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“Musical Instrument Maker related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Musical Instrument Maker. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

60 Musical Instrument Maker Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is octave?

The interval between two musical notes, the upper one of which has twice the pitch of the lower one. In a major or minor scale, the distance of this interval lies eight steps* away, hence the term “octave.” (*in the major or minor scales, the eight steps are actually a combination of “whole steps” and “half-steps”)


2⟩ Suppose I Want To Design My Own Board, What Should I Do?

The reference designs for the Arduino boards are available from their specific product pages. They're licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, so you are free to use and adapt them for your own needs without asking permission or paying a fee. If you're looking to make something of interest to the community, we'd encourage you to discuss your ideas on the hardware development forum so that potential users can offer suggestions.


4⟩ What is solo?

For one player (musician), or to be played alone. In an orchestral work it has come to mean the important line or part for one player, while soli would be the same for a group or section of players.


5⟩ Do you know which Are The Official Arduino Boards?

The official Arduino boards are the ones listed on the product page. These are boards whose manufacturers work with the Arduino team to ensure a good user experience, compatibility with the Arduino software, and a quality product. In return for their status as official boards, the manufacturers pay a licensing fee to the Arduino team to support the further development of the project.

In general, we restrict use of the name "Arduino" to the official boards. If you find a product under a different name but described as "Arduino compatible", it’s probably not an official board and doesn’t fund continued work on the project.


6⟩ What is tonic?

A pitch that is the first degree of a major or minor scale and the tonal center of a piece composed in a particular key.


8⟩ Tell us can we Program The Arduino Board In C?

In fact, you already are; the Arduino language is merely a set of C/C++ functions that can be called from your code. Your sketch undergoes minor changes (e.g. automatic generation of function prototypes) and then is passed directly to a C/C++ compiler (avr-g++). All standard C and C++ constructs supported by avr-g++ should work in Arduino.


9⟩ What is adagio (Italian)?

Meaning a slow tempo or slow speed. Sometimes it is the name of a work like Mozart's Adagio for Violin and Orchestra.


11⟩ What is harmony?

The simultaneous combination of pitches, especially when blended into chords that are pleasing to the ear.


12⟩ What is measure?

A measurement of time in music that contains a specific number of pulses defined by a time signature, and that is contained within bar lines.


13⟩ What is opus (Latin)?

Meaning work. Work numbers are usually assigned by the composer. Often the opus numbers are assigned in order of composition, but at times the numbers are assigned by order of publication.


14⟩ What is theme?

The most important melody at any specific time in a musical work. There can be one main theme in a work, or many themes.


15⟩ Tell us what is your design process?

This varies. I always jot down ideas in a notebook whenever they come to me. I do very rough drawings to remind me of what I was thinking, but mostly I will play with the willow to achieve different textures that excite me.


16⟩ Do you know how to Program The Module?

To program the littleBits Arduino module, you simply connect it to a computer running the Arduino software via USB and connect a littleBits power module to one of the module inputs. From there, you only need to select Arduino Leonardo in the board dropdown menu and the port your computer has opened for it. On a Mac, it will be something like /dev/tty.usbmodem and in Windows, it will display as COMM1 or similar. When your sketch is ready, press upload in the IDE.


17⟩ What is chord?

When two or more notes or pitches are sounded simultaneously a chord is created.


19⟩ What is major?

This refers to a specific chord or key.

☛ A. When it refers to a chord, then the chord has three musical pitches with the space between the first and second pitches being four half steps, and the distance between the second and third pitches being three half steps. A half step is the smallest interval (space or distance) in traditional western classical music. It is the distance from any key on the piano to the closest adjoining key (white or black).

☛ B. When major refers to a key, it is the central tonality upon which a work or movement is constructed, and will usually use the same tonic chord as the central or “destination” chord of the composition. For example, the Schumann Symphony No. 3 is in the key of E-flat major, and the first and last movements begin and end in the key of E-flat. Of course many keys and chords are used throughout this five movement work, but the most prominent one is E-flat.


20⟩ What is scale?

An ordered succession of adjacent pitches, arranged in a sequence of whole steps and half steps, for example the major or minor scales. A specific scale is defined by its characteristic interval pattern and by its most prominent pitch, known as its tonic.