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“Clear Case frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Clear Case. These interview questions and answers on Clear Case will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Clear Case job interview”

7 Clear Case Questions And Answers

2⟩ Tell me any 5 best SCM practices?

Some of them are :

Organize versioned artifacts into versioned components.

Organize versioned components and subsystems into versioned


Create baselines at project milestones.

Record and track requests for change.

Organize and integrate consistent sets of versions using


Maintain stable and consistent workspaces.


3⟩ What are version control tools? How are they use full can any body name few version control tools?

Version control : versioning is the making of copies of data

at some meaningful point in order to return to that point at

a later date, if necessary.

In Software feild so many version control tool are there

SCM tool

VSS tool

cvs tool

pvcs tool

Rational clearcase proides tool support versions all types

file and directories in source repositry .

software feild best version tool is clearcase it support

version control,merging,compare version of software

resource,parallel development...

Version control tools help multiple users to make

simultaneous changes to a collection of documents/files,

without clobbering each others' work or resulting in version



5⟩ Explain Where do you specify the license host details when you setup the Clearcase for the first time?

In linux edit the file license_host /var/adm/atria/config

from the follwing location and then add the license host

name and in windows select the clearcase from contol panel

by switching to classic view then in the licnesing tab you

will find the the radio button use clearcase license server

host select it and specify the license host name.


6⟩ Do you know how to start the albd_server in windows if it is stopped?

We can use below commands in command promt.

c:>>>> net start albd.

and another way is

Click Start > Control Panel

Double-click > Administrative Tools folder

Double-click >the Services icon

Double-click >Atria Location Broker service

and start albd.

one more is in conrol panel.there u can see the clearcase

icon and double click on that icon.

click on services start up.

there u can see the albd status if albd service is stop

start albd service.


7⟩ Can you explain What does aldb_server do?

The albd server handles a varienty of tasks.

when a cleint program wants access a service ( avob or view

serverfor example)on cleracase host,it uses a remote

procedure call to send a request to the albd server on that

host. the albd server starts the requested services if it

is not already started. then isssues a responce telling the

client the service's port number. thereafetr the client

communicates directly with the specific service, without

invoving the albd_server.

responding to requests for registry information on rational

cleracase registry on server host.

responding to requests for licenses information on a

rational cleracase license server hpst.