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“Technical Writer frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Technical Writer. These interview questions and answers on Technical Writer will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Technical Writer job interview”

5 Technical Writer Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is the goal of ERP/SAP?Disadvantages of ERP/SAP?

SAP is basically a course pursed after completing your

graduation in engineering.Generally SAP course is preffered

in large firms or multinationals.As far as ERP and its

disadvantages are concerned i dont have information about

them...but i feel SAP would add as an advantage....


2⟩ How to create 2 table of contents in a single word...Actually, I created one table of content for module1....and in the same word i want to create another table of content for module2...IF i am following the procedure which is specified to create table of contents.....then the table of contents added for module1 is reflecting at module2 table of contents. I am unable to create table of contents for module2 in same word?

Use different table identifiers. Each TOC is given a letter

identifier, and the entries for each TOC are marked with

that letter. So "C" entries go into TOC "C".

Split the document into separate sequential bookmarked

areas. Each bookmarked part then has a TOC created for it


3⟩ What is the importance of documentation for a product based company?

In a product based company, documentation plays a huge role

in attracting new customers, helping the existing ones with

their way around the product. It is important to showcase

the product, its features, whats new scenarios, the new end

and fast solutions to certain previously known problems.

All this information should be communicated in a clear and

concise manner, that actually interests the potential user

to go a step further in getting to know more about the

product. in case of a current user, he/she should be

comfortable to look into the documentation for any

potential troubleshooting issues with the product. If a

product documentation can achieve that, it itself is a

success to the company in many ways.


4⟩ Explain an Operations Manual typical outline?

The outline should consist of no less than the following Topics:







Service and Support

This question examines their experience, because the answer

to this question is basic. This simply means a typical

draft outline would begin with these topics, but ultimately

may include more. The experienced writer never forgets the

topic "Safety", the less experienced writer may forget to

include Safety.


5⟩ How to validate information content, what you have written?

Through appropriate subject matter experts designated to

provide and review information content, and managers

designated to confirm you have communicated with these

subject matter expects. A communications and validation

process must be in place or implemented.

This question is important and provide fast information with

regards to the experience of the writer. The experienced

Technical Writer knows information content is collected

through subject matter expects typically assigned by a

Senior Manager. If they have any problem describing a

communications process for information collection and

validation, their lacking experience.