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“Medical School frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Medical School. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

30 Medical School Questions And Answers

1⟩ Why you want to join medical school?

This question is aimed at finding out whether the student is actually interested in medicine. The best answer for this question is for you to tell the interviewer in brief about your natural and sincere interest in the medical field, and the incessant need to work together with other professionals to bring about a positive change in the world of medicine.


2⟩ Where you see yourself doing after medical school?

It is true that most of the educational certificates today are not used for various reasons. Therefore, any medical college will want to have some kind of guarantee that the seat they give you is not wasted. This question may be one of the few ways in which the medical school tries to find out whether the admission they give you will actually be useful or not.


3⟩ What is Medical School?

A medical school is a tertiary educational institution-or part of such an institution-that teaches medicine, and awards a professional degree for physicians and surgeons. Such degrees include the Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS, MBBS, MBChB). Many medical schools offer additional degrees, such as a Doctor of Philosophy, Master's degree, a physician assistant program, or other post-secondary education.


4⟩ Why you want to join our medical school?

This question is quite important to the entire interviewing process. You need to tell them about whatever research you have done about the school, which showed you that it was worthwhile to apply to be a student there. You would have to inform them about any information that put the school in a positive light and was thus instrumental in forming your opinion about the school.


5⟩ Explain your best quality for medical school?

One has to describe his/her personal strengths (i.e. capabilities) that may support his/her future experience. In addition, one has to explain how he sees himself successfully completing medical school.


6⟩ What medical schools looking?

Medical schools are interested in applicants with excellent academic abilities (as shown in grades and MCAT scores), strong interpersonal skills (often demonstrated in volunteer, leadership and employment situations), clear motivation for medicine (as shown by significant involvement in medical settings), and demonstrated compassion and concern for others.


7⟩ Why you want to be a doctor?

Do not be afraid to show your feelings and emotions, show that determination, also do not be afraid to divulge incidences in your life that shaped you and are dear to you, i.e. situation that moved you or the passing of a close family member (not grandparent, everyone goes through this one and will not set you apart from other applicants) or friend. This answer MUST be an honest one and should come from the heart. Interviewers are looking for honesty in this question and will be able to tell by your body language and tone of voice. Only an honest answer can give you that body language and tone of voice that you need get through to the interviewer on a deeper level.


8⟩ When you decide that you wanted to go to medical school?

Remember to make this unique to you. Do not make up a story, but try to add "You" to the story. Many fellow applicants will have similar stories about family members being sick and spending time in the hospital. Try to give a personal twist on why you decided that you to want to be a doctor.


9⟩ Why our medical school would be a good fit for you?

This will take some time on your part, similar to the last question. Learn about the school, learn about their faculty, their facilities and their affiliated hospitals. Do they have a nice quiet location that will help you study, or are they in a busy city? In which environment will you be able to study effectively and succeed?


10⟩ What you do if you weren't accepted to medical school?

Know your application. If there are weaknesses, interviewers might point them out and tell you that it will be hard to get in with those flaws. Be prepared to discuss how you will try to strengthen your application if you weren't accepted the first time around. As an example, some applicants do research or get a job in health care as an EMT or medical assistant and then reapply. Also have an answer prepared for whether or not you would consider another profession if you didn't get into medical school.


11⟩ What is the biggest problems with our current health care system?

It is very important to stay abreast of current events in health care when on the interview trail. With all the debate over health care in the US today, there may be national news that interviewers want you to talk about. Being a physician today requires a lot more business savvy than ever before. Knowing how health care works, and having ideas about how could be fixed are great talking points during the interview.


12⟩ What is the important characteristics of a physician?

You might think "everything about me, obviously," but again this is not the right answer. Think about what you would want in a physician treating one of your family members. Would you want a hard worker, someone who is the smartest person around, or maybe just somebody who cares? Whatever you think it is, answer honestly and back it up with WHY you think that.


13⟩ How to face stressed Interview?

Designed to judge behavior when you are placed under pressure, this interview style can feel extremely negative when you're experiencing it. The questions may make you feel uncomfortable - that's what they are designed to do.


14⟩ How to faced Behavioral Interviews?

They're looking for specific attributes including critical thinking, willingness to learn, teamwork, professionalism, and the ability to be a self-starter.


15⟩ What is the biggest issue in medical field over the next some years?

There's no real right or wrong answer to this question. It's appropriate to the medical field and your answer reveals a lot about what your priorities in medicine are and your awareness of current events in the medical world.

An overly vocal tirade about problems in the healthcare industry may not be well-received, so take this into account as you prepare your response.


16⟩ What is the first impressions matter?

The tone of an interview is usually set in the first few seconds. Don't forget that you're there because you are being strongly considered. Be on time and look the part. Dress conservatively. Shine your shoes. Carry your documents in a portfolio. Make eye contact and use a firm handshake. Smile and be positive.


17⟩ How to prepare for medical school interview grooming and dress?

► Smile! Radiate confidence. Fear is fine, but keep it in your heart and not on your face or in your handshake.

► A good handshake. Practice and ask for opinions if you are unsure what this means.

► A watch. Check the time zone!!!

► A comb/brush and toothbrush for last minute touch-ups.

► Minimal jewelry, conservative style. Prepare answers to likely questions associated with an engagement ring or wedding band.

► Minimal make-up. Look polished and professional.

► Neat, non-fussy hair, kept out of your face.

► You may want a nice folder or portfolio to keep papers and pen organized.


18⟩ Medical School interview questions part 1

► What do you do if you suspect a colleague (another doc) is abusing drugs?

► Rank intellectual, compassion and integrity in the order of importance to you.

► Why physician? why not nursing?

► What part of your CV are you most proud of?

► What made you go into Medicine?

► Tell me about yourself. (Don't give a complete life history. Summarize the key points in a chronological manner and sprinkle with few details in your more recent history.)

► Why did you volunteer where you did? (see Sample Interview Question Video: Volunteering)

► Who are your heroes/role models and why? (see Sample Interview Question Video: Role models)

► Why did you apply to this medical school? (see Sample Interview Question Video: Why this medical school)

► Why do you want to be a doctor? (Give several key points in summary form). Replace very general responses like "I want to help people" with more specific intentions


19⟩ Medical School interview questions part 2

► What do you hope to gain during your medical education?

► Describe a typical day from your elementary school days.

► What questions do you have for me about our school?

► What is your weakness that concerns you most?

► Name some strategies to address the problem of smoking among teens; talk about some that haven't been tried before?

► What would your best friend say about you in convincing me I should admit you to our medical school?

► If you could be any character in history, who would it be, and why?

► How did you decide to apply to our medical school?

► Why did you choose our specific program?

► How are you a match for our medical school?


20⟩ Medical School interview questions part 3

► What do you do in your spare time?

► What other medical schools are you applying to?

► How do you view abortion?

► Would you perform abortions as a doctor? Under what conditions?

► What are three things you want to change about yourself?

► How would you describe the relationship between science and medicine?

► Think back on your undergraduate experience at SU; what would you change about it?

► If you were in charge of SU what would you change that would impact the undergraduate experience?

► Name something you are most proud of?

► Which family member has influenced your life so far and why?