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“Teacher related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Teacher. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

50 Teacher Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us how will you manage challenges at work as Teacher?

Interviewers will want to hear that you're aware of the challenges in your PGCE, teacher training or NQT year and have the stamina and dedication to cope. Perhaps describe a demanding situation, giving details of how you successfully managed the varying demands. This could be your experience of studying and working at the same time - experience of preparing lessons and managing a teaching caseload would be especially relevant.


2⟩ Tell us why should we appoint you? What would we be missing out on by not appointing you?

A related question is 'what are you bringing to the role of a teacher?'

Don't be modest in putting across your strong points during the interview. You might start with, 'As you can see from my application…' and then lead into a quick rundown of your qualifications and relevant experience. If you haven't already, present your strengths and how you can utilise to enhance education in their school.


3⟩ Explain me about your classroom management style?

Your answer should demonstrate how you achieve effective student management and control. Include aspects such as monitoring, modeling, environmental control and reinforcement. Explain how you are able to adapt your style according to the situation. Provide examples.


4⟩ Explain me what are your thoughts on team-teaching?

I am sure many of you have participated in team-teaching and realize the benefits of this strategy. The interviewer who asks this question wants to discover, if you are flexible, enjoy working in a team environment, have experience in this area, and what your viewpoints are on the subject.

It is always wise to speak about some of the positive aspects of team-teaching, such as:

It is an effective strategy for teaching large groups of students. Encourages teachers to collaborate and generate ideas ... two heads are always better than one! Talk about team-teaching experiences you have had, and the positive results that transpired.


5⟩ Tell us what qualities in you made you choose teaching as a profession?

Education is the key for the development of the society and teaching is profession where a continuous learning and sharing of knowledge happens. Personally am a very enthusiastic learner and a good communicator with a strong zeal to do contribute to the society. Hence chose this profession to enlighten the young minds and drive them for a better life.


6⟩ Tell me what techniques do you follow to ensure active participation of the students in the class?

Communication should always be two way. The teacher delivering the lesson and students listening to it is an old style; the teachers today need to be facilitators. Simple techniques like giving small assignments on the subject, conducting quiz competitions and making presentations on the topics helps students to gain interest on the subject.


7⟩ Explain me what other activities you like to be involved in the school?

Think of your own interests and share opinions in different areas like coaching the students in sports, counseling the student on creating awareness on harassment and molestation, creating awareness on healthy food habits etc which can help the society as a whole.

Describe your relations with the principal and other teachers in the current job.A good interpersonal relation with the principal and teachers is very much necessary to fulfill the objectives of the institutions. There would be some differences of opinions which need to be sorted and handled with maturity. Illustrate the situations when you have shared happy moments both professionally and in personal life with your team.


8⟩ Explain me what is your career goal and where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years?

This question is to check on how aspiring the individual is rather than just being contended with the current position.

One can say something like - My career goal is to become the head of an educational institute. The experience gained till now gives me a confident feeling that I can achieve my goal in the next 10 years.


9⟩ Tell us why do you want to be a teacher?

You need to give evidence that teaching is your first choice, not a plan B. Tell them about your motivation and aim to show your passion for teaching. Provide good examples from your time in school and the specific teaching elements that you find satisfying. Avoid broad responses such as 'I have always wanted to be a teacher'.


10⟩ Tell us what are the core skills and qualities that pupils look for in teachers?

Match the skills you have with those you know the school are looking for, as outlined in the job description or person specification. Key skills looked for in teaching interviews include:

☛ passion for teaching/the subject

☛ good communication and organisation

☛ critical thinking

☛ patience

☛ sense of humour

☛ ability to communicate new ideas and concepts

☛ liking young people.

Draw attention to your assets, however obvious some of the points on this list might seem, by giving great examples of when you have successfully demonstrated them.


11⟩ Tell me an example of when you have improved teaching and learning in the classroom and how you knew you had been successful?

Think of evidence before the interview so you are prepared with clear examples of success. Consider taking a few examples of your work, maybe feedback from others or data around student improvement. Don't be shy when talking about where you have improved teaching and learning as this is something your interviewers really want to know about.


12⟩ Tell me how have you handled a situation where a student is consistently late to your class?

