Fashion Model

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“Fashion Model job test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn Fashion Model and get preparation for the new job”

74 Fashion Model Questions And Answers

1⟩ What does it take to become a model?

Models are scouted because they are unusually tall as well as being slim, and physically fit. You have to be fit and healthy to sustain a career in modelling.


2⟩ How do models stay healthy?

Models often have very tiring schedules and they need to take of themselves in order to keep up. Models need to take responsibility for their own health and fitness while being supported by the agency who represent them to do this.


3⟩ Why is the choice of model agency so important?

Models work very closely with their booking agents and often develop a close professional relationship. In a recent AMA survey, UK models represented by an AMA member agency strongly agreed that their booking agents treated them in a respectful and professional manner, with an average rating of 45 out of 50.


4⟩ Does it cost a lot of money to be a model?

As a model you are self-employed. You need your 'tools of the trade': photographs, index cards, a portfolio, representation on an agency's website etc. If you are not living at home you will need rent for accommodation and money for living expenses and travelling around. A good agent who believes in you may advance some of these expenses and reclaim them over time from what you earn.


7⟩ Do models get to travel a lot?

Yes. Some assignments are shot on location abroad. Also your UK agent will place you with agents in other capitals, eg Paris, Milan and New York. A spell with one of these can do wonders for your portfolio.


8⟩ Is there much work around for male models?

Male modelling has changed over the years. Now men are models in their own right rather than just being extras. But it can be harder for the guys - not so many really hit the big time.


10⟩ Could I be a model?

Yes, many young people can model if they have the right agency working for you and guiding you. With your parents (if applicable), approach trusted and representable modelling agencies to ensure that everything is right. Ask to see samples work such as ads and prints. Also ask to see sample of portfolio to ensure if they are from a trusted photographer.


11⟩ I want my child to be a model. Do they need a portfolio?

If your child is under the age of 5, they general do not need a portfolio. Our standard professional photos shoots will be plenty to create a composition card to promote them to clients. After the age of 5, and if you are really serious in child modeling, it is suggested that you start collecting quality photo and possibly hire a photographer to complete your portfolio.


12⟩ Why do I need an agent?

Initially the Talent Agent is employed by you (on a commission basis) to find work on your behalf. They negotiate rates of pay and ensure that the terms and conditions of your employment contract are sound. Your agent sends your details to the casting company or producer. The brief may consist of physical specifications (age, nationality, gender, hair colour, etc) as well as experience.


13⟩ How can I make my body look like a model?

Most believe that in order to become a model, you must be really skinny. Recently in Australia, there has been great concern of the overall health of women in modeling. At IKON, we encourage that our models have a health and natural look by eating a healthy diet and providing exercise tips. See our Classes and Workshop page on health and beauty.


14⟩ How do I get a modeling portfolio?

To get a modeling portfolio there are a few options. The first is to take them yourself or get friends to take them; however, this is not recommended due to photos looking unprofessional. The other option is to pay a professional to take them for you: advantage: they look good, but the disadvantage is of course is with regard to cost.


15⟩ I want to model, but I have a tattoo. Is this a problem?

This is not necessarily an issue but it does depend on what sort of modeling you want to do. Many types of fashion spreads have models that do have tattoos. In some cases, these ads want models with an edgy look. Also, if the tattoos are small enough, they can easily be covered up. However if you want to be a catwalk model or high fashion, this could be a problem. Most fashion designer to not want their clothes to compete with tattoos. For high fashion, tattoos really do not send the right image when displaying high quality clothes.


17⟩ What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is simply the name given to a collection of related items. In modeling, a portfolio is a collection of your photos. A portfolio allows clients to look at your work and modeling career which in many cases, provides the clients with your range of looks you could offer.


18⟩ What is an open call modeling audition?

An open call modeling event is when an agency basically opens its doors for anyone to walk in and meet the respective agency. These events, you do not need a portfolio; however, you need to have a professional attitude, clean and health look, and properly dresses. For more information see open calls page in become a model or become an actor/extra page.


19⟩ Why do models look better in photo-shoots than in real life?

This is because photo shoots are brilliantly done in order to maximize the positive features of the models. The lighting, the makeup, the clothes, the angles and the sheer number of photos taken will ensure that there are some good photos. Also, in most cases, the photographers have plenty of experiences in capturing great photos. And of course in the last decade or so then the process of airbrushing has enabled any not so good bits to be removed and make the photos even better.


20⟩ How much interest you have in fashion?

One of the most common interview questions in the fashion industry is to ask what your interest is in fashion. The employer wants to know you're serious about pursuing a career in fashion. Companies spend a lot of time and money training employees, so before they make that investment, they want to make sure you're not just applying for a job in the industry on a whim.