Siebel Basic

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“Siebel Common Frequently Asked Questions in various Siebel Basic Interviews asked by the interviewer. So learn Siebel Common with the help of this Siebel Basic Interview questions and answers guide and feel free to comment as your suggestions, questions and answers on any Siebel Basic Interview Question or answer by the comment feature available on the page.”

62 Siebel Basic Questions And Answers

4⟩ What is Client Business Service?

We can see the Business Services Client also. These are called Client Business Services we can see them in Business Service Administration Screens. We can write the script for the BS in the client itself. After writing the BS there is no need to to compile those BS's.


5⟩ How to improve your performance in views?

The basic factors for performance decrease in views will be. more number of applets. which led to many links. and more joined fields in a single applet. MVG's which do not have the primaries set.


6⟩ Explain What is detailed category in configuration,and its use?

In an application, we see a page tab let say Account. Below that we have let say My/My Teams/All Accounts. Each has a form applet showing account name, address etc. Related to this we have several tabs like account address, account profile?clicking on which show us accounts detail in that specific area.

So the Account is Aggregate category. My /my teams/all is Aggregate View?These tabs which will show details of Account is Detail Category. So any child object of a aggregate category showing details of an entity is Aggregate category.


7⟩ How is Siebel 7.x data model is different from Siebel 6.0 data model?

S_PARTY is the base tables and S_CONTACT,S_ORG_EXT,S_POSTN, S_USER are now extension tables. Siebel 6.x was dedicated application while from Siebel 7.x onwards we can access Siebel application via web.

not only s_party table but also physical user interface layer will not be there in 6.x


8⟩ When do you use genbscript.exe?

Genbscript stands for generate browser script. genbscript is used to generate browser scripts from command line interface.

Genbscript is used to generate browser scripts. It is created on application server using the srf files. The genB files generated on application servers are then transferred on the webservers.


12⟩ What is eapps.cfg file. and what is its significance?

Eapps.cfg file means swse.

This significance is which application should point to which object manager.

eapps.cfg is a single configuration file which contains configuration information,connection information,login and security settings.

it alloes the SWSE to communicate with siebel server.


13⟩ What is Virtual BC? what is the use of vbc?

Virtual Business Component is used to display the data from another Legacy database , in the Siebel UI,without actually updating the siebel database.

which in a way helps to display the required details,as well as help us with storage limitation at siebel db end.


14⟩ What are the differences between siebel 7.8 and 8.0?

The Major differences between siebel 7.x and 8.x

1) Siebel 8.0 has introduced Task UI for task automations.

2) Siebel 8.0 has Object Level check out which was not possible before.

3) Business user properties have become drop down list in tools and hence no need to remember syntax for each


15⟩ Explain How is load balancing maintained in Siebel?

Load balancing is maitained by the Gateway server using the third party software Resonate Central Dispatch.

as mentioned above siebel load bal is done by third party software such as Resonate Dispatch manager....or can be done with the help of lbconfig.txt file,which is generated at siebel server and is place in webserver.which helps in identifyin the concerned OM..and transfer the request as per the load in supoprtweb....nice document is given for it.


16⟩ Where does the Primary Field of an MVG stored?

Primary Id Field will be stored in the Parent BC.

The absolute meaning for Primary Id: introduction of foreign key of child in Parent. Means pointing all the primary id to it's all child records.The sql engine need not search whole table instead it can point to those already available. Purely database concept.Eliminating the second query on DB.


17⟩ Explain Why do we use Symbolic Strings in Siebel 77?

In Siebel the text that is displayed on the screens and views are stored in the repository and compiled to an SRF file. This includes the names of every screen, views and fields. When you display a page the server uses the SRF file to determine which fields to show and what test (strings) are associated with each fied. This model of keepijng the strings from the view definition is called symbolic strings.


Reduces the redundancy

Simplifies maintenance because only you have to maintain one string for a given Term

Reduces the localization costs, Time and inconsistences.


18⟩ How to run Genbscript.exe?

The syntax for running genbscript is:

When you run genbscript.exe, all browser scripts in the repository are generated. They are placed in a directory that you specify using the destination directory parameter (dest_dir). The genbscript.exe utility is located in:

siebsrv_root/bin or client_root/bin

genbscript config_file dest_dir [language]

For example:

genbscript c:sea15022clientinenuuagent.cfg c:sea15022clientpublicenu enu


19⟩ What is s_party table?

S_PARTY Table is the Base Table for all the Party related tables.





and etc.

the party tables can have the implied joins. the party related BC's have the S_PARTY as the base table. so, any of these tables are extension tables.

S_PARTY table is the base table for P O P(Person, Organization, Position) tables. the above mentioned tables are examples of POP tables. these tables have implicit join with S_PARTY table. row_id of S_PARTY table is the par_row_id of P O P tables.


20⟩ What is All Mode Sort?

This property determines whether or not siebel will override the sort specification and if so determines the sort that will be applied to the BC for All or Manager's view. The values are TRUE, FALSE or NORMAL

NORMAL --uses BC defined sort specification

True --Overrides the BC osrt and Uses the U1 index

False - Removes all sorting.