This teacher interview question is designed to see how you handle a problem in your classroom. Your answer should highlight your ability to deal immediately with a potential issue in a calm and controlled manner.

Include details about questioning the student to find out the underlying cause of the problem, explaining the negative impact of his/her behavior to the student and coming to an agreed commitment to appropriate behavior in the future.


13⟩ Explain about a student who was not progressing satisfactorily in your class, what steps did you take?

This question explores your ability to foster motivation in students. Provide a specific example and demonstrate why it worked for this particular student.

Support your answer by describing other instances where you managed to motivate and encourage students using different methods.

Focus on analyzing each situation and developing an understanding of the student's issues, using the most appropriate method and resources to deal with the situation and the outcome.


14⟩ What are your greatest strengths as Teacher?

This question will probably be asked. Now, if you researched the district/school and found out what they are looking for in a candidate, you will be able to focus your response on that information, keeping in mind it is important to tell the truth. With every response you must show your VALUE to the district. This will also give them an idea on how you view your talents and skills as a teacher. Perception is critical... you must be able to confidently discuss your skills using a convincing approach.

It is important the answer shows your hard/tangible skills. For example, classroom management, curriculum development, or technology integration. These skills will show the interviewer(s) what you can do on the job. Don't stop there, you will set yourself apart from the pack if you can back up your claims with actual stories. This will build credibility... it shows you really are good at what you are claiming. Tell them about what you have done to incorporate technology into the classroom and what was the result. The result part of the story sells value... and that produces job offers.


15⟩ Tell us why are you looking for a change from your current institution?

I have been working with the current institution for the last X years and it has always been a learning experience all the while. But feel that I am entering the comfort zone and hence change is a must to ensure there is some professional development.

Looking for a new and challenging work environment where enhancing my existing skills is a must.


16⟩ Tell us in your opinion what are the categories of children based on their level of intellectual capability and what strategies do you follow to create an enthusiasm in them?

Yes, the performance of the students in the classroom as well as in the examinations help the teachers in assessing them. The categories would be bright, average and below average. The focus would be on average and below average students. Counsel the students during the monthly reviews and understand where they would need extra support and prepare a customized study plan for them. Conduct extra study hours if necessary for those students to clarify their doubts and help them gain confidence.


17⟩ Can you explain me the toughest situation you have faced in handling a student and how did you manage protecting the interest of the institution?

This kind of question tests the perseverance of a teacher to help his her students to grow as a successful person and drive them with positive attitude on different aspects of life.

Narrate a situation where you had to handle a student with a consistent behavioral problem or disobedience of instructions. How you have counseled both the student and the parents to make the student realize the mistakes committed. Give necessary chance and support to put on the same track which rest of the students are travelling.


18⟩ Tell us how good are you in time management and handle work pressure towards the end of the academic year?

Managing and planning time is very important for a teacher to ensure completion of the course of the subject at stipulated time before the academic examinations. Knowing the curriculum at the start and deadlines for both the internal and external assessment, I plan the number of hours for each lesson and strictly execute it. In case of any unforeseen disturbance, the management of the institution always supports in conducting special classes with ultimate goal of completing the syllabus.


19⟩ Tell us how would you evaluate [the lesson you just taught] and what you would do differently next time as Teacher?

This is a crucial question. Don't just describe the lesson, talk about what was successful as well as how it may have gone better. Be prepared with some suggestions of what you would change with hindsight.

Acknowledge that you have just met the pupils and probably don’t know them very well. Before the lesson, ask if you can have a seating plan or list of the pupils' names. Consider the progress of individuals in the lesson and try to remember some of their names if you can, giving the panel some suggestions of what your follow up would be.


20⟩ Explain me about a challenging discipline problem you had. How did you manage it as Teacher?

Teachers regularly experience various types of disruptive student behavior, from the frustrating but relatively minor problem of talking during class, to more challenging problems, like students confronting the authority of the teacher.

Provide a specific example and in your answer show your ability to have planned ahead for such instances by having measures in place and a clear action plan to deal with serious discipline problems.

Support any disciplinary action you took with reasons as to why it was effective and why you used it. The interviewers are looking for an effective classroom behavior management plan.