Auto Mechanic

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“Auto Mechanic Interview Questions and Answers will guide you about an auto mechanic or car mechanic in British English and motor mechanic in Australian English is a mechanic who specializes in automobile maintenance, repair, and sometimes modification. Here you will learn the auto mechanic job getting questions and answers and techniques to answer and learn a lot of about an auto mechanic job Interview Questions with Answers”

13 Auto Mechanic Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain the maintenance list to keep your car in great running condition?

Check: battery, tires, brakes, fluid levels (washer fluid, oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering, etc), fuel filters & injectors, belts and hoses, spark plugs, alternator, and the lubrication of wheel bearings, ball joints, etc. Always be sure to follow the maintenance schedule as listed in your car manual.


2⟩ How Often Should I Change My Car Oil?

It depends on how you drive. If your car always (or nearly always) gets warmed up, and you don't drive it very hard and keep the revs down, the manufacturer's recommendation is probably fine. If, however, you drive it hard, drive it at high revs, or alternatively, if you only drive it to and from the supermarket so that it doesn't get up to temperature, then you may wish to change oil much more often, perhaps at 3000 mile intervals (given that most manufacturers are now specifying 7500 mile intervals.) If you don't drive your car much at all (about 7500 miles a year), then you probably want to change oil every six months anyway. If you are storing a car during the winter, then change oil before storing it and change oil when you bring it out of storage.


3⟩ Do I have to Go To The Dealership For Regularly Scheduled Maintenance?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Your new car warranty can be applied to any independent automotive shop. We often hear dealership horror stories where customers have to keep going back to the dealer time after time to complete a simple repair. Why waste time and money! At Alpha Auto Repair, we have qualified, trained technicians that listen to you and most importantly, GET THE JOB RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!


5⟩ Do I really Have to Rotate My Tires?

It is advisable on some cars, but not on others. Factors which may indicate whether tire rotation is necessary are independent suspension, radial tires as well as other factors. To be sure, ask your auto professional.


6⟩ My Car Is Making A Pinging Sound. What Does It Mean?

Most likely, a pinging sound coming from your engine indicates timing problems. Sometimes pinging is caused by poor quality or low octane fuel. Pinging can cause damage. We strongly advise that to have your car checked out by a professional to determine whether it’s causing damage.


8⟩ How Often Should Belts and Hoses Be Replaced?

Most hose manufacturers recommend replacing hoses every four years. With V-belts, every three years or 36,000 miles. The incidence of failure rises sharply after the forth year for hoses and third year for belts. A typical serpentine belt lifespan is about five years or 50,000 miles. Serpentine belts are thinner and more flexible than V-belts. They run cooler and last longer, but they cost about twice as much to replace.


9⟩ What Should Be Included In A Complete Brake Job?

A complete brake job should restore a vehicle’s brake system and braking performance to good-as-new condition. Anything less would be an incomplete brake job. Brake components that should be replaced will obviously depend upon the age, mileage and wear. A complete brake job should begin with a thorough inspection of the entire brake system; lining condition, rotors and drums, calipers and wheel cylinders, brake hardware, hoses, lines and master cylinder.


10⟩ What Can Make an Engine Overheat?

Overheating is caused by anything that leads to a loss of coolant, prevents the cooling system from getting rid of heat, or causes excess heat in the engine itself:

► Coolant leaks (water pump, radiator, heater core, hoses, freeze plugs, head gasket, engine internal).

► Cooling system clogged (deposits built up in radiator or in engine due to maintenance neglect or use of hard water). Use a cleaner, then reverse flush system to clean it out. A badly clogged radiator may need to be rodded out or replaced.

► Weak radiator cap (does not hold rated pressure and allows coolant to boilover). Pressure test the cape to check it out.

► Thermostat stuck shut (replace).

► Inoperative electric cooling fan (check fan motor, relay and temperature switch for correct operation).

► Bad fan clutch (replace if slipping, leaking or loose).

► Missing fan shroud (reduces cooling efficiency of fan).

► Slipping fan belt (tighten or replace).

► Too low or too high a concentration of antifreeze (should be 50/50 for best cooling).

► Bad water pump impeller eroded or loose - replace pump).

► Debris in radiator (remove bugs and dirt).

► Collapsed radiator hose (check lower hose).

► Late ignition timing (reset to specs.)

► Restricted exhaust system (check intake vacuum readings and inspect converter, muffler and pipes).

► Radiator and/or fan undersized for application


11⟩ I smell something strange. What could the problem be?

► Smoky smells are of various kinds. Electrical smoky smells are the most dangerous and it is advisable to shut down, open the bonnet, disconnect the batteries and seek professional help. Other smoky smells may occur when the sound or heat proof lining inside the engine space burns. Trace the cause.

► Fuel smells occurs either when the fuel tank venting gets choked or if there has been an overflow.

► Sometimes, oil or exhaust smells from the engine occur. This maybe caused either due to too much engine oil, or if the engine oil has grown old and is burning, or if it has been overheated.

► Musty odors indicate the existence of some trapped water, usually under the carpet. This will ruin the carpet and also speed up corrosion. The proper solution would be to remove the carpets and dry both the carpet and the floor.

► A typical sweetish smell emanates when varnish is being burnt which occurs when your dynamo or alternator is about to pack up and would, usually be accompanied by flickering lights.

► Burning rubber smells tend to come when you drive with your brakes on. Overheated tires may also be the cause.

Strange smells are an early warning signal that need to be heeded if much more time and money are to be saved later on.


12⟩ I hear a strange sound. What could the problem be?

Strange sounds tend to be sidelined in the bustle and din of our roads, and by the car stereo playing in the background. However, if the problem persists, the car will make its condition known every time you take a corner or ride over a bump. Some easily recognizable sounds are

► Strange clicking while taking a turn from the front wheels means that the front shaft is about to fall apart. Get it fixed before it actually does.

► A fan-belt squeal means that another one is needed.

► Rhythmic clicks from the wheel indicate faulty bearings at worst or just large pebbles stuck in the tread pattern at the best.

► A change in engine tone usually indicates engine overheating, especially if you have been driving at constant speeds for a long time. Stopping or varying the engine speed should be enough if there is no severe problem. Otherwise, let the car cool down and then check radiator and water levels.

► Backfiring while normal driving means serious problems and should be properly investigated. Promptly.

► Engine knocks means that it is time to get into a lower gear. If it persists, however, it is time to get your engine and engine oil checked.