Legal Assistant

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“Legal Assistant job related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Legal Assistant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

34 Legal Assistant Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Legal Assistant?

Employee of a company who supports the executive, CEO, or manager and has ability to make decisions that affect the company. In addition, the executive assistant will also perform similar responsibilities as an administrative assistant, involving research, communications, correspondence, and office management. In some organizations, the executive assistant will attend meetings or conferences in place of the executive.


3⟩ Have you look at our company website?

It's essential that you do look at the company website before any interview if you're serious about the job. If for some reason you didn't take a look, don't lie, but it will look like you don't care about the role.


4⟩ Tell me something about yourself as Legal Assistant?

A great chance to sell yourself. Plan well, be precise and practice in front of anyone you can find. Try to touch upon a little bit of your personal self, this will give the interviewer a good insight into your personality.


5⟩ Which type of personalities do you work best with?

They are clearly looking to see if you can get along with people. You could mention here that you are a hard worker, but also spend a lot of time at work with people and that you often socialise out of work time with your work colleagues. This implies that you get on well with them.


7⟩ Do you rate your computer skills?

It's a good idea to mention that you create presentations and reports using graphs, charts, pivot tables on a recurring basis and are quite comfortable working on social media sites. You need to come across as an advanced user of Microsoft Office products and are keen to learn new skills.


10⟩ Who is Legal Assistant?

Executive Assistant is a broad job category that designates an individual who provides various kinds of executive support to people and groups in business enterprises.


16⟩ Give me more information about (blank) that you mentioned earlier?

A hiring manager has a set amount of time to conduct an interview, so there may be some things he or she only briefly touches upon. Seize the opportunity to clarify anything that seems vague or confusing to you by asking the interviewer to revisit one or more of those topics when it's your turn to ask questions.


18⟩ What are your next steps asked them?

This shows you're interested in continuing to move the process forward and it gives the interviewer a chance to share a bit more about the process and/or how many others are in the running for the executive assistant position.