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“Test Directory frequently Asked Questions in various Test Directory job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

7 Test Directory Questions And Answers

1⟩ Test Directory interview questions and answers part One

What is report designer?

What are tools for Regression Testing? Which tool is best to do Regression Testing?

Can you explain how to import data from an excel sheet to Test director?

What is Test Director? Explain the process of Test Director.

What are most important issues to be considered while reporting the bug?


3⟩ Test Directory interview questions and answers part Three

How many tabs in TestDirector and explain them?

Difference between WinRunner and Test Director.

How do you ensure that there are no duplication of bugs in Test Director?

Difference between Master test plan and test plan.

How many types of reports can be generated using TestDirector?


5⟩ Test Directory interview questions and answers part Five

Explain the use of Test Director software.

Can you retrieve a test case once you have deleted them in Test Director?

How can we add requirements to test cases in Test Director?

How to map requirements with testcases in TestDirector?

Explain the main purpose of storing requirements in Test Director.


6⟩ Test Directory interview questions and answers part Six

How you integrated your automated scripts with TestDirector?

How can we export multiple test cases from TD in a single go?

How to customize the reports generated?

Can we upload test cases from an excel sheet into Test Director?

How to generate the graphs in Test Director?