1.actually it depends on the type of ole implementation u r
doing i.e. static , embedded or linked. (refer 3)
2. An OLE object is, a presentation of data that was
created in another application and that maintains a
relationship with the application that was used to create
it. A bitmap created in Paint, an Excel
spreadsheet, or a graph from MS Graph may all be OLE
objects if they are inserted in the receiving document as
OLE objects. If they are not inserted as OLE objects, they
retain no relationship with the original application.
Static object
A static OLE object is a picture of an object that can be
displayed and
printed, but not edited in place. It does not have a
connection to a server
application. There are two kinds of static objects: static
bitmaps and static
• Embedded object
An embedded object contains a representation of the object,
as well as
information that defines the content. It does not have a
connection to the
original object in the server document. As a general rule,
use embedded
objects when you need to edit the object independently of
the original
server document.
• Linked object
A linked object contains a representation of the data and a
link to the file
where it originated. As a general rule, use linked objects
when the data in
the server document is changing and you want the object in
your report to
be updated when you open the report.