Oracle GL

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“Oracle General Ledger (GL) Interview Questions and Answers will guide us that Oracle General Ledger module within Oracle Financials is an integrated part of the ERP package Oracle applications. It is a financial management solution within E-business suite for entering Journals, planning and budgeting, financial reporting etc of large companies. So learn Oracle GL and get job in Oracle GL with the help of this Oracle General Ledger (GL) Interview Questions with Answers guide”

45 Oracle GL Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is the difference between discounts and adjustments?

Discount refers to the payment terms or on quantity(bulk oreder discount)oredered.In the invoice received from supplier,discounts term is sepcificaly stated.E.G. If paid with in 15 days discount @ 2%,what you need to do is pay 2% less then the original invoice amount,however caution should be taken that the freight amount should not be considered while calculating the discount.Adjusment could be for various reasons.Over priced invoice,short delivery of quantity as per goods received note,poor quality etc.Agreed upon amount will be deducted from the invice, while making the payments.


2⟩ What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?

GL Accounting cycle can be further elaborated like this...

1.Open Period.

2.Create Functional and foreign journal entries.(including the journal import from legacy systems and subledgers).

3.Reverse journal entries.

4.Post the journals.

5.Review and correct the balances.

6.Revalue foreign currency balances.

7.Translate foreign currency balances.

8.Consolidate set of books.

9.Run accounting reports.

10.Close the accounting periods.

AP cycle


Purchase Order --> Receipt --> AP voucher --> Payment made

AR Cycle


Sales Order --> Shipment --> Invoice --> Payment receipt

GL cycle


Direct GL JE / Transfer subledger data to GL --> Post


3⟩ What are Summary Accounts and Rollup groups?

Summary Account is an account whose balance represents the sum of other account balances. You can use summary accounts for faster reporting and inquiry as well as in formulas and allocations.

Rollup group is a collection of parent segment values for a given segment. You use rollup groups to define summary accounts based on parents in the group. You can use letters as well as numbers to name your rollup groups.


4⟩ Get the following message on Drilldown - Function not available to this responsibility. Change responsibility or contact your system administrator?

All the setups(Form, form function, form function attaching to menu, menu to responsibility) are fine. But even I am getting the error Function is not available to this responsibiltiy, please contact the system administrator.

This error we are getting for all custom developed forms. Same things are working fine in other instances.


7⟩ What are different period types?

If it is accounting period types, then there are three pre-defined types, namely month, quarter and year. User can also add period types.

If it is period status, then there are 5 period status, namely Never opened, Open, Future Enterable, closed and Permanently closed.


9⟩ What is the difference between cross-validation rules and security-rules?

Cross Validation Rule:Rules that define valid combinations of segment values a user can enter in an account. Cross-validation rules restrict users from entering invalid combinations of account segment values.

Security Rule:It determines the accounting transaction user can view at differenty levels of hierarchy, such as at Site Level -->Application Level --> Responsibility Level --> User level.


12⟩ What id recurring invoices?What are AP setup steps?

Some times suppliers would not be sending any invoices.But still the payment have to made to him.ex: rent,lease rentels. In this situvation we have to create invoice every period wise.For that purpose we have to create one recurring invoice template. Template means with one master copy creating the multiple invoices is called we are creating the one invoice master copy is formally known as arecurring invoice or recurring inavoice tempalate. SET UP:

1) we have to create one special calender

2) we have to create one full distribution set

3) we have to enter payment terms in the recurring invoice window

4) enter the template no,first invoice amount,special invoice amounts


14⟩ What are different types of Journal entries?

There are 4 types of journal entries.

1. Basic Journal Entry - Used for most of the accounting transactions

2. Reversing JE - Created by reversing the existing journal entry

3. Recurring JE - Defined once and then generated for subsequent

accounting period

4. Mass Allocation - Created to allocate the revenues and assets to a

group of resources(cost centers, depts, divisions,etc) from a single



15⟩ What is an Invoice? How man?

AR invoice is a document sent to the customer with details like, Bill-to customer code, product code, qty sent, price, currency, credit terms, tax details,etc. Based on this invoice, customer will make payment to the company and the same is applied against the invoice.

AP invoice is the document received from the supplier and contains informations such supplier details, product code, qty, price and tax details. This invoice is entered in the AP module and payment is made to the supplier against this invoice.


16⟩ What is FSG and its use?

Overview of the Financial Statement Generator

Financial Statement Generator (FSG) is a powerful report building tool for Oracle General Ledger. With FSG, you can:

► Generate financial reports, such as income statements and balance

sheets, based upon data in your general ledger.

Note: If you have average balance processing enabled in your

set of books, you can report on functional, foreign?entered, or

translated average balances.

► Define segment value security rules to restrict financial

information contained in FSG report output generated by specific users and responsibilities.

Note: To apply segment value security rules, the profile option

FSG: Enforce Segment Value Security must be enabled. See: FSG:

Enforce Segment Value Security: page B ? 9

► Define your reports with reusable report objects, making it easy to create new reports from the components of reports you?ve already defined.

► Design custom financial reports to meet specific business needs.

► Print as many reports as you need, simultaneously.

► Print the same report for multiple companies, cost centers,

departments, or any other segment of your account structure, in the same report request.

► Schedule reports to run automatically.

► Produce ad hoc reports whenever you need them.

► Print reports to tab?delimited files for easy import into

client?based spreadsheet programs.In addition, you can use the Report Wizard feature of Applications Desktop Integrator to design and submit your financial repor


20⟩ What are the setup steps for AP, AR, and GL?

For GL:

1. Set of Books(Chart of Accounts)



For AP:



3.Look up codes

4.Selection of Set of Books

5.Payment Terms

6.Financial & Payable Option

7.Define Banks

For AR:


2System option

3.Payment Terms

4.Open period

5.Auto Accounting

6.Transcation Type

7.Transcation Source