1⟩ Which of the following involves the injection of radioisotopes into the body?
► a) Radiography
► b) PET
► c) CT imaging
► d) MRI
Answer - b
“Anatomy Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Anatomy is a branch of biology and Medicine which studies primarily the internal structure and design of the structure of living things. Anatomy is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy (zootomy) and plant anatomy (phytotomy). Learn basic and advance Anatomy concepts or get preparation of Anatomy jobs interview by our Anatomy Interview Questions and Answers Guide”
► a) Radiography
► b) PET
► c) CT imaging
► d) MRI
Answer - b
► a) Cells and membranes
► b) Skin
► c) Organs and organ systems
► d) Tissues
Answer - d
► a) To prevent fluid loss from an organ
► b) To reduce friction between internal organs
► c) To circulate blood around the organ
► d) To conserve heat within the organ
Answer - b
► a) Superior
► b) Dorsal
► c) Medial
► d) Lateral
Answer - c
► a) Distal
► b) Lateral
► c) Ventral
► d) Proximal
Answer - d
► a) Measuring the length of the femur on a fetus using ultrasound
► b) Locating an injury to a tendon in the shoulder using CT imaging
► c) Describing the process of how a toxin interferes with nerve impulse conduction
► d) Identifying the types of cells found in a biopsy sample of lung tissue
Answer - c
► a) Sagittal
► b) Lateral
► c) Transverse
► d) Frontal
Answer - a
► a) Homeostasis
► b) Physiology
► c) Dynamic feedback
► d) Metabolism
Answer - d
► a) Growth
► b) Responsiveness
► c) Reproduction
► d) Organ systems
Answer - d
► a) Must be restored by negative feedback mechanisms
► b) Is considered the cause of most diseases
► c) Is when the internal conditions of the body become more stable
► d) Only occur when positive feedback mechanisms are overwhelmed
Answer - b
► a) The atom
► b) Water
► c) The cell
► d) The chemical level of organization
Answer - c
► a) Epigastric region
► b) Left hypochondiac region
► c) Right inguinal region
► d) Hypogastric region
Answer - b
► a) Palms facing posterior
► b) Thumbs pointing laterally
► c) Face pointing anteriorly
► d) Body standing upright
Answer - a
► a) is the membrane lining surface of the lungs
► b) is the membrane lining the wall of the thoracic cavity
► c) is the fluid around the lungs
► d) is the thinnest portion of the peritoneum
Answer - a
► a) Organ
► b) Serous membrane
► c) Complex tissue
► d) Organ system
Answer - a
► a) Necrotic Breast Tissue
► b) Shortened Cooper's Ligaments
► c) Interference with Lymphatic Drainage
► d) Blocked Lactiferous Duct
► e) Swollen Glandular Tissue
Answer- b
► a) Necrotic Breast Tissue
► b) Swollen Glandular Tissue
► c) Blocked Lactiferous Duct
► d) Calcified Fat Lobule
► e) Interference with Lymphatic Drainage
Answer- e
► a) Central Group
► b) Lateral Group and Central Group
► c) Pectoral Group
► d) Subscapular Group
► e) Cervicle Group
Answer- e
► a) Radial Artery
► b) Ulnar Artery
► c) Median Artery
► d) Thenar Artery
► e) None of the above
Answer- a
► a) Extensor Pollicus Brevis
► b) Flexor Pollicus Longus
► c) Flexor Carpi Radialis
► d) Extensor Pollicus Longus
► e) Abductor Pollicus Longus
Answer- d