Head of Disaster

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“Head of Disaster frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Head of Disaster. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

5 Head Of Disaster Questions And Answers

4⟩ Please tell us can you offer some disaster recovery storage best practices?

There are a number of technologies we can leverage from a best practices standpoint. Obviously, each technology will have to fit the need, and we’re talking about the volume of data that’s backed up. Traditionally, we’d use tape, today, we’d use more and more disk. And some instances, in small environments, you can use removable media. With that said, the one common element to all of these is that data needs to be taken elsewhere, offsite, or away from the main location.


5⟩ Can you explain what are the pros and cons of cloud disaster recovery?

For smaller companies, if you remember a few years back, we had Mozy purchased by EMC, these are useful for small amounts of data where you can send it across the network to a home connection. When you’re increasing the amount of data you’re backing up, because the backup itself is incremental or block-level, or file-level, depending on how its done, that’s all fine and dandy, the data is protected. Accessibility when you need the data becomes the issue,