.

Crystal reports merge module: The merge module ensures that the correct report components and component versions are installed with the application.

.Net Framework: - .Net framework must be available on the client machine.


5⟩ How to write a formula to change a font based upon data?

Select the field



Select the FONT tab

Click the FORMULA BUTTON to the right of FONT

if ({YourField} = Value) then



"Times New Roman"

Click SAVE Icon

Close the formula editor

Click OK on the FORMAT screen