Architecture Design

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“Architecture Design frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Architecture Design. These interview questions and answers on Architecture Design will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Architecture Design job interview”

10 Architecture Design Questions And Answers

2⟩ If we remove the hd of a pc wether it will run or not? If yes how or if no why?

Well that depends on a lot of variables. One is temperature.

As you know, temp is variable with location and the time of

year. Therefore it is importance that you pick the location

and it variables. Also some of the physical may alter the

results. In particular Astronomical Unit 1.496 x 1011 meters

the Atomic Mass Constant 1.6605386x10-27 kg, mass of the

proton 1.67262171x10-27 kg, mass of the neutron

1.67492728x10-27 kg and mass of the electron 9.1093826x10-

31 kg. All these taken together along with the speed of

light 9.4605x1015 m and the parsec value 3.0857x1016 m

will determine the answer to your question.


7⟩ What is length of IRON PILLAR at MEHRAULI?

Firstly the question is wrong, because the pillar has a

cylindrical shape. And cylinder has only height and radius.

So if we answer the question according to geometry, the

length of Pillar is 0(zero)inch.

And the height of pillar is 23 feet and 8 inches, and

weight= 6 tonnes.


9⟩ How to plot diagram drawn in Autocad?

For plotting a drawing first of all draw the drawing then

step i : Main menu Plot

step 2: Plot properties dailog box appears

step 3 : select the Print device from the drop down list

step 4: select the size of the paper and orientation of

drawing from the paper size options

step 5 : select the scale of plot for example for 1 : 100

scale take 0.01

then seclect the object to plot

check center option for plotting

preview your print

then print