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“Inside Executive Sales related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Inside Sales Executive. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

28 Inside Sales Executive Questions And Answers

4⟩ What is your psychology of selling?

This is where you demonstrate your understanding of the entire structure of selling. Focus on your view of selling as a professional service directed at showing the customer how your product or service meets their needs and improves their lives.

Prepare a concise sales interview answer that highlights your knowledge of how to communicate and build rapport with a client, ask the right questions, identify and understanding the client's values, motives and needs, offer the appropriate solutions, handle objections and close the sale. Include adapting to different personality types and using persuasive communication skills.


5⟩ What do you like and dislike about the sales process?

This question is asked to explore the candidate's self-awareness and motivation. Know your strengths in the sales process as these will translate into what you like. Your "likes" and strengths should correspond to the main priorities of this sales position.

For example, if your strength is negotiating, describe how you enjoy this aspect of sales and your satisfaction at coming up with win-win solutions. Highlight how this has resulted in both satisfied customers and increased sales which is what this position is looking for.

When responding to the "dislikes" go carefully! The best approach is to choose a characteristic of your present or previous company such as its poor delivery on the sales you made or its lack of flexibility when it came to negotiating sales solutions. Answer in a positive manner as someone who is able to take these sort of problems in their stride and constructively improve on them. For example if the delivery of company products was slow and resulted in angry customers, discuss how you instituted a follow-up process that accelerated delivery.


6⟩ What you think are most important skills in succeeding in sales?

Put a number on the skills so that you can structure your sales interview answer around this. For example, "I think the 3 most important sales skills are ...". Rather than referring to specific sales techniques focus on competencies and abilities that every successful salesperson needs, such as:

► the ability to adjust your approach to different people and situations

► the ability to ask the right questions and listen carefully

► the ability to deal with disappointment and rejection

► the ability to stay motivated with a high energy level

► the ability to plan and prepare

► the ability to influence and persuade

► the ability to negotiate and reach agreement


12⟩ Have you consistently met your sales goals?

I have always met or exceeded my professional sales goals, and most often my personal ones too, especially in the last few years. I think with experience, I have learned to set my personal goals at an attainable level, very high, but not unreachable.


13⟩ What is the psychology of selling?

This is where you demonstrate your understanding of the entire structure of selling. Focus on your view of selling as a professional service directed at showing the customer how your product or service meets their needs and improves their lives.

Prepare a concise sales interview answer that highlights your knowledge of how to communicate and build rapport with a client, ask the right questions, identify and understanding the client's values, motives and needs, offer the appropriate solutions, handle objections and close the sale. Include adapting to different personality types and using persuasive communication skills.


14⟩ What are the most important skills for sales success?

★ The ability to adjust your approach to different people and situations

★ The ability to ask the right questions and listen carefully

★ The ability to deal with disappointment and rejection

★ The ability to stay motivated with a high energy level

★ The ability to plan and prepare

★ The ability to influence and persuade

★ The ability to negotiate and reach agreement


15⟩ Which sales cycle you prefer a Long or short?

I think there are interesting points to both types of sales. I like a longer sales cycle, as it gives me time to get to know the customer, and spend time educating them about the benefits and uses of the product. Shorter cycles are more intense, since you typically don't have the luxury of too much personal knowledge of the customer, or the time for lengthy explanations. You need to hit the high priority topics rather quickly.


16⟩ How would your colleagues describe you?

I think most of my colleagues would describe me as a people person. I really enjoy the opportunity I have as a salesperson to meet with and learn about lots of interesting people from many different places.


17⟩ How your supervisor describe you?

He would describe me as a self starter. We were responsible for our sales from first contact to the close, and worked alone and independently most of the time. There were some experienced sales people who had a difficult time with the lack of structure there, but I found it satisfying to have that kind of autonomy.


18⟩ How you sell me this apple?

★ Be positive and enthusiastic

★ Emphasize the features that the interviewer will value

★ Be ready to sell

★ Be creative


20⟩ What are your strengths and weaknesses in sales?

My greatest strength is my organizational ability. I like to plan out the sales cycle to the letter, and follow it through. My greatest weakness is related to my greatest strength, because I would say that when my plan needs to change, I can be a little bit inflexible.