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“Crystal Reports frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Crystal Reports. So get preparation for the Crystal Reports job interview”

22 Crystal Reports Questions And Answers

2⟩ Is there a way to be able to change an image(company logo) dynamically in a report? Example if you have 100 reports, and with the market uncertainty if you anticipate that the company logo might change, how can you change the image just in one place and have this reflected in all the reports at run time?

Yes,there is a way.User may create a word document,embed

the required image as a picture object in it and then embed

this word document inturn into Crystal reports(as a linked

OLE object).

Any change in the word document would reflect in all he

reports using this word doc.


5⟩ Where is the image located, after youve placed it on the report?

1.actually it depends on the type of ole implementation u r

doing i.e. static , embedded or linked. (refer 3)

2. An OLE object is, a presentation of data that was

created in another application and that maintains a

relationship with the application that was used to create

it. A bitmap created in Paint, an Excel

spreadsheet, or a graph from MS Graph may all be OLE

objects if they are inserted in the receiving document as

OLE objects. If they are not inserted as OLE objects, they

retain no relationship with the original application.


Static object

A static OLE object is a picture of an object that can be

displayed and

printed, but not edited in place. It does not have a

connection to a server

application. There are two kinds of static objects: static

bitmaps and static


• Embedded object

An embedded object contains a representation of the object,

as well as

information that defines the content. It does not have a

connection to the

original object in the server document. As a general rule,

use embedded

objects when you need to edit the object independently of

the original

server document.

• Linked object

A linked object contains a representation of the data and a

link to the file

where it originated. As a general rule, use linked objects

when the data in

the server document is changing and you want the object in

your report to

be updated when you open the report.


6⟩ Reports can be optimized for web viewing using which of the following strategiesa. Using subreports instead of linking tablesb. Avoiding mapsc. Using the Page N of M special field to help users understand how many pages are in the reportd. Saving reports as version 10e. Avoiding reports with drill-down capabilities?

a), we can have on-demand sub report and load data as

per user selection instead of bring all the records every

time with table linking.


8⟩ When looking at the join types in Crystal - what does it mean when you coose Enforce and Enforce To or Enforce From?

Version 10 introduced the capability to enforce link created in report. Enforcing a link between two tables ensures that the report's respective SQL uses this link, regardless of whether fields are required from one or both the involved tables.

The default setting is unenforced links, meaning that Crystal Reports uses the link only if the report's respective SELECT statement requires it.

You can access the different enforcement option by right-clicking on a link and selecting the link Options menu item.


9⟩ How to create crystal reports in .net?

Select new item add page will be

generated.In asp page u need to add crystal report viewer


In aspx page follow the below code.....

ReportDocument rpt=new ReportDocument()



..Fill the type dataset with ur required data.



rpt.Load(server.mappath("crystareport name"))


CRV10.ReportSource = rpt;



after that switch to crystal report form and add dataset to

the report using databse expert......


11⟩ Can we call or add subreport within subreport?

If you create report with subreport and save it. Create

another report and add the first report as an subreport.

If you try to create a subreport after it's inserted it's

dificult. I think the limit on all subreports is 256.


17⟩ I am developing reports using crystal reports in VS2005 in windows application. I have two crystalreports name called "studentReport" and "familyReport". I have a form with a button. If I click the button I need to show up the tworeports in one report like page1, and page2. The page1 consists the "studentReport" and the page2 contains the "familyReport". The "familyReport" contains different header and footer.How to show up the two crystal reports in single crystalreportviewer?

If I am not mistaken then this can be achieved by make

Student report as main report and your other report

familyreport as subreport of the main report opening in new


For different page header of both report what you can do is

in main report dont put any thing in PageHeader or Footer

create a blank group in that create page header for main

report and in group footer create main report page footer

data and on group select option repeat on each page.

May be this will help to solve your problem if I have

understand what you are looking for.


19⟩ How to add Crystal Reports(Standalone) to my VB.NET project?

There are 2 versions of crystal reports available

1. standalone reports like Crystal Reports 10,XI,XI R2

2. Crystal Reports which comes with Visual Studio .Net like

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio-Embedded Reports

if want to add reports, then go to Add Existing Item (right

click on the project name in the solution explorer), browse

to the .rpt file and select it or Add New Item an select

Crystal Reports from the Templates.

if you want to display reports, you should use Crystal

Repors Viewer


private ReportDocument hierarchicalGroupingReport;

protected void Page_Init(object sender,eventargs e)




private void configurecrystalreports()


hierarchicalGroupingReport=new ReportDocument();

string reportPath=server.mappath("Hierarchical







20⟩ How many Sub Reports added in One MainReport?

The correct answer is,

At most you can add 255 sub reports in the main report. so

the total count is 256 reports are allowed for a standalone


You can not add a sub report inside a sub report. This is

one of the important question as far as for interview point.