Net Dynamics

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“Net Dynamics frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Net Dynamics. These interview questions and answers on Net Dynamics will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Net Dynamics job interview”

21 Net Dynamics Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Middleware Net Dynamics?

NetDynamics Application Server was the first Java-based integrated software platform. The product was developed by NetDynamics Inc. As Java became the dominant development language for web-based applications, NetDynamics experienced significant revenue growth in 1997 and 1998. However, the product soon encountered problems due to the relative immaturity of Java and the rush to release new product versions in a rapidly changing marketplace


2⟩ Explain and distinguish between reflection and dynamic?

Both reflection and dynamic are used when we want to operate on an object during runtime.

Reflection is used to inspect meta-data of an object. It also has the ability to invoke members of an object on runtime.

Dynamic is a keyword which was introduced in .NET 4.0. It evaluates object calls during runtime. So until the method calls are made compiler is least bothered if those methods / properties etc exist or not.

Dynamic uses reflection internally. It caches the method calls made thus improving performance to a certain extent.

Reflection can invoke both public and private members of an object while dynamic can only invoke public members.


3⟩ What is Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)?

DLR is a runtime environment that allows you to integrate dynamic languages with the Common Language Runtime (CLR) by adding a set of services, such as expression trees, call site caching, and dynamic object interoperability to the CLR.


4⟩ What is System.Dynamic?

The System.Dynamic and System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespaces are used to hold the classes for DLR. It also provides dynamic features to statically-typed languages, such as C# and Visual Basic to enable their interoperation with dynamic languages.


5⟩ List the advantages of DLR?

✰ Allows you to easily implement the dynamic languages to the .NET Framework.

✰ Provides dynamic features to statically-typed languages. The statically-typed .NET Framework languages, such as C# and Visual Basic can create dynamic objects and use them together with statically-typed objects.

✰ Implements sharing of libraries and objects, which means that the objects and libraries implemented in one language can be used by other languages using DLR. The DLR also enables inter-operation between statically-typed and dynamic languages.

✰ Enables fast execution of dynamic operations by supporting advance caching.


6⟩ What are DLR Binders?

Binders are used by DLR to communicate with not the .NET Framework but also with various other services, such as Silverlight and COM. These services represent language-specific semantics and specify how a particular operation can be performed at the call site.


8⟩ What is Expression Trees services provided by DLR to CLR?

Refers to the representation of code in a data structure similar to a tree. However, expression trees in DLR are the advanced version of the expression trees that were introduced with LINQ in .NET 3.5. Therefore, DLR has extended the functionalities of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) expression trees, such as control flow, assignment, and other language-modeling nodes to a dynamic language. These expression trees define the semantics of a language in form of an abstract syntax tree (AST). AST enables the DLR to dynamically generate code, which the CLR executes at runtime.


9⟩ What is Call Site Caching services provided by DLR to CLR?

Enables the DLR to store the information of the operations and characteristics of the variables, such as their data type. The call site caching services also enables to check whether such operations have been performed previously to retrieve all the information about the variable. The place where DLR stores these values is called a call site.


18⟩ What is ExpandoObject?

The ExpandoObject class refers to a class whose members can be explicitly added and removed at runtime. In other words, the ExpandoObject class allows dynamic binding of the objects, which enables you to use standard syntax, similar to the dynobj.Method method instead of using more complex syntax, such as dynobj.getAttribute("Method").


19⟩ Explain the difference between dynamic and var data types?

The difference between the var and dynamic data types is that the var data type is strongly type checked at the compile time; whereas, the dynamic data type is type checked by the compiler only at run time. After declaring a var data type, you cannot explicitly change its type throughout the execution of the program; however, a variable of the dynamic data type can be changed during runtime. Another major difference between the two is that dynamic type can also be used as the return type for methods, for which var cannot be used.


20⟩ What is DynamicObject?

The DynamicObject class enables you to define the dynamic behavior for an object at run time. This class cannot be instantiated directly; therefore, to implement the dynamic behavior, you must inherit from the DynamicObject class and override the necessary methods. It allows you to define the specific operations that can be performed on dynamic objects as well the methods to perform those operations.