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“Linux IPC frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Linux IPC. These interview questions and answers on Linux IPC will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Linux IPC job interview”

13 Linux IPC Questions And Answers

1⟩ What are the IPC techniques?

IPC Techniques are mainly semaphores,message

queues,pipes,sockets,and shared memory.

1.semaophore is a synchronizing tool between the proceess in

sharing f resource.

it consists either 1 or 0 for allocating or deallocate a

resouce respectively.

2.message queue is a queue which is used by a proceess



5⟩ What is symbolic link in unix?

Linux has two kinds of file system links: symbolic links and

hard links.

A symbolic link — also called a soft link or symlink —

resembles a Windows shortcut. A symlink is a little file

that contains the pathname of another object on the

filesystem: a file, a directory, a socket, and so on —

possibly even the pathname of another link. This pathname

can be absolute or relative. To make a symlink, use ln with

the -s option. Give the name of the target first, then the

name of the link.

# ln –s existing-file-name link-name

We can still edit the original file by opening the symbolic

link, and changes we make doing that will "stick." But if we

delete the symbolic link, it has no impact on the original

file at all. If we move or rename the original file, the

symbolic link is "broken," it continues to exist but it

points at nothing.

A hard link isn’t itself a file. Instead, it’s a directory

entry. It points to another file using the file’s inode

number. Means both have same inode number. Any changes to

the original file will get reflected in the link file also

as both are same.

# ln existing-file-name link-name

To give a file more than one name or to make the same file

appear in multiple directories, you can make links to that

file instead of copying it. One advantage of this is that a

link takes little or even no disk space. Another is that, if

you edit the target of the link, those changes can be seen

immediately through the link.


6⟩ Why do we have serial and parallel interface, which one was faster and why and when we should go for this interface?

Parallel interface works efficiently for short transmittance

distance, for longer ranges the link cribs because of EMI

and other interferences.

Serial on the other hand supports longer ranges as it is a

sole carrier of bits

so long range and slow transmission :serial

short range and faster transmission : parallel


7⟩ How shared memory are accessed if we have two processors trying to acquire the same region?

Synchronization should be done to protect the data

corruption by simultaneous writes from two processes

running on two different processors.

Synchronization between two processors is best done with

the help of spinlocks.

When a process on one processor had locked the shared

memory the other process running on the second processor

shall be doing a busy spin until the first process released

the lock. This is the funda of Spin locks.


8⟩ What does "route" command do?

Route command allows you to make manual entries into the

network routing tables. The route command distinguishes

between routes to hosts and routes to networks by

interpreting the network address of the Destination

variable, which can be specified either by symbolic name or

numeric address. The route command resolves all symbolic

names into addresses


10⟩ Which distro you prefer? Why?

i think RHEL 5.x very stable for production enviroment. i

found that most of required rpm available in this release

that require for to get install Oracle database and

instance on RHEL