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“MeeGo frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in MeeGo. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

4 MeeGo Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is MeeGo?

MeeGo is a Linux kernel-based free mobile operating system project resulting from the fusion of Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo operating systems. Primarily targeted at mobile devices and information appliances in the consumer electronics market, MeeGo was designed to act as an operating system for hardware platforms such as netbooks, entry-level desktops, nettops, tablet computers, mobile computing and communications devices, in-vehicle infotainment devices, SmartTV / ConnectedTV, IPTV-boxes, smart phones, and other embedded systems.


2⟩ Tell me which is best os ios or windowsphone or android or meego?

Meego doesn't stand a chance because of it's limited availability, and the fact that it's just overly simplistic. If you want simplicity, go for Windows Phone or iOS. It doesn't even deserve to be on the list.

Windows Phone is my second choice out of all the phone operating systems. Its's very simple and elegant (even more than iOS), and is extremely stable. You will also be able to link it with Windows 8 when it comes out, and there's a possibility you could eventually run the full Windows 8 on it if it's fast enough. The only downside is that the app store is a bit small, and only has the basics currently.


4⟩ What is MeeGo Core OS?

The MeeGo Core operating system is a Linux distribution, drawing on Nokia’s Debian-based Maemo and Intel’s Fedora-based Moblin. MeeGo is one of the first Linux distributions to use the Btrfs file system as default, and uses RPM repositories.

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