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“Best practice to review your Cisco Certified Network Professional knowledge and get CCNP jobs near your ares, This CCNP section will guide you that CCNP is considered proof of having the ability to work with medium-sized networks with technology such as QoS, broadband, VPNs, security-minded features. In addition to CCNA exams, professionals must pass either four separate exams, or a composite exam along with two separate exams. CCNP Interview Questions with Answers are easy way to get CCNP Jobs”

88 CCNP Questions And Answers

1⟩ Why are intra-area summary routes not allowed?

OSPF databases on routers in the same area must be identical. If route summarization was allowed within an area, some routers would have specific routes and some routers would have summary routes for routes in the area. If this were allowed, the databases for the area would never agree.


4⟩ How is the OSPF router ID determined?

If physical interfaces are only used, the OSPF router ID is the highest IP address assigned to an active physical interface. If loopback interfaces are used, the OSPF router ID is the highest IP address assigned to a loopback interface. If the router-id command is used with the OSPF configuration, the address used with this command will be the router ID.


11⟩ Explain the difference between the forwarding of a unicast IP packet and the forwarding of a multicast IP packet.

Unicast IP packets are forwarded based on the destination IP address. Multicast packets are forward based on the source IP address. If a multicast packet is received on the interface used to send a unicast packet back to the source, the multicast packet is forwarded to multicast neighbors. If the multicast packet is received on an interface that would not be used to send a unicast IP packet back to the source, the packet is discarded.


14⟩ Can you think of another familiar system that routes using a hierarchical delivery system?

The airport system. At the core routing level, there are major hub airports such as Denver, Chicago, New York, and Atlanta. The core airports are responsible for routing people and cargo to major geographical areas. Core airports connect with regional airports that serve a specific area; regional airports are at the distribution layer. Finally, to reach your final destination, you can take a bus, a cab, a train, or rent a car. This can be considered the access layer.


15⟩ Explain how a letter from New York City to San Diego is routed using the address information.

The source address is not used unless the letter needs to be returned to the sender. Using the destination address, the access level post office in New York examines the state, city, and street information to determine if it is directly connected to the destination. If not, the letter is sent to the distribution layer post office using a default route. The distribution layer post office also examines the state, city, and street information to determine if it is directly connected to an access layer post office servicing the particular street. If it isn't, the letter is routed to the core level using a default route. The core level post office examines the state name, and if the state name does not equal New York, the letter is delivered to the core post office for the state of California. The California core post office delivers the letter to the distribution post office that handles the city of San Diego. The San Diego distribution post office delivers the letter to the access post office that handles the destination street. Finally, the access level switch delivers the letter to the proper destination.