Oracle Service Contracts

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“Oracle Service Contracts frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Oracle Service Contracts. These interview questions and answers on Oracle Service Contracts will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Oracle Service Contracts job interview”

18 Oracle Service Contracts Questions And Answers

5⟩ What is the use of approval work flow?

Oracle Service Contract leverages Oracle workflow to

automate the contract approval process. After authoring the

contract one can send it for approval and obtain signature

on contract.


6⟩ What will sections do?

Sections are used while defining contract terms. Sections

are headings under which we organize contract clauses. We

can define sectons that can be used in defining templates

and contracts.


9⟩ Why QA checklist is required and what are all its checking?

QA Checklist is required to check that the contract is

created with all the necessary information.

the checklist checks and validates the contract before the

contract can become active

What all it is checking is a huge list.

Pl. check profile OKS: Default QA checklist


11⟩ Why contracts need to group and how to assign?

Contracts are needed to be grouped because the renewals,terminations ,extensions of the Contracts can be done easily based on their groups.

The Contract be assigned to a particular group while authoring the Contract in the Summary--->Administration Tab.

And also we can change the Contracts to another groups from the Contract Navigator.


13⟩ Why summary and line Tabs is required?

The header level information for contract is captured at

top of the contract form and in summary tab. The summary

tab includes information in various sub-tabs like parties,

pricing/billing, renewal, administartion, security/text.

The line tab line tab captures the line level information

for individual service,usage and subscription items. Line

tab will have multiple sub-tabs acounts, effectivities,

pricing/products, exemption/payment options, counters,


The summary tab and line tab is required for any service



14⟩ What is subscription agreement?

Oracle Service Contracts can be used to sell subscriptions

for both tangible(collateral, or any other physical

item that can be shipped through OM) and intangible items(

collateral that is sent through e-mail).


17⟩ What is the use of line numbers?

A contract can ahve multiple lines and the line number will

differentiate between one line to another. Sb-line number

is also dependent on line number e.g. if we have line

number as 1,2 then the sub-line number for line 1 will be

1.1, 1.2,1.3 etc.


18⟩ What is usage in service contracts?

Usage base service providing to the product, Usage means


we can provide the service to the product on the basis of

USE(counters) and Durations(time) wise, this need to be

define in service contracts how the product get service on

eligible business process(customer support/Field

service/Depot repair) with charges or with out charges